Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Babylon Bee Sues California Over 'Deepfake' Laws, Crackdown on Parody and Satire

 RTM (resistthemainstream.com)  

"The Bee’s complaint contends that satire and parody are protected under the First Amendment because they trust the American people to think and decide for themselves in the context of political debate." 

Popular satirical website the Babylon Bee has launched a legal offensive against the state of California, challenging newly enacted “deepfake” laws that could potentially muzzle parody and satire.

"The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, takes aim at legislation signed by Governor Gavin Newsom that targets the publication of what the state terms “materially deceptive content.”

"The Daily Wire reported that the legal action comes in response to a series of laws passed by the California legislature, seemingly inspired by a tweet from Governor Newsom suggesting that parody videos should be “illegal.” 

"These new regulations require social media platforms to act as watchdogs, identifying and removing content deemed deceptive or labeling it appropriately.

"Elon Musk punched Newsom back after he took aim at a parody ad for presidential candidate Kamala Harris the tech mogul had posted." . . .

American Liberty In The Balance

  Issues & Insights 

 "Either way, the Democratic Party is serious about quashing speech that inconveniences its campaign to establish a political power base that cannot be challenged. Liberty is on the ballot this fall, just as it is every time a Democrat runs for office anywhere in this country."

"John Kerry, maybe the most pompous politician of our lifetimes, admits that the First Amendment is an obstacle to the Democrats’ hard-left agenda. It’s a deeply disturbing statement perfectly in line with the party’s irrepressible authoritarian urges.

"At last week’s Sustainable Development Impact Meetings of the World Economic Forum, Kerry, a long-time U.S. senator from Massachusetts, secretary of state for four years of the eight-year Obama nightmare, Joe Biden’s climate czar and a failed presidential candidate, acknowledged that his party wants to censor speech that it doesn’t approve of.

“ 'Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence,” he said. “What we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change.”

"This was ominously followed by his warning that “there are some people in our country who prepared to implement change by other means.”

"His party will take that as a reference to Jan. 6. But the rest of us should understand that he’s saying that Democrats can take power the easy way or the hard way – so just turn it over to us in November and we won’t have to be more coercive than we already are.

"Kerry also complained that “it’s really hard to govern today.” This simply means that Democrats are finding that getting their way with policy is more difficult than in the past because the dissenting voices are now being heard on social media and from news sources that don’t believe it’s their job to put Democrats in office and keep them there.

"It’s impossible to watch the video without feeling the chill winds of censorship. Yet there’s no surprise. The political left began to abandon free speech through political correctness, then slowly, as if it had been part of a grand long-term plan, move on to government suppression of speech." . . .

Defeating Hezbollah Will Strengthen the West

  Con Coughlin :: Gatestone Institute 

 The reality, though, is that the group most responsible for causing casualties is Hezbollah which, like its Iranian-backed ally Hamas in Gaza, has no qualms about putting innocent Lebanese civilians in harm's way.

 "The Israeli military campaign against Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorists is not just an exercise in safeguarding Israel from suffering further bombardment from tens of thousands of missiles and attack drones.

"An Israeli victory against Hezbollah's terrorist infrastructure in Lebanon is vital to guaranteeing the security of the entire Western alliance. It will send a clear signal to Iran -- Hezbollah's paymasters -- that the ayatollahs' unremitting campaign against the West and its allies is ultimately doomed to failure.

"It is certainly a consideration world leaders must take on board as they attempt to negotiate a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah, one that would undoubtedly be to the Iranian-backed terror group's advantage.

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after taking 11 months of continuous rocket fire and fruitless negotiations, rejected the ceasefire idea, presumably out of concern that it would only provide Hamas and Hezbollah with a chance to rearm to attack again, as they have openly vowed to do.

"After the inconclusive war Israel fought against Hezbollah in 2006, the scale of the latest Israeli assault against Hezbollah's terrorist infrastructure in Lebanon shows that, this time, the Israelis have no intention of ending their military campaign until Hezbollah is no longer in a position to maintain its relentless assault against northern Israel.

"Hezbollah launched its drone and missile attacks against Israel -- using many munitions supplied by Iran -- indiscriminately attacking Israeli civilian targets, primarily in Israel's north -- just one day after the devastating October 7, 2023 attacks.

"This uncalled for assault has resulted in an estimated 90,000 Israelis being forced to flee their homes, leaving large swathes of northern Israel deserted. Hezbollah has said that those Israelis will not be able to return to their homes, raising concerns that Hezbollah, which had been planning to invade northern Israel, might also be planning to occupy it." . . .

Greg Gutfeld SHREDS Fake News for Ignoring Report on 13,000 Killer Migrants Inside the US - Thanks To Kamala, Democrats

 (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft   "Greg Gutfeld took a blowtorch to the fake news media on Monday’s show for ignoring the report released Friday by ICE revealing Democrats and Kamala Harris have welcomed over 13,000 killers and 15,000 sex abusers into the American homeland.

"Has there ever been another country in world history that has allowed 13,000 killers to walk freely into their country?

"Gutfeld gutted the fake news media for ignoring this critical report that affects every family and every person in the US today.

"Gutfeld, not one to mince words, lambasted the press for intentionally ignoring the facts, despite the source being none other than ICE—Immigration and Customs Enforcement—our own government agency.

"This is not your daddy’s Democrat Party!"

"In a normal, functioning democracy, “Border Czar” Kamala Harris would be removed from the presidential campaign and face criminal charges for endangering the lives of EVERY American.

"As The Gateway Pundit reported on Friday — A recent ICE report has confirmed the devastating consequences of the Biden-Harris regime’s disastrous open border policies.

"According to the report from the Deputy Director of ICE Patrick Lechleitner sent to Congressman Tony Gonzalez, over 662,000 illegal immigrants with criminal histories are currently on ICE’s national docket.

"Even more alarming is that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently tracking over 425,000 illegal immigrants convicted of various crimes, while 226,000 face pending criminal charges, all of whom have been released into the United States under the regime’s lenient immigration enforcement.

"Of that staggering number, over 13,000 illegal immigrants have been convicted of homicide, and more than 15,000 have been convicted of sexual assault.

"Kamala welcomed 13,000 KILLERS into America since she took charge of the border!

Leftists celebrate deaths and destruction in red states after Hurricane Helene

 Leftists celebrate deaths and destruction in red states after Hurricane Helene - Monica Showalter  "Bodies are still being pulled out of the water as North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Georgia try to clean up after the devastating destruction of Hurricane Helene.

"But that hasn't stopped leftists from celebrating the natural disaster, given that the victims died or saw their homes destroyed in states that don't always vote the way they'd like.

"Here's a charmer from the United Kingdom who teaches kids:

Here We Go... CBS Hacks "Fact-Check" JD Vance — Then Won't Let Him Speak —

 ... Then CUT HIS MIC | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Here we go…

The far-left CBS hacks moderating the debate on Tuesday took time to “fact-check” JD Vance on the 20,000 Haitian migrants that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris flew into Springfield, Ohio in the past three years.

Senator Vance then interrupted and corrected Margaret Brennan about the Biden plan to fly in illegals to American cities.

That’s when CBS cut his mic!

They wouldn’t let him speak!


Israel Delivers a Blistering Response UN Sec General's Disgraceful Call for Ceasefire

 Nick Arama – RedState  Follow in this live blog. TD

J.D. Vance Is Right: Kamala Harris Owns The Border Disaster (thefederalist.com)    

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"During Tuesday’s vice presidential debate, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance schooled Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz on who’s actually responsible for America’s ongoing border crisis: Vice President Kamala Harris.

The moment came when CBS “moderator” and Democrat hack Magaret Brennan asked Vance if a Trump-Vance administration would “separate” illegal alien parents from their children who were born in the U.S. as part of a nationwide deportation operation. Rather than grant Brennan’s biased framing, Vance flipped the script by highlighting the disastrous border invasion caused by the Biden-Harris administration’s open border policies.

“Before we talk about deportations, we have to stop the bleeding. We have a historic immigration crisis … Kamala Harris started and said that she wanted to undo all of Donald Trump’s border policies,” Vance said. “I had a mother who struggled with opioid addiction and has gotten clean. I don’t want people who are struggling with addiction to be deprived of their second chance because Kamala Harris let … fentanyl into our communities at record levels.”

The Ohio Republican went on to say that in order to stop the border crisis, the federal government must reimplement Trump’s policies and deportations. He specifically highlighted the importance of deporting violent criminals who have committed additional offenses beyond crossing the border illegally.

Pivoting back to Brennan’s “family separation” question, Vance noted how more than 300,000 migrant children are unaccounted for by the Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security.

“The real family separation policy in this country is unfortunately Kamala Harris’ wide open southern border,” Vance said.

Tim Walz cabinet pick deletes photo from social media showing walls adorned with images of Mao Zedong and Che Guevara

Olivia Murray - American Thinker   "Would you be surprised to learn that one of Tim Walz’s cabinet-level administrators, Ida Rukavina, has posters of history’s most notorious communists, including Mao Zedong and Che Guevara, adorning the walls of her home? No? Me neither.

"Would you be surprised to learn that when someone happened to discover this via Rukavina’s social media footprint, she promptly deleted the image and won’t respond to any requests for comment from the media? Again, no? Well again, me neither.

"From Alec Schemmel’s report out at Fox News:

A cabinet-level political appointee of Minnesota’s Democratic Gov. Tim Walz decorated the walls of her home with posters of murderous communist dictators, according to a photo posted on Facebook in December 2021 that was discovered by a Minnesota resident and shared with Fox News Digital.


On Dec. 19, 2021, Rukavina posted a photo of her dog to Facebook, according to metadata attached to the image, which appears to have been deleted. In the background were clearly visible posters of communist leaders Mao Zedong and Che Guevara decorating the wall.

"And, I don’t want to hear the “maybe she just likes history” line." . . .