Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The New Olympic Sport: Woman Beating

There appears to be a strange serendipity in that people who declare these men to be women also tend to feel Joe Biden has been a great President. Maybe even worthy of being on Mount Rushmore. TD

Brian C. Joondeph

Women athletes should just say 'no' and refuse to compete against biologic men. No women, no competition, no games, no viewers, no revenue. The left won’t behave based on logic or common sense, but they will over money. Time to Bud Light the Olympics!

. . ."A female volleyball player was “left paralyzed with brain damage by transgender opponent who 'cackled with delight' after knocking her to ground.” A trans-female MMA fighter fractured the orbital socket of a biologic female MMA fighter about a decade ago.

"Trans apologists pooh-pooh an orbital fracture as no big deal despite the fact that it can cause blindness due optic nerve compression. Are they dismissing paralysis too?

"Biologic males competing against women turns Title IX and the entire women’s rights and empowerment movements upside down. Helen Reddy once sang, “I am woman, hear me roar.” Roaring about the injustice now will lead to personal and professional ruin via the woke police." . . .

. . ."Left-wing corporate media defend this travesty.

"From the Economic Times:

The biological profile of Khelif depicts a complex scenario. She has differences of sex development (DSD), a condition where she was born a woman and identifies as such. Her increased testosterone levels and XY chromosomes—characteristics commonly associated with male athletes—are the outcome of this disorder. The reason behind her disqualification from the 2023 World Boxing Championships was her excessive testosterone levels, which also caused her to fail a gender eligibility test.

"Sorry but XY chromosomes are male, not “commonly” male, even if the genitals are ambiguous. The National Institute of Health defines, “Females have two X chromosomes in their cells, while males have one X and one Y.”

It seems the IOC can’t define a woman, similar to Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson who also can’t define a woman.  

  The left failed to see this was ripe for parody. 

 Referee Warns Olympic Women’s Boxing Finalists Not To Punch Each Other In The Testicles

. . ."Boxers Imane Khelif of Algeria and Lin Yu-ting of Taiwan, who prepared to face off in the final after mercilessly pounding women with their fists, agreed that hits below the belt would not be acceptable. "It's quite painful," Khalif said through an interpreter. "No one competing for the women's gold medal should have to experience being hit in the testicles.'"

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