Katie Pavlich, Townhall "Apparently these days it is okay to put the face of the president on the American flag instead of the 50 stars meant to represent 50 states, but don't you dare say under God during the Pledge of Allegience(sp). The Lake County Democratic Party in Florida has been flying two "American" flags over its headquarters building, one of them the stars and stripes, the other stripes and Barack. (RACIST!) Luckily, after complaints were launched against the Obama faced flag by local veterans groups, it was taken down."
"After a short time spent ‘researching’, Hurlbert relented and took down the flag while the veterans looked on. She did not accept the POW/MIA flag offered as a replacement."
"After a short time spent ‘researching’, Hurlbert relented and took down the flag while the veterans looked on. She did not accept the POW/MIA flag offered as a replacement."
MyFoxOrlando: Obama flag at Democratic headquarters a 'disgrace'
""While we are pleased the flag in question has since been removed from public display, the reported fact that it had flown for months without protest is a clear indication that we have much work to do in educating the public of the importance of protecting our flag," Agg wrote in an email.
"The final insult to veterans? The flag is made in China."