Thursday, September 19, 2024

Tiny Israel flips the tables of warfare itself on the terrorists of Hezb'allah

 Monica Showalter - American Thinker  "Today's second wave of electronic bombings on Hezb'allah members in Lebanon, apparently by Israel, has got to have the Iran-backed terrorists freaking out.

"Yesterday, some 3,000 terrorists got their Hezb'allah-approved pagers detonated on them at once, killing a few and leaving a lot with blown off hands, eyes, or private parts.

"At least one of them got it on the toilet:

"Their communications networks were cut, and most likely, Israel had already tracked their entire network location from the rigged devices in the weeks previously.

"The Israelis know who they are. They know where they live. And they are coming for them -- even on the pot.

"They did it again today with a whole bunch of other Hezb'allah electronic devices.

September 18, 2024  "They got walkie talkies, solar panels, smartphones, intercoms, a slew of electronic devices. If I were a terrorist, I wouldn't go near a car, an oven, a garage door opener, a PC, a television set, a radio, anything. I'd head for the caves in the hills and try to live like bin Laden. If I were Nicolas Maduro, who turned over at least some of Venezuela's oil production to Hezb'allah, I wouldn't want to get anywhere near those oil installations.

"Call it hot pursuit.

"These pinpoint strikes targeting Hezb'allah members, but not the civilian population they swim in, represents a dramatic paradigm shift in the history of warfare.

"Because number one, it's amazing what they did. They did a conventional strike on a couple of Hezb'allah bigshots in Beirut a couple months ago, prompting Hezb'allah to change its communication system to low-tech pagers over cell phones. Someone figured out in Israel that they could intercept the supply chain of all these pagers before they were distributed, and with just a little effort, a few recruitings along the way,  . . ."Full article...

Brings to mind that Hamas machine-gunned a row of porta-potties at the Nova music festival. TD


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