Friday, July 12, 2024

Has the Media Been Covering Up President Biden’s Cognitive Decline?

 Kurt Mahlburg - Intellectual Takeout  

. . ."To the degree that the mainstream media didn’t see President Biden’s decline is the degree to which they were avoiding seeing it. They looked away until they could look away no more." . . .

 "For the last 17 months of his two-term presidency, following a severe stroke, President Woodrow Wilson (1856–1924) was barely functional.

"Behind the scenes, Wilson’s wife Edith stepped in to effectively serve as de facto commander-in-chief. She even earned herself the title “Secret President” and “first woman to run the government,” according to her official White House biography.

"The parallels between Woodrow Wilson and President Joe Biden might not be exact, but they are hard to ignore.

"Biden has faced disastrous polls since going head-to-head with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. All eyes are now on Biden’s age and apparent cognitive decline since the pair’s last electoral matchup in 2020.

"To be fair, the current POTUS is certainly more functional than Wilson was: It would be near impossible to conceal a Woodrow-like condition in the White House given today’s 24-hour news cycle and incisive social media scrutiny.

"It is no surprise that the White House and prominent Democrats have denied reports of Biden’s declining mental acuity. That is, it could be argued, their job.

"What’s far less forgivable is the role the media has played in such denials.

"Voicing the concerns of many, Newsmax host Todd Starnes asked over the weekend, “How many White House correspondents will be fired for their part in the coverup of Biden’s health. They all knew. They had a front row seat.”

"Indeed they did." . . .

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