Friday, August 5, 2011

Dick Morris: The left turns on Obama

The Hill:   "The pathetic performance of President Obama in the debt debate is showing the left how incompetent and weak a leader it selected. Many are wishing they had Hillary Clinton in the White House instead! Once the man has to move beyond a set teleprompter speech, he is lost. During the BP disaster, he showed what a poor administrator he is. And now he has belied any pretensions to legislative skill. He is the un-Lyndon Johnson."

The stock market drop

Stocks Drop 1% Amid Global Jitters; Vix Soars  "Stocks tumbled in abother choppy session Friday, erasing their earlier rally as investors were quick to take profits following a stronger-than-expected government jobs report and amid ongoing jitters in the euro zone."....
"Come on! Tell me who these new hires are," said Todd Schoenberger, managing director at LandColt Trading. "A number (which still isn't anywhere near normal for a recovery period) surprised like this after the data we received, not to mention the significant layoff announcements we've been hearing about lately, just doesn't seem to add up."
From Heritage: “The White House Does Not Create Jobs”   Read this solid, in-depth article listing the specific hurdles this president is putting before the economy. 
 "The government cannot create private-sector jobs, but it can strongly affect the conditions for job-creating economic growth. But instead, the Obama Administration has helped create the conditions to stifle job growth. This morning, the unemployment rate was 9.1 percent. The positive news was that the unemployment rate went down from 9.2%."
"So what are just some of the job-killing conditions that are making the markets and employers nervous?"  Read more:
"But it is also crystal clear looking at Administration policy—coupled with unemployment as well as increased debts and deficits—that it also does not produce the conditions to create jobs."

Making the Case Against Gold ; Look past the hype -- gold isn't invincible:    "The implication is the swelling demand that has made gold such a red-hot commodity could just as quickly turn around and send gold prices south again — if all these buyers have a sudden change of heart."  For you who like to sell low and buy high, check out this chart for GLD.

The Case for and Against Gold  "It's also true that you may pay a markup for buying gold; the cost of buying a security should be factored in any investment decision. However, there are plenty of popular vehicles that, in my view, charge reasonable prices for exposure to gold: GLD, for instance, costs 40 basis points annually.
"Another complaint is that some ways of buying gold come with extra risks. I agree that investors should take those risks into consideration. Gold-mining shares, for one, are definitely more volatile and can be correlated with the stock market especially in sharp declines—so buyer beware."

Obama Glamour Can’t Fix Charisma Deficit (Updated)

Obama's Charisma Deficit

...."The alluring icon of hope and change has become just another pol, derided by his supporters as well as his opponents. As one headline succinctly put it: “Obama succumbs to the ways of Washington.”
"Most striking was how irrelevant the president seemed to the entire debate. Obama didn’t present his own alternative to the various congressional plans or make a case for a particular policy. When he tried to address the public, he came off as condescending, self-interested and detached. His pulpit proved anything but bully.

Victor Davis Hanson: Doing Without Sermons From Master Of Invective*    "After the tragic shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, President Obama made yet another call for a new civility, urging us all to tone down our partisan rhetoric. But slash-and-burn talk is unfortunately the mother's milk of politics — and no one knows that better than Chicago politician and apparently amnesiac Barack Obama, who as a state legislator, U.S. senator and president has always excelled in the use of uncivil rhetoric and personal invective."  noun;
1. vehement or violent denunciation, censure, or reproach.
2. a railing accusation; vituperation.
3. an insulting or abusive word or expression.
4. vituperative; denunciatory; censoriously abusive.

"Q  Other than calling on Congress to pass things that you’ve been calling on Congress to pass for months -- what is he doing to help the economy?"

The top five Obama regulations that American businesses hate most  "From more than 100 different new regulations either proposed or finalized by the Obama administration, these are the five business groups hate the most, based on the number of separate organizations that wrote Issa to recommend he look into them:"....Read about them here, plus this one:
His speeches are wonderful. His output is absolutely, incredibly bad. As he speaks about cutting out regulations, they are now producing thousands of pages of new ones. With just Obamacare by itself, you have a 2,000 page bill that’s probably going end up being 150,000 pages of regulations.

John Kerry: Media Has "Responsibility" To "Not Give Equal Time" To Tea Party

..."The media has got to begin to not give equal time or equal balance to an absolutely absurd notion just because somebody asserts it or simply because somebody says something which everybody knows is not factual." "

Liberals Feed Lies to Students

Gohmert Slams Debt Deal: Hard to See Any Cuts "When you pull the bill and you actually see that gee, for 2013 you have $526 billion for security category and $501 billion for non-security and 10 years later those have been increased $200 billion it’s hard for me to see how that’s a cut.”

The above was discussed Thursday by Rush Limbaugh
"So somewhere on college campi all across the fruited plain students are being told that as part of this debt deal, Republicans have cut funding for education. So that's why the guy who we just spoke to on the phone, his liberal buddy, said, "Yeah, yeah, the Republicans cut $2 billion from student aid!" (sigh)
"This is how they work. Where is the morality in this? You see, I don't think that it can be said that one side in this debate we're having in this country is no more moral than the other. It is clear that our ideological opponents epitomize immorality. I mean these people lie. That barely scratches the surface in describing what they're capable of and what they do."....

"The amount of money spent on Pell grants in this stupid debt deal goes from $3 billion to almost $13 billion, and the Republicans are getting demonized for cutting when spending has actually increased by almost a factor of four! Where's the morality in that?"  Emphasis added.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Looney Left dep't: Dutch men attempt to file police complaint over Bin Laden’s death

BNO NEWS  "Two Dutch men on Tuesday morning attempted to file a police complaint against the United States for carrying out a secret mission inside Pakistan that led to the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, local media reported.
"The Brabants Dagblad newspaper reported that the two men, 30-year-old Ruud Snoeren and 29-year-old Terry Flohr, went to a police station in the southern city of Tilburg in an attempt to file a police complaint."

Democrat contempt for the TEA Party

From “Astro Turf” to “Terrorists”?  "As reported by POLITICO on Monday, Vice-President Joe Biden behind closed doors described tea party Republicans as having acted like “terrorists.” Biden later told CBS News, “I did not use the terrorism word.”
"In any case, the Obama administration has held the tea party movement in utter contempt since its inception, as shown by this timeline of White House statements dating from mid-April 2009:"...

As viewed by cartoonists on the left:

Victor Davis Hanson: Snapshot of a Sick Society

Victor Davis Hanson    "You see, it is characteristic of a morally bankrupt society to be absorbed with the evil living without much remembrance of the more noble dead. The former gang member and his family by all means must not be embarrassed; the dead woman is reduced to being “in the wrong place at the wrong time.” "

Obama urban legends, truth or fiction?

The TW did a search of the two main sites for chasing down rumors about President Obama. Here is the most recent information available that we have to trust to be unbiased: has 269 that they research, 100 on two pages and 69 on the third.

Truth or  covers 175.

By the way, this is what both sites have covering the president's Social Security number:
Truthorfiction has photocopies of documents; 
Snopes has this, this,and this .

We get many juicy bits of info in our email that we just know will bring down this administration so we forward it on. Much turns out to be so idiotic that it damages our own reputation.
There are many solid reasons we can cite that Barack Obama should not have been elected president; let's be sure when we cite them that they cannot be laughed at as ignorant gossip.
The Tunnel Dweller

Happy Birthday, President Obama

Blame the Washington Bureaucracy for High Gas Prices

Heritage  "Americans are paying more for gasoline today than they were six weeks ago when President Obama released 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. In the Gulf of Mexico, meanwhile, 10 drilling rigs — more than one-third of the fleet — have left on Obama’s watch.
"This incomprehensible energy policy is not only costing Americans more money at the pump. Bureaucratic delays in Washington are also stunting job growth and adding to the budget deficit."

Fighting Grassroots Terrorism: How Local Vigilance Can Help

STRATFOR   ...."On July 27, 2011, an alert clerk at a gun store in Killeen, Texas, called the local police after a man who came into the store to buy smokeless powder exhibited an unusual demeanor. They located the individual and after questioning him learned he was planning to detonate an improvised explosive device and conduct an armed assault against a local Killeen restaurant popular with soldiers from nearby Fort Hood. The clerk’s situational awareness and his decision to call the police likely saved many lives."

"Each of these attacks and attempted attacks was preceded by “precursor conduct,” legally protected actions like chatting on the Internet or purchasing legal chemicals or applying for a visa, that combined with other information might have tipped off law enforcement agents to the intended act of terrorism."

How To Spot an American Terrorist *DHS Video* "A new promotional video released by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists, as Big Sis continues its relentless drive to cement the myth that mad bombers are hiding around every corner, when in reality Americans are just as likely to be killed by lightning strikes or peanut allergies "

Test of Security
Acquiring Supplies
Suspicious People Who Don't Belong
Dry Runs
Deploying Assets/Getting Into Position