Monday, February 8, 2010

Without Murtha, Dems now one vote short of passing ObamaCare in House

Hot Air "Back in November, the House passed its health care bill by a narrow 220 to 215 margin, with 39 Democrats voting against it. Since then, the one Republican who voted for it — Joseph Cao — has indicated that he would not support the bill a second time around given the weaker language on abortion in the Senate version. In addition, Florida Rep. Robert Wexler already retired prematurely. Factor in Murtha’s death today, and Pelosi is down to 217 votes — one short of passage. "

House GOP to Obama: We’ll meet with you about ObamaCare — if you agree to start over

Hot Air "I think this is a bluff, incidentally — the GOP’s not actually going to boycott The One’s invite for a televised meeting lest it seem petulant — but using the invite as a platform to raise these issues before accepting is a shrewd move." Negotiations Without Preconditions for Iran, But Not Republicans "In inviting Republicans to the negotiating table for the first time later this month, Obama has imposed the precondition that the negotiations start with the Democratic versions of health care legislation..."

A regime of resentment

David Nace , AT "In 1980, Ronald Reagan ushered in a new era of optimism and prosperity. By reducing the burden of taxation and allowing ordinary Americans to achieve their potential, we ended an era of rampant inflation and produced a decade of prosperity. By pursuing a policy of Peace Through Strength, America won the cold war and forced the break up of the Soviet Union."

NYT: Audi's Green Police Ad 'Put the Mental in Environmental'

Newsbusters "In it, ordinary citizens are arrested for using plastic instead of paper, throwing away batteries, not recycling orange rinds, possessing incandescent light bulbs, and setting their hot tub thermostats too high all while Robin Zander sings refashioned lyrics to Cheap Trick's '70s classic "The Dream Police." "

Viet Nam, Holder, Obama, and the Christmas Day Terrorist

American Thinker "In April of 1968, I was a young infantry captain operating near the coast of Quang Nam Province in South Viet Nam. We captured prisoners who meant us grievous harm. Go back there with me for a few minutes, see how we handled that kind of situation, and then we'll return to today and examine Eric Holder's actions with that context in mind. "...."That was a textbook tactical situation where the prompt interrogation of captured enemy combatants led to successful battlefield results, ultimately saving the lives of many American soldiers, perhaps mine included. We treated prisoners as intelligence assets to be promptly exploited, not as criminal suspects absurdly presumed to be innocent prior to some kind of moronic trial for show."

AP misreports Tebow ad content

Hot Air "Further, Tim Tebow does not say “the family must be tough,” but Pam who teases her son about her concern that he’s not as tough as she is. Tim Tebow doesn’t talk about the pregnancy at all." Watch the ad . And this: Horror: Gametime Tebow ad features domestic violence! Update: Prediction fulfilled. More yet here: Much ado about nothing - The Tebow ad . "Congratulations to CBS and the Super Bowl for the brief time-out from the game to celebrate Tebows' focus on their family."


Boortz "There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, and Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on 'Macbeth'." He said that, not me. No,no,no, not me.

Which is the Real ‘Racist’ Party: Fifteen Questions for Democrats

Big Journalism "Is the GOP the party of white people? Let’s test the good doctor’s diagnosis. Fifteen questions follow. The correct answers are provided at the end. No peeking!"

He Won’t Listen… Obama Says KSM May Still Be Tried in NYC

Gateway Pundit "Later Sunday, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., responded: “Based on the security, logistical and cost concerns raised by the mayor and the police commissioner, it is not feasible to have the trials in New York. The administration should realize that and move on.” "

Iranian Supreme Leader “Very Optimistic” That Zionist Regime Will Soon Face Annihilation

Gateway Pundit " “I am very optimistic about the future of Palestine and believe that Israel is moving on the precipice of wane and demise, and God willing its annihilation is for sure,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in a meeting with Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement Ramadan Abdullah Shallah here in Tehran."


Boortz "We've now come to the point where liberals throw around the "hate" word with about the same frequency as they toss in the "racist" word in a conversation. But let's face it .. when these leftists try to engage their philosophical opponents on the issues or in the arena of ideas; they lose. So they're just doing what they have to do."

No George Bush When It Comes to Our Allies

Jennifer Rubin "Noting Obama’s decision to skip the U.S.–European Union Summit and spurn its host, Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Jackson Diehl sees a pattern by Obama of withdrawal from and growing indifference to international affairs. He writes: ..."