Thomas Lifson "The first of the posthumous Breitbart tapes debuted last night on Hannity, and today on You can tell the left is concerned by the fact that:".
"Breibart promised before his death to finally vet Obama. What the mainstream media will never admit is that the public persona of Obama they have collaborated in producing is a mere facade. We live in uneasy times, leading to skepticism about whether we are being told the truth. Certainly the public overwhelmingly distrusts the media.
"Breibart promised before his death to finally vet Obama. What the mainstream media will never admit is that the public persona of Obama they have collaborated in producing is a mere facade. We live in uneasy times, leading to skepticism about whether we are being told the truth. Certainly the public overwhelmingly distrusts the media.
"The agenda inherited from Andrew is to reconstruct an image of Obama that makes sense to people better than the image of a basketball-loving guy with a great smile and sense of humor. The fact is that Obama has spent his adult life marinating in the sewage of race hatred and class envy spewed by the left, relentlessly.
"There is more to come. The predicate has been laid."
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