Saturday, January 18, 2025

Five Quick Things: Joe Biden’s Legacy Of Suck

   How do you think about all this now, Howard Stern?   

The American Spectator 
 Hey, I’m just passing along what others are saying. I have no dog in this fight. If Michelle Obama wants to ban herself from public view regardless of what circumstance that flows from, I’m all for it.

. . .1. Oh, Yeah, He’s Got a Legacy, All Right
"On Wednesday night, Joe Biden took to the airwaves to babble away at his fellow Americans, touting his “legacy” as president and then whining, in a style he attempted to steal from Dwight Eisenhower in the same way he pilfered Neil Kinnock’s speeches all those years ago, about “oligarchs” in Big Tech whom he was perfectly happy with until a year ago.
"At The Hayride and RVIVR, I put up a post in response to that. I don’t care about anything Biden said in his speech; those aren’t his words and he barely comprehended them as he read them off that teleprompter.
"But he’s got a legacy. That can’t be denied. The problem is that his legacy isn’t what he thinks it is. Biden thinks he’s a progressive hero, but what he really amounts to as a president is such a colossal failure as to actually end a political era.
"If you’re a regular reader of this column, you know the structure of American political history I talk about often (it’s a major theme of , as you might know). Which is that we’ve had three major eras in American politics. I get into the details of that more in the Hayride/RVIVR piece, but my thesis for a while has been that the third of those eras is ending.
"And the previous endings of political eras in America have come courtesy of disastrous presidencies. John Adams’s brutal term before Thomas Jefferson blew him away in the election of 1800 precursed the beginning of the major political eras in our history was the first era and then came the fiascoes of James Buchanan, who ended it, and Herbert Hoover, who ended the second.
That brings me to Joe Biden." . . .

 Janet Yellen throws another can of garbage into the Biden dumpster fire economy  "After four years of allowing Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats to spend up a storm and calling inflation "transitory." Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is suddenly concerned about the debt ceiling.". . .

Yellen didn't complain at all the last two months as Biden has been sending money to green pushers as fast as he could.

 Biden has been paying off student loans illegally ... and Yellen didn't say a word. 
 No complaints as Biden sent unlimited funds to Ukraine. 
 Didn't say a word as Biden ran up a $2 trillion deficit in a supposedly great economy. 
 Nor did she say a word when Democrats threatened to close the government instead of agreeing to lift the debt ceiling. 
 But as soon as Trump takes office she says the U.S is in a world of trouble." . . .

Joe Biden: last-minute sabotage fails 

. . ."Suffice it to observe there are multiple federal and state laws guaranteeing equal treatment for women--America has greatly changed since 1923--and God only knows what the ERA, had it ever been lawfully ratified, might have meant in an age when “gender identity” trumps biology.

"But, determined to stick another thumb in American’s eyes, enter Biden’s handlers." . . .

UPDATE: Biden burns it all down on his way out the door   . . ."Even politicos from Biden’s own party are outraged by the many get-out-of-jail-free cards the outgoing commander-in-chief has been tossing around like Halloween candy corn.

"Pennsylvania’s Democratic governor, Josh Shapiro, is incensed that Biden commuted the sentence of former judge Michael Conahan.

"One of two jurists found guilty of accepting $2.8 million in illegal payments in exchange for sending youngsters to for-profit detention facilities.

"The so-called “Kids for Cash” scandal “affected families in really deep and profound and sad ways,” Shapiro said.

" 'Some children took their own lives because of this,” he added.

“ 'Families were torn apart There’s all kinds of mental health issues and anguish that came as a result of these corrupt judges deciding they wanted to make a buck off a kid’s back.”

"The prez and his toadies crowed that offenders placed on home confinement had “reintegrated into their families and communities.” . . .


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