Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Biden Regime Remains Hell-Bent on America’s Destruction; Can it be any clearer that they hate America?

Who can say that numerous Biden speeches were not a call to assassinate President Trump? 
American Free News Network   
"One thing is clear: the minions in the Biden White House are maniacally focused on damaging the incoming Trump administration. They are the most anti-American White House staff in American political history. Can anyone name any major policy initiative that the Biden regime has implemented that has actually been beneficial to the American people? Everything they’ve done has been America Last!"

. . ."Let us contrast what the Biden regime has done to undermine America in its final weeks in power with what Trump has already accomplished as noted above BEFORE HE HAS EVEN BEEN SWORN IN!

"Here’s a list of some of the last acts of Biden regime’s anti-American perfidy since Election Day:

"Impeding border wall construction. The Biden regime is 
selling off portions of the border wall before Inauguration Day despite the fact that a big factor in voters’ minds was Biden’s disastrous open border policy.

"Clemency and pardons arbitrarily granted to criminals. In a massively cynical act, drug traffickers, crack dealers, cartel leaders and fraudsters were on President Joe Biden’s list of nearly 1,500 individuals to whom he granted clemency on 12 December. The random actions undermine the rule of law and exacerbate divisiveness among Americans and undermine Americans’ confidence in their government and legal system.

"Hunter Biden’s blanket pardon. This unprecedented pardon effectively masks over ten years of Hunter Biden’s business dealings with Chinese business concerns connected directly to the CCP (and almost certainly unprosecuted FARA violations and potentially other crimes). The pardon also masks Joe Biden’s own involvement with some of those same Chinese business concerns on behalf of his son, making it more difficult for the incoming Trump administration to discern, investigate, and elucidate the corruption and what exactly that corruption bought the CCP.

"Permission granted to California and 11 other states to ban the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035. This is just the latest bit of proof that the Biden administration is intent on phasing out America’s long-held strengths in oil, natural gas, and gasoline-power vehicle manufacturing while encouraging Americans to invest in green technology and buy electric vehicles that require components that contain rare earth elements. China gains much from this Biden gift, having a stranglehold on REE productiondominates production of green technology and being the world’s largest producer of electric vehicles.

"A five-year extension of the US-China science pact. The original pact was signed during the Jimmy Carter administration and has resulted in US technology transfer that has helped modernize the Chinese People’s Liberation Army over the past 45 years, including torpedo, missile, satellite, and dual use technologies. The science pact is simply another Chinese mechanism to wrest military and technological secrets from the US.

"Green boondoggle loans. As reported on 17 December, the Biden Energy Dept is approving a last-minute “record $15 billion low-interest loan commitment to California utility company [Pacific Gas and Electric] to support hundreds of projects aimed at fighting the effects of climate change and improving the electrical grid.” More economic insanity that adds to the ballooning national debt that the Trump administration will have to deal with!" . . .

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