Friday, September 13, 2024

Merrick Garland's failures

 Peter Olsson - American Thinker

. . ."Any American can see the difference between the FBI raid President Trump’s Florida home and the passive, gentle, polite way the FBI investigated Joe Biden’s homes and offices in search of important documents." . . .


. . ."The most glaring failure in Garland’s leadership occurred when his appointed counsel Robert Hur refused to indict President Joe Biden for his obvious classified records crime on the grounds of Biden’s compromised cognition and memory function. Instead of disciplining Hur or pursuing further duty under section 4 of the 25th Amendment to our Constitution, Garland stood silent. Garland could have appealed to Vice President Harris and other cabinet members to seek Biden’s removal via appropriate constitutional processes. Garland’s inaction has left our country with a president compromised cognitively and legally until January 2025. Did Garland ever notice Joe Biden’s cognitive failures during cabinet meetings? During individual meetings? Garland seems to maintain purity in his own performance and responsibilities by silence, passivity, or inaction." . . .

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