Rick Moran "David Maraniss's new biography, "Barack Obama: The Story" is shredding the carefully constructed mirage of a life story that Obama rode to victory in 2008.
"BuzzFeed has 9 interesting fibs told by Obama about his life. Here are a few:"
BIOGRAPHER DAVID MARANISS DOWNPLAYS OBAMA LIES AS 'LITERATURE' "As I wrote yesterday, the media loves being lied to by Barack Obama. As we all know, the furor over a sitting President caught telling 38 falsehoods in his self-penned biography would be unquenchable were we talking about a president with an R after his name. Not to mention the lies Obama told the media about his relationship with Bill Ayers and his membership in the socialist New Party."

BIOGRAPHER DAVID MARANISS DOWNPLAYS OBAMA LIES AS 'LITERATURE' "As I wrote yesterday, the media loves being lied to by Barack Obama. As we all know, the furor over a sitting President caught telling 38 falsehoods in his self-penned biography would be unquenchable were we talking about a president with an R after his name. Not to mention the lies Obama told the media about his relationship with Bill Ayers and his membership in the socialist New Party."