Salon "He's got Reagan's blarney, Clinton's libido and plenty of experience with massive debt and bankruptcy. Perfect!"
Oh my: Trump phones Krauthammer — and convinces him that he’s running "Liberals hate him for his Birtherism and want to believe he’s some sort of Biblical plague visited upon Republicans to punish them for the sins of their fringe. Prominent conservatives hate him because his record is, shall we say, spotty and because he’s sucking up media oxygen from more viable candidates."
Oh my: Trump phones Krauthammer — and convinces him that he’s running "Liberals hate him for his Birtherism and want to believe he’s some sort of Biblical plague visited upon Republicans to punish them for the sins of their fringe. Prominent conservatives hate him because his record is, shall we say, spotty and because he’s sucking up media oxygen from more viable candidates."