Sunday, September 1, 2024

Obama gets dragged like a rag doll over his new Kamala tweet—did he rip his mask off with this photo?

 "Enough about you. Let's talk about me some more." –Obama, always - Revolver News   

"Barry Obama took to X, where he published a pro-Kamala post that grabbed a lot of attention, but mostly for all the wrong reasons. Obama, who absolutely loves “identity politics,” sent out a dog whistle for his latest underwhelming DEI candidate. He posted a “how it started/how it’s going” tweet, featuring a photo of himself from 10 years ago alongside a photo of Kamala, not-so-subtly suggesting that it’s still “fashionable” to elect someone based on race. Yawn. Once again, the Democrats are focused on gender and skin color, not substance, qualifications, or policy. This is the cornerstone of their failed DEI agenda that is destroying companies all over the nation. Why on earth would we allow it to continue to destroy our country?

"Well, Obama doesn’t care about that; he just wants his fourth term.

. . . " What was really interesting was the overwhelming number of negative comments. Sure, Obama has always attracted vitriol, but it was usually balanced by plenty of positive, adoring remarks. This time, however, those positive comments are either far less or buried under a wave of negativity. This seems to signal a shift in public reaction and opinion toward an Obama post. Has he lost his luster? It may be that the American people are starting to see that the only reason the Dems push these mentally soft DEI candidates is because there are much smarter and more power-hungry people standing behind them, pulling the strings and calling the shots. The bottom line is that this country can’t withstand a fourth Obama term, and the online pushback he’s experiencing could be a sign that Americans have finally had enough." . . .

Nobody's special occasions were without Barack injecting himself front and center into them. An homage to Rosa Parks had to picture Obama in her famous seat.

And we see the fireworks on the 2009 Fourth of July:

This man with his intellect and education could have been so much better as President than he was.  TD

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