Ann Coulter: Strongest Case Against Romney a Few Sheets Short of a Ream "Among Romney's thousands of business decisions, the one I gather his opponents consider his absolute worst was the decision to close a paper plant in Marion, Ind. Which wasn't his decision at all.
"It was labor trouble at the Marion plant of a Bain-acquired company, Ampad, that formed the basis of Teddy Kennedy's desperate 11th-hour attack on Romney in their 1994 Senate competition.....
"It is beyond journalistic malpractice for media outlets showcasing the bitter and lying Johnson to neglect to mention that he was the union president who led the strike that forced Ampad to close the plant.
"It was labor trouble at the Marion plant of a Bain-acquired company, Ampad, that formed the basis of Teddy Kennedy's desperate 11th-hour attack on Romney in their 1994 Senate competition.....
"It is beyond journalistic malpractice for media outlets showcasing the bitter and lying Johnson to neglect to mention that he was the union president who led the strike that forced Ampad to close the plant.
"And yet The New York Times, MSNBC and others who have publicized Johnson's sob story regularly refuse to convey that crucial fact. This would be as if a judge excluded the fact that the defense's principal witness is the defendant's mother." (Emphasis added)
Bain helped make the turnaround in Domino's Pizza
The Hill: The case for Mitt Romney is actually pretty strong. "Romney needs to build a better case for his election, a narrative that is more authentic, more revealing of the real Mitt Romney and more convincing to the voters.
"The narrative must fit into this time we live in."
Someone wrote, "McCain wanted to be nice; Obama wanted to be president". Please, no more timid, McCain-type campaigners! That Someone wrote the following about the Republican's opponent in this election:
My opinion was gradually set in steel as I read and studied and pored over Obama’s own books. The incongruous details of his race-obsessed memoir — the invented episodes, the composite characters, the utter lack of humility and true introspection — all bespoke a man of innate dishonesty and a lack of healthy shame. His audacious book on politics did nothing but hammer home his lack of principles and values, as he equivocated every single position, until the reader could determine absolutely nothing coherent about the writer.
donkeyhotey |
Romney MUST overcome that "timid" label; I'm an evangelical, but Romney's Mormonism is no factor to me at all. While many of us would take issue with Romney's biblical beliefs- a non-issue in this case- we must appreciate that Mormons generally love this country and are patriotic people.
I only question Mr. Romney's political convictions and his ability to confront Democrats with a solid defense of free markets and capitalism. It seems that Romney exemplifies the good things in capitalism, but apparently educating the ignorant masses will take Newt Gingrich.
Romney? Santorum? Gingrich? I have not a clue, yet. Do you? TD