Saturday, February 11, 2012

From Heritage: "162 Reasons to Marry"; also "Definition of Marriage" plus a Jack Benny story

Family Research Council    ...."The future of the human race and all its component societies is embodied in each new- born. Whether that newborn grows to be a strong, capable adult depends much on the marriage of his parents. Whether he is physically strong; whether she is intelligent; whether he is hardworking or a dropout; whether she will be mentally healthy and happy; whether he will be more educated; whether she will marry in her own turn; whether he will be a taxpayer or a drain on the commons; whether she enjoys her own sexuality to the full; whether he worships and prays; whether she has children and how many; whether he finishes high school and goes to college or learns a trade; whether she is law-abiding; whether he grows old with a family surrounding him—all these most desirable outcomes (common goods) are strongly connected to the strength of the marriage of that child’s parents."....

Definition of Marriage by Kerby Anderson  "Their latest survey of 1,500 adults found that nearly two-thirds (62%) of Americans agreed with this statement: “I believe marriage should be defined only as the union of one man and one woman.”
"The results stand in stark contrast to the media template being used today that most Americans are ready to change the definition of marriage."
Kerby Anderson serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, Philadelphia Biblical University, and Temple Baptist Seminary. He has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Colorado and University of Texas.

Jack Benny
Yes, there ARE great marriages in Hollywood   "The day after Benny died, a single, long-stemmed red rose was delivered to Mary Livingstone Benny, his wife of nearly 48 years. After several days, with another rose delivered each day, Mary called the florist to find out who was sending them. The florist told her that Benny had made arrangements for a rose to be sent to her every day for the rest of her life, and included a provision in his will for the deliveries -- a touching and romantic final gesture for a man born on Valentine's Day."

"Benny's sarcophagus contains the simple inscription, "A gentle man."
Buried with Benny is his wife, Mary Livingstone Benny (1906 - 1983), his co-star on both his radio and television shows.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Gettysburg in the snow

"Though snow was falling all day, only about an inch ended up sticking. Here at the Lutheran Theological Seminary, one of Gettysburg’s oldest sledding spots is still in use in front of Valentine Hall when we stopped by Wednesday afternoon. We decided to take a walk up the path to the Seminary’s principal building, Schmucker Hall or “Old Dorm.” "

This is one of many snow pictures taken at Gettysburg. Go to previous posts for more in-depth photos, maps and tour videos made by licensed Gettysburg guides. 

 Archives with much more info here. If you're a Gettysburg scholar, knock yourself out.
Then you can go to  Battle of Gettysburg Buff and see many photos such as this one:

See the places where the great-great-grandfathers of the occupiers-who-like-to-do-a-number-two-on-the- American- flag carried that same flag into battle. Sorry; there I go again.


Discover The Networks (A guide to the political left)

THE RELIGIOUS LEFT AND ANTI-ISRAEL / ANTI-SEMITIC PERSPECTIVES  "In October 2008, Jackson, speaking in France at the first World Policy Forum, predicted that a Barack Obama presidency would bring much-needed “fundamental changes” in U.S. foreign policy -- most notably by ending America's “decades of putting Israel's interests first,” and by standing up to “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades.” "

Bruce Thornton:  The Final Countdown: Israel vs. Iran  "So too today, the equally genocidal Iranian regime can be stopped by a unified and determined Western alliance. Instead, though, Obama is leaving Israel out on a limb as he calculates the “unforeseen consequences” and seeks political advantage. He needs to start calculating the easily foreseen and much more disastrous consequences of Iran’s possession of nuclear weapons. That’s what true leaders do: recognize that the choice is seldom between the good and the bad, but rather between the bad and the worse." 

But the left will not learn from history, their goals are not influenced by history and they will-as usual-only bring down misery upon all who live under their philosophies. They loved communism so the slaughter of millions in China and the Soviet Union mattered not one bit; the murder of courageous Hungarians who revolted against communist domination affected our left not at all, just as the destruction of Israel won't.*
The left hates capitalism because they say not all are prosperous and they prefer socialism where nobody prospers but the political leaders. 
No wonder their advocates are called "useful idiots". TD 

An excellent example of what we mean: Israel News Agency To Post Iran Holocaust Cartoons
"The Israel News Agency uploaded four Holocaust cartoons from Iran today. One cartoon doubted that the murdered Holocaust victims were Jewish, another depicted Anne Frank in bed with Adolph Hitler."!  Watch Shocking Iranian Anti-Semitic Video Mocking The Six Million

My point in all this: the left, with no moral compass cannot discern evil even when it is made grossly manifest to the entire world. TD

(From 2008) "What you need to measure about Barack Obama..." The author writes about Obama "...speaking in 1999 against "Israeli occupation" at a charity event for a West Bank refugee camp; and Mr. Abunimah, an American citizen, Hyde Park resident and Princeton graduate, has also recalled Mr. and Mrs. Obama at a fundraiser held for the then-Congressional candidate Obama in 2000 at Rashid and Mona Khalidi's home, where Mr. Obama made convincing statements in support of the Palestinian cause."

Israel Hayom:  Iran’s politically inconvenient nuclear program  "...Israel could choose to act before November, based on its own estimate of Iran’s timing for its nuclear program. An Israeli attack would likely draw the U.S. into the conflict, and on the side of Israel, with negative implications for Obama’s Muslim outreach program, not to mention the risk of casualties and widespread destruction."

‘Anonymous’ Threatens Crusade Against Israel: ‘The People of This World Will Rise Against You’ Hat tip to Liberty Chick at Big Government

Typical Obama compromise


Rich Terrell is just a constant embarrassment with these pictures. I just can't take him anywhere that's cultured. Look out, here he comes again:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ohio Democrat Rep. Robert Hagan Gives Occupiers Tickets to Disrupt Kasich Speech

Big Government  "State Rep. Bob Hagan (D – Youngstown), a Progressive kook’s Progressive kook, bused in 35 protestors for the event. Worse, Hagan handed out several tickets for Kasich’s speech to Occupy protestors ranting outside."

"The Dispatch has video of an anti-fracking protestor screeching, “We can capture the air! We can capture the sun!” after being escorted out of the event (watch for the obligatory Occupy mic-check). The same protestor is shown exiting a bus – Hagan’s? – in an earlier Dispatch video which features perpetual union shill Bruce Bostick. Funny thing about Bruce Bostick: he’s a Communist.
Robert F. Hagan 
"When Big Labor, environmental activists, Democrats, and Communists are all equally enraged by your governor, it’s likely your state is on the right track!"
 Rep. Robert Hagan Blasts Drug Testing for Welfare Benefits, Suggests same test for Legislators, judges...

Wikipedia reports this:  "With the city of Youngstown being majorly pro-labor, Hagan had been against a bill that looks to limit collective bargaining for public employees. While it was virtually inevitable that the bill will pass into law, Hagan vowed to lead an effort to overthrow it via a referendum."...

"Ohio's State Rep. Robert Hagan, the AntiFracker" Here is one post:
"For instance, he likes to hang out at the Lemon grove, a hippies style coffee/booze eclectic joint where the Occupiers try to congregate.  It was there a year ago that someone couldn't take him any longer and decked his a--.  Then a few months ago, this fool on FB was caught calling a black debater buckwheat.  This politician is a loose cannon and must be watched and negated.  To my fellow landowners here and industry folks, help us here in Youngstown as much as you can.  We do not ned this so called leader proclaiming everyday that drilling must stop!"
Hagan reveals true colors, Buckwheat  During that Facebook argument:
"When asked if he is from "the land of Traficant," Hagan responded, "I ran against Traficant take your personal shots and shove them where the sun dont shine." 
"When called on his use of the racial slur, Hagan left the conversation, then promptly "de-friended" Cook."

Now it's Romney vs. Santorum
Rick Moran: Santorum in Mitt's crosshairs  "There are a lot of Republicans who remember Santorum's flippant remarks about earmarks during the height of the battle to ban them from congress. That would appear to be a more productive line of attack than criticizing Santorum for not having experience in running a business. Santorum's legendary pork procuring skills for Pennsylvania will no doubt come up for scrutiny."

 : Nothing Left in Romney’s Bag of Tricks  "Should Romney try to change his approach in order to keep up with Santorum’s passion or should he allow his advisers to convince him to go negative on the Pennsylvanian the way he took down Gingrich, it will not help him. It may be once the cloak of inevitability is stripped away from Romney, most conservatives will flock to a candidate like Santorum who is better at playing to the conservative crowd. But if Romney is to win it will be as the Mitt Romney we already know. He literally has no more tricks to pull out of his bag, and to expect him to come up with new ones is unrealistic and somewhat unfair.

Legal Insurrection: Insulting our intelligence appears to be Romney’s campaign strategy   "Insulting our intelligence seems to be the Romney campaign’s only game plan:
“And Senator Santorum and Speaker Gingrich, they are the very Republicans who acted like Democrats. And when Republicans act like Democrats, they lose.”
"As we know, Romney never would act like a Democrat."

The Atlantic:  Rick Santorum Is Right: Gas Prices Caused the Great Recession...... but it was one of many factors! 
"In 2009, economist James Hamilton published a paper that retroactively forecast what an oil shock, like the one we experienced in 2007-08, would do to GDP. And guess what? His model accurately predicated much of the collapse in GDP that resulted from the Great Recession -- as if there had been no housing bubble or financial crisis! The oil spike was that bad."
John Fund: Mitt Romney Has Reason to Be Concerned  "Mitt Romney doesn’t seem to realize he is campaigning for two jobs, not one. He is doing quite well in the race to become the Republican nominee for president, and must still be considered the strong favorite. But ever since Barry Goldwater captured the GOP nomination in 1964, the Republican nominee has been more or less the titular head of the conservative movement, the most important single component of the Republican party. It is that race that Romney is doing so poorly in, as evidenced by the willingness of many conservatives to vote against him."

rick astride

‘African Americans for Obama’ Launches, but remember on which side the DNC bread is buttered


"To kick off Black History Month, President Barack Obama and his presidential reelection team has launched African American for Obama, a campaign that will go grassroots to build support for the President and, more importantly, encourage black voters to head to the voting booths in November."

(All caps in the original)
" Local sources say the DNC is approaching wealthy Bank of America executives in an effort to unload some of its premier convention packages. A number of these executives have been shocked at the audacity of the proposition, given the administration’s attacks on not only the bank but also on wealthy Americans in general. President Obama and his Democratic colleagues have repeatedly charged that wealthy Americans are not “paying their fair share” to the federal government in the form of taxes." Via Drudge.

Ann Coulter; by her and about her

Ann Coulter: Plutocrat Dems Attack Romney As "Richie Rich"  "Until we hear ferocious denunciations of FDR, JFK, Kerry, Edwards and Corzine, liberals have no business criticizing Bain Capital.

"Maybe some people are irrationally offended by the rich, but Democrats aren't. This is the party of George Soros, Goldman Sachs and Nancy Pelosi!
"The six wealthiest senators are all Democrats, half of whom married or inherited their money. Some of the multimillionaire Democrats are:..."
"Democrats don't hate the rich; they are the rich, luxuriating in fortunes acquired by inheritance or marriage, fleecing the taxpayer, trial lawyer hucksterism or disreputable money manipulation. Their contempt is reserved for those who engage in honest work for a living, whom they accuse of "greed" for wanting to pay the government a little less."  (emphasis added just because I felt like it. TD)
 American Spectator: Who Castrated Ann Coulter?
There is no conservative writer that I admire more than Ann Coulter. She's smart as hell and, more importantly, she is courageous. She has always been willing to write what other conservatives believe but don't have the guts to say in print. She has never played it safe and has certainly never adjusted her opinions for the sake of conforming to the conventional wisdom of Old Guard Republicans.
" As Coulter herself pointed out last year when she spoke at CPAC, Barack Obama will be reelected in 2012 if the Republican Party nominates Mitt Romney for President."

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Obama's Middle East problems (Updated 2/7)

"lireza Forghani, an Iranian politician and staunch ally of the regime, recently released an article titled, “Iran Must Attack Israel by 2014,” according to the Middle East Media Research Institute.
"....“When the outrageous rhetoric from Ahmadinejad and people like Forghani is coupled with the capability, with nuclear weapons, to actually destroy the Jewish State of Israel, we can’t afford to dismiss what they are repeatedly telling the world,” said a Capitol Hill aide who tracks Iran. “The Hill is taking the threat from Iran very seriously.” "    Rick Moran comments on this source.

Update: Obama, Democrats Own Syria Failure  "In pursuit of the war on terror, the Obama administration has been willing to give up its sanctimonious moral posturing in the fact of military and political reality. Yet on foreign policy writ large, it still clings to its fantasies. Syria’s impending collapse presents both dangers and opportunities–but the administration is ill-placed to confront either, having diminished the American power that Obama never understood, and still bitterly resents."

Heritage: Morning Bell: Middle East Crumbles Around Obama’s Foreign Policy  "Thousands are dead in Syria, with more blood spilled each day. Iran is within arm’s reach of a nuclear weapon, threatening Israel’s very existence. And in Egypt, 19 Americans are banned from leaving the country, making them veritable hostages in an unfriendly land. All indications are that the Middle East is crumbling, and President Barack Obama’s foreign policy is collapsing right along with it."

Alan Caruba: Taking Hostages: Tehran in 1979 - Cairo in 2012  "Just as Jimmy Carter was seen as weak, so too is Barack Obama and, for America and the world, that is very bad news. I don’t care if the Iranian leadership and other militant Islamists don’t like America. I want them to fear us."
...."Our present problem is that Obama does not like America any better than our enemies do."

Ron Paul with Megan Kelly Discusses Iran Threat and Nuclear Scientist Assassinations  "Watch Megan try to get an answer out of Paul. Basically he says Iran isn't dangerous-they just want attention."

Rick Santorum's Big Night

Video: Santorum’s Victory Speech in St. Charles   "Last night was not only a great night for Rick Santorum, it a great night for conservatism. Although he was massively out-spent by the front runner, Santorum managed to win by huge margins in Missouri and Minnesota.
"The final numbers in Colorado, where Mitt was projected to win:"...

Althouse: Santorum one point over Obama in one poll  Comments to this post are mostly anti-Santorum since they appear to be Democrat commenters.

What to Make of Santorum’s Hat Trick and the Return of the Social Issues  "But Santorum understands something that few of the other candidates can put into words: that the power to mandate is the power to compel and compulsion must be grounded on something higher than the mere will of the sovereign. This is a very effective argument against Barack Obama, but it it also a very effective one against Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich...."

Romney dealt punishing blow by three-pronged defeat to Rick Santorum  "Santorum’s sweep of all three states also lent new credibility to questions about whether Romney’s appeal among conservatives is strong enough to win him the nomination."

Don't change horses... yada, yada, yada

There is a gold mine of meaning in this Rich Terrell, um, cartoon.
Discussion forum on Obama's campaign strategy choices

This says about what you would expect: The Progressive Professor   "FDR chose to emphasize the progress made, and the idea why would anyone want to revert to the policies that had failed under Herbert Hoover.
"He would use the concept of “Don’t Change Horses in Mid Stream” as the argument to re-elect him.
...."Now in 2012, Barack Obama is using the same appeal: that with unemployment skyrocketing in 2009, and the rate raising to almost ten percent before declining, that great progress has been made in job creation, about 3.7 million jobs, with the chance of regaining ALL of the lost jobs by the time of the election, and with the rate now 8.3 percent, it could go down below 8 percent by November."
The sly bit of misinformation is that electing ANY Republican is a return to Bush policies. It is well to remember that most Republicans disagreed with President Bush over many of his policies and said they would not do things the way he did.
Remember also that the collapse of the economy was in large part of the housing crisis caused by Democrat policies. President Bush warned the Democrat- controlled Congress of this, yet Maxine Waters, Barney Frank, et al all said there was no housing crisis. 
What does it say about the ignorance of Democrat voters that the Democrat Party can cause all this damage, yet successfully campaign on the fact that a Republican president was in office when they did it?
Mr, Terrell's illustration hits the bulls-eye.  TD

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ron Paul Defends Iran Yet Again, Says U.S. Decision To Toughen Sanctions “Terrible”…

Weasel Zippers   "The Mullahs couldn’t ask for a better friend in Washington."
Quoting The Hill:
“I voted against them and I think they’re terrible and I think it’s going to hurt the people who are trying to overthrow [President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad. People, when they’re attacked from the outside and made to hurt, become more nationalistic,” Paul said on Fox News’s “On the Record” Monday night.
Video at the link of Paul saying this on the Greta Van Susteren Monday program.

From the comments to this post:

Arabianmoondog says:February 7, 2012 at 12:32 pmThe Paul-bots are out in force at ‘The Hill” and other venues expounding his “brilliance” yada yada.I replied to one delusional woman “Ron Paul is “brilliant” IF it’s 1936 and Hitler hasn’t struck yet – in fact he’s the toast of the town when everyone gets together to bash old Winston Churchill (the “war monger”)..Paul is the kind of guy who would have been all for dividing up Czechoslovakia and letting Poland fall (whining “It’s none of our business”).”
My line of thinking exactly, but people with liberal points of view resent being made aware of history.