Barry Rubin "The most common question — or remark — that I get from readers is to say that I’m wrong to talk about how Western policymakers (and especially the Obama administration) are ignorant, ideologically deluded, and unable to learn from experience. They claim that these problems arise from a deliberate malevolent effort to destroy America.
"It tells something about how bad a lot of the administration’s policies are that such a conclusion is possible. Nevertheless, it’s not correct."Ideologically-driven strategic ineptitude "Confronting the Obama administration's assault on reason in the interest of ideological faithfulness, Israel is faced with very few good options. The threats Israel faces stem largely from the rising forces of jihad, Islamic terrorism and religiously justified nuclear adventurism embraced by Islamist politicians and religious leaders. That is, the threats facing Israel stem largely from the forces the Obama administration has elected to ignore and deny."
Obama Presents A Greater Danger Than The WikiLeaks "Indeed both are giant problems and will have long term deleterious consequences. Unfortunately, Obama’s ineptitude, lack of leadership, arrogance, ideological perversions and intellectual challenges have created a dangerous situation for America and engendered international recriminations with these document leaks that were totally avoidable if he had any shred of competence.
"Obama MUST be removed from office ASAP. The danger that he represents is incalculable. "
John Bolton, Sunday 5 December 2010