Thursday, July 11, 2024

Get Ready For Big Media To Make Another Biden Pivot

  Issues & Insights (

"Late night comics such as Steven Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel will probably try to make his ramblings kind of lovable — Joe says the darndest things." 

"Now that the mainstream news outlets have been forced to admit that President Joe Biden is suffering serious mental decline – something we’ve been tracking here since March 2020 – they’ve decided that Joe must go. But Biden is so far refusing to step down.

"So, what will the media do if Democrats can’t kick Biden to the curb? We have no doubt that they will suddenly go right back to saying: “He’s sharp as a tack! Better than ever! And all that talk about mental decline is just right-wing cheap-fake propaganda.”

"As J. Peder Zane, an editor for RealClearInvestigations and a columnist for RealClearPolitics, put it:

If it becomes clear Joe won’t go, the party and its propaganda outlets will quickly pivot. Discussions of his physical and mental capacities will be shoved down the memory hole. His continuing gaffes and incoherence will be largely ignored, cast as boring facts that are already ‘baked in the cake’: Voters know about his limits so what’s the point of harping on them? Late night comics such as Steven Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel will probably try to make his ramblings kind of lovable — Joe says the darndest things. If Biden bows out, his replacement will be cast as the second coming of well, Jesus Christ, offering a path to salvation for an imperiled land.

"Zane is absolutely right. And the Media Research Center is already seeing signs that “the networks have begun to fall back in line.”

"Doing a 180 will be easy for the mainstream media since they’ve already done it once. Remember that just moments before the debate, any talk about Biden’s mental health was strictly verboten.

"Sure, the White House staff did whatever it could to keep Biden carefully stage-managed. But reporters, who knew all along how bad Biden was, refused to tell the public the whole story – and accused anyone who dared point out Biden’s decline of “carrying water for Trump.”

"That alone is a huge scandal. But there will be no accountability. The media have already given themselves a pass by claiming that they were Shocked! Shocked! to discover how damaged Biden is.

"Democrats and their corporate media propaganda arm have made it abundantly clear that they will do anything and everything to keep Donald Trump from reclaiming the presidency. For now, they think casting Biden aside is the right move." . . .

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