Last century's leftist politicos left behind copious evidence of race-card playing. "....I covered a Tea Party event headlined by Cain in suburban Cobb County and then his announcement rally in May in downtown Atlanta.
"At that rally last May I learned something from a gregarious black friend. Spotting my friend’s Uncle Sam hat and Cain buttons, another black man, who was hanging back to blend in with fellow black Atlantans who were at the park for other reasons, struck up a conversation. And then I learned just how much pressure black conservatives feel from fellow blacks. Why it was just about as bad as being on a college campus!
"This is no accident. White radicals have been fostering this kind of infighting for nearly a hundred years. Divide and conquer — according to class, no less for blacks than for whites — has been the modus operandi of the Communist Party since at least the 1920s". (Emphasis added)
Cartoon: Free Republic:
No, Mr. Obama has not significantly played the race card to this date, but many of his supporters (see below) have. And given his propensity to blame everything else for his failures, and the likelihood of his legacy being one of failure, you can count on Mr. Obama blaming racism at some point. I fully expect the closer to the next election we draw, the more we will see Obama divide this country along racial lines. He has already divided America into warring economic classes; don't you think racial enmity is even more firmly embedded in his DNA? TD
Actor Samuel L. Jackson: Tea Party Racism 'Pretty Obvious' ""It’s pretty obvious what they are," Jackson told us. "The division of the country is not about the government having too much power. I think everything right now is geared toward getting that guy out of office, whatever that means," he said, echoing Freeman. "It’s not politics. It is not economics. It all boils down to pretty much to race. It is a shame." "
Quotation in Eric Holder's wallet: 'The Black US Attorney Has Common Cause with the Black Criminal' "According to Department of Justice whistleblower J. Christian Adams, AG Eric Holder has a certain something in his wallet. It is a quotation -- and he has carried it for decades. It essentially says, to quote Adams, "Blackness is more important than anything, and the black US attorney has common cause with the black criminal." It's not surprising that Holder would feel this way about black lawyers and criminals.
"Because in his case they're one and the same."
Allen West to Samuel L. Jackson: Quit Crying Racism and Stick to Movies, Champ "Well, Jackson's smears were bit too much for Rep. Allen West (R-FL) to take lying down. The fiery Congressman -- who is member of both the Tea Party and Congressional Black Caucuses -- appeared on Fox News this morning to upbraid the actor for his remarks and remind viewers whose economic policies have put millions of African-Americans in a world of hurt:" (Video)
Thomas Sowell: Stop Whining'? "How many people in the media have pointed out that the black-white income gap narrowed during the Reagan administration, just as it has widened during the Obama administration? For that matter, how many Republicans have pointed it out?"
"At that rally last May I learned something from a gregarious black friend. Spotting my friend’s Uncle Sam hat and Cain buttons, another black man, who was hanging back to blend in with fellow black Atlantans who were at the park for other reasons, struck up a conversation. And then I learned just how much pressure black conservatives feel from fellow blacks. Why it was just about as bad as being on a college campus!
"This is no accident. White radicals have been fostering this kind of infighting for nearly a hundred years. Divide and conquer — according to class, no less for blacks than for whites — has been the modus operandi of the Communist Party since at least the 1920s". (Emphasis added)
Cartoon: Free Republic:
No, Mr. Obama has not significantly played the race card to this date, but many of his supporters (see below) have. And given his propensity to blame everything else for his failures, and the likelihood of his legacy being one of failure, you can count on Mr. Obama blaming racism at some point. I fully expect the closer to the next election we draw, the more we will see Obama divide this country along racial lines. He has already divided America into warring economic classes; don't you think racial enmity is even more firmly embedded in his DNA? TD
Actor Samuel L. Jackson: Tea Party Racism 'Pretty Obvious' ""It’s pretty obvious what they are," Jackson told us. "The division of the country is not about the government having too much power. I think everything right now is geared toward getting that guy out of office, whatever that means," he said, echoing Freeman. "It’s not politics. It is not economics. It all boils down to pretty much to race. It is a shame." "
Quotation in Eric Holder's wallet: 'The Black US Attorney Has Common Cause with the Black Criminal' "According to Department of Justice whistleblower J. Christian Adams, AG Eric Holder has a certain something in his wallet. It is a quotation -- and he has carried it for decades. It essentially says, to quote Adams, "Blackness is more important than anything, and the black US attorney has common cause with the black criminal." It's not surprising that Holder would feel this way about black lawyers and criminals.
"Because in his case they're one and the same."
Allen West to Samuel L. Jackson: Quit Crying Racism and Stick to Movies, Champ "Well, Jackson's smears were bit too much for Rep. Allen West (R-FL) to take lying down. The fiery Congressman -- who is member of both the Tea Party and Congressional Black Caucuses -- appeared on Fox News this morning to upbraid the actor for his remarks and remind viewers whose economic policies have put millions of African-Americans in a world of hurt:" (Video)
Thomas Sowell: Stop Whining'? "How many people in the media have pointed out that the black-white income gap narrowed during the Reagan administration, just as it has widened during the Obama administration? For that matter, how many Republicans have pointed it out?"