Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Andrew Breitbart on the Tea Party and the Media’s Power

The Foundry  "Andrew Breitbart is no stranger to controversy. Known by many on the left and the right for his work exposing ACORN and his network of popular conservative websites, Breitbart has seen firsthand the role media can have in influencing public opinion."
Mr. Breitbart also hosts these sites:
Big Government
Big Hollywood
Big Journalism
Big Peace
Breitbart TV

WikiLeaking on GITMO

Guantanamo Bay _ GitmoHeritage  "While these documents may provide a wealth of details, they largely confirm what we already know about the detention facilities at Guantanamo. They are there for a good reason. The detainees who are left are either serious risks to U.S. security or there is no safe place to release them. Keeping the facilities open makes sense. As Heritage has noted, “The detention facility at Guantanamo Bay is first-rate, and detainees are well treated. Congress should deny funds to close the facility until it is no longer needed.”"

Club Gitmo  "Club G'itmo 4 Kids: Send your little jihadi to daycare in air-conditioned comfort! The food at Club G'itmo beats the taxpayer-provided lunches in the infidel's schools. Plus, we provide students with all the tools needed to worship the god of their choice, free of charge!"
* Offer not available in United States, where kids may not pray in school."

Rush Limbaugh

Is the Age of America Coming to An End?

Heritage  "A dire prediction hit the news yesterday: A date has been set for the end of the “Age of America,” — i.e., when China’s economy will overtake the United States...by 2016. Though there are reasons to question the IMF’s conclusions, it is true that if the U.S. does not get its fiscal house in order, the era of American leadership will be over.
"... China’s evolution into an economic superpower will spell the end of America’s economic dominance on the global stage:..."

Foreign Policy
"We've Heard All This About American Decline Before." "The Chinese challenge to the United States is more serious for both economic and demographic reasons. The Soviet Union collapsed because its economic system was highly inefficient, a fatal flaw that was disguised for a long time because the USSR never attempted to compete on world markets. China, by contrast, has proved its economic prowess on the global stage."
Is the ‘Age of America’ Really at an End? "You’ve no doubt read the ghoulish MarketWatch headline: “IMF Bombshell: Age of America near end.” The story goes on to report that “China’s economy will surpass that of America in real terms in 2016 – just five years from now.”
"Well — yes and no and how much does it really mean?"

Speak softly to your enemies but carry a big stick for Republicans

As Price of Gas Hits Record, EPA Blocks Oil Drilling in Alaska .

rightsidenews  "EPA Blocks Oil Drilling in Alaska
"There are an estimated 27 billion barrels of oil waiting to be tapped in the Arctic Ocean, off the coast of Alaska. But after spending five years and nearly $4 billion, Shell Oil Company has been forced to abandon its efforts to drill for oil in the region."
Via Warning Signs, which also posted the photo below:
What Greens Really Believe by Alan Caruba

Monday, April 25, 2011

The War between the States: American Civil War Re-Enactors ... In The U.K.?

NPR  "In the U.K., re-enactment in general is "a huge deal," Seawell wrote in an e'mail. "It seems that there are historical re'enactors of just about every war there." Plus, a lot of these "soldiers" grew up watching American Westerns, which often glamorize the Civil War era. Ray Thompson, for example, grew up watching them with his grandfather. "And I think it just burns into your psyche," he says in Seawell's documentary. "I've always been mad on it since I was about 6 years of age. Why? I don't know. I know nothing about the English Civil War — at all. But the American Civil War — I wouldn’t call myself an expert, but I am obsessed.""

How to intimidate your way to victory in labor negotiations

Hot Air  "I’m tempted to call this a master class but the master class was held in Wisconsin a few weeks ago. This is part two of a series that Breitbart’s Big Government site is running today. If you only have time for one clip, watch the second one (by clicking the image below) as that’s where you’ll find useful tips on how to convince your boss that you might physically destroy his business and/or kill him. Part one is interesting too, but like any college grad, I’m somewhat inured to the spectacle of dogmatic leftists ranting about “the system” in revolutionary terms. Abandon all hope of a “new tone,” ye who enter here." 
“The Chivalry of Modern Knights”

NATO unleashes the Dogs of War

Nanny gubmint food police

Obama’s Pen: The Most Powerful Branch of Government?

Pajamas Media  "According to a release by House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), the draft executive order would require companies doing business with the federal government to disclose contributions to some issue advocacy groups while exempting labor unions and special interest groups that support the president’s agenda:
This order is a purely political act offered under the benign label of disclosure. … The order would not impose the same requirements on the labor unions or other organizations who support the president. Furthermore, it unnecessarily politicizes the procurement process.

GOP Rep. Peter King: CAIR Should Be Indicted

Weasel Zippers  "Don’t hold your breath."

Bloody Pig’s Foot Sent To GOP Rep. Peter King [Updated: Hey CAIR! The Culprit is a Muslim Bigot]  "A Georgia grandmother who says she sent state Sen. Greg Ball a Curious George monkey with a label saying it was bound for Auschwitz, cheap perfume and an anger-filled, anti-Semitic letter also laid claim Wednesday to mailing a bloody pig’s foot to Rep. Peter King of Long Island."

Shooting Jews at Prayer: Coming to All Holy Sites in Jerusalem (Updated)

Peggy Shapiro  "The gravest danger is if Palestinians prevail at the UN this September and receive a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian State with the 1967 borders. Then all of Judaism's holy sites would fall victim to Arab control. This Passover's Palestinian shooting of Jews praying at Joseph's Tomb foreshadows the devastation to all Jewish holy sites in Jerusalem and the demise of Jewish religious freedom in the Jewish homeland. "
Arab "victims" desecrate Joseph's tomb

When does enough become enough?    "How many murders have to be committed by Palestinian Arabs just because the victim was a Jew and it was convenient to kill him, before there is a fundamental change in our way of thinking about Palestinian Arabs?"

The human rights industry hates Israel
Love of the Land blog

Honor Killings, Jew-Hatred [and] UN Think: An Open Letter to Hina Jilani  "I once worked at the United Nations. In my opinion, it is completely ineffective save in two areas: It has legalized Jew-hatred with a vengeance and it has provided a High Life for many Third World/developing world professionals who wish to be well paid to live in the West and yet also wish to retain or achieve reputations as champions of justice. Therefore, I understand the price you would have to pay if you broke with UN-Think or with Third World Think which is so intensely anti-American, anti-Western, and anti-Israel—the convenient scapegoats for all the crimes and ills of the Arab and Muslim world." Phyllis Chesler

Palestinian Baby Killers ""With their bloody mission accomplished, they left the Fogel home. But spotting a police car they returned inside, where they heard the crying of 3-month-old Hadas. They slit her throat. Unknowingly they left behind, unharmed, sleeping brothers Roi (age 8) and Yishai (age 2). Had they been noticed, Amjad blandly told Israeli investigators, the murderers "would not have hesitated to kill them."""
Bosch Fawstin
"The parents of 10-month-old Shalhevet Pass, residents of Hebron, were walking their baby in a stroller to visit her grandparents.
"Suddenly, there was a shot. Shalhevet's mother, Oriya, grabbed her baby but it was too late. Hit in the head, Shalhevet died instantly. Her father Yitzhak crumbled from a bullet wound in his leg. A Palestinian sniper, Sudki Zaro, had fired the deadly bullet from the nearby Abu Sneineh hills overlooking the city, which had recently been relinquished to Palestinian control by then Prime Minister Netanyahu."