Thursday, July 11, 2024

More Bad News on the Electric Vehicle Front: UPDATED: Issues & Insights

 Chris Talgo - American Thinker

. . ."As they say, you only have one chance to make a first impression. And, based on Americans’ reluctance to purchase EVs, I think it’s safe to say at this point that the EV rollout has been a disaster so far . . ."

. . ."Aside from the lackluster sales figures and alleged scams, the EV industry is facing several vexing problems that seem almost insurmountable at this point in time.

"For instance, over this summer alone, there have been numerous reports of people being trapped inside EVs due to dead batteries. In some of these cases, toddlers have been locked inside of sweltering cars.

"In one example, on June 20, Renee Sanchez was eager to take her two-year-old granddaughter to the Phoenix Zoo. Early that morning, Sanchez strapped the toddler into the backseat of her Model Y Tesla. After closing the rear door, Sanchez attempted to open the front door. However, it would not open because the battery was dead.

“ 'I could not get in. My phone key wouldn’t open it. My card key wouldn’t open it,” Sanchez told a local news network. In a panic, Sanchez called 911. Within minutes, thankfully, the fire department showed up.

“ 'The first thing they said was, ‘Uggh, it’s a Tesla. We can’t get in these cars,’” Sanchez said. “And I said, ‘I don’t care if you have to cut my car in half. Just get her out.’”

"Fortunately, the firefighters used an ax to break the back window. Then, they climbed in and unstrapped the toddler, literally saving her life.

"Although the toddler was okay, Sanchez said they both were traumatized by the incident. After her granddaughter was rescued, Sanchez couldn’t help but think, “oh my God, this could have been so much worse.” She was angry. And rightfully so." . . .

I admire Elon Musk and wish him well, but tend to associate EVs with Liberal-Hollywood-Biden-Newsom and lose the warm fuzzies. TD

Chris Talgo (ctalgo@heartland.orgis editorial director at The Heartland Institute.

. . .The lack of progress cannot be explained away by the challenges faced by any infrastructure buildout, though Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg tried to do exactly that when he said the project is more involved “than just plunking a small device into the ground.” No, what we have is an administration that is insisting that the contractors hired to do the work fall in line with the Democrats’ political demands. . .

. . ."A “survey among leaders in the EV charging industry” recently found that 75% “of electric vehicle charging station developers and operators say electric grid limitations present a significant barrier to deploying commercial EV charging infrastructure,” says Utility Dive. Apparently “a large number” of these businesses “have been unable to secure the energy they need for their projects and have resorted to installing fossil fuel-powered generators to run their chargers.” . . .

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