Kiss-Off Free Speech "The "kiss-in" is the intolerant reaction to Dan Cathy, president and COO of Chick-fil-A. The so-called "Equality Illinois" advocates, who refuse to respect Cathy's right to free speech, are planning to exercise their free speech rights - on Cathy's property.
"What's not to love about that? Protesting against a person on his private property because you don't like his opinion is apparently the latest expression of Obama's "You didn't build that!"
Neal Boortz; But we believe in equal rights.... "School time. Would you like to learn how to drive these “equal rights for gays” folks absolutely bat-quano crazy? It’s ridiculously simple, really. Just tell the person who’s life you want to make miserable that there is not one single right under out law that can be exercised by a straight male that can’t be exercised by a gay male. Ohhhhh … they think they’re going to nail you right from the get-go.
" “Well, a gay male can’t marry another man!”
“[N]Either can a straight male.”"
Updates: Chick-fil-A 'kiss' day marred by 'Tastes like hate' graffiti "On a day that some gay-rights activists are planning a "National Same-Sex Kiss Day," a Chick-fil-A in Torrance was vandalized overnight with hateful graffiti."
Mainstream Media Blacks Out Chick-fil-A Story? "There's no mention of Chick-fil-A on the front pages of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, theSouth Florida Sun-Sentinel, and the Boston Globe. The front pages of USA Today, the Dallas Morning News, and the Houston Chronicle have small headlines about the restaurant, while Chick-fil-A's hometown paper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, fits in a story below the fold under the heading, "Chick-fil-A Controversy." And the front pages of major news websites are quiet in their coverage as well."
Chick-fil-A Opponents Stage Same-Sex Kiss-In "It is just a nice nonviolent demonstration of LGBT love," said Rome Frost, who is organizing a kiss-in outside of New York City's only Chick-fil-A location, at New York University." ....
"Frost said he expects between 150 and 200 people – both gay and straight – to show up for the New York City kiss-in, which starts at 8 P.M. ET."
Breakpoint; Can a Christian Judge AND Love? "What’s more, contrary to popular proof-texts, Jesus never said that one sinner can’t or shouldn’t judge the actions of another. Instead, in the context of Matthew chapter 7, Jesus teaches that we should be attentive to our own “specks,” so that we can “see clearly” (that is, discern readily and rightly) the specks of others and help with the removal process."
"What's not to love about that? Protesting against a person on his private property because you don't like his opinion is apparently the latest expression of Obama's "You didn't build that!"
Neal Boortz; But we believe in equal rights.... "School time. Would you like to learn how to drive these “equal rights for gays” folks absolutely bat-quano crazy? It’s ridiculously simple, really. Just tell the person who’s life you want to make miserable that there is not one single right under out law that can be exercised by a straight male that can’t be exercised by a gay male. Ohhhhh … they think they’re going to nail you right from the get-go.
" “Well, a gay male can’t marry another man!”
“[N]Either can a straight male.”"
...."Uh oh. With just that simple exchange the proggie knows that he’s in trouble. He just can’t let go though --- so he gets out his shovel and digs the hole a little deeper.
" “But a gay male can’t marry the person he loves!”
" “Yes he can … if the person he loves is a woman. And those are the exact same rights the straight male has.” "
Updates: Chick-fil-A 'kiss' day marred by 'Tastes like hate' graffiti "On a day that some gay-rights activists are planning a "National Same-Sex Kiss Day," a Chick-fil-A in Torrance was vandalized overnight with hateful graffiti."
Mainstream Media Blacks Out Chick-fil-A Story? "There's no mention of Chick-fil-A on the front pages of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, theSouth Florida Sun-Sentinel, and the Boston Globe. The front pages of USA Today, the Dallas Morning News, and the Houston Chronicle have small headlines about the restaurant, while Chick-fil-A's hometown paper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, fits in a story below the fold under the heading, "Chick-fil-A Controversy." And the front pages of major news websites are quiet in their coverage as well."
Chick-fil-A Opponents Stage Same-Sex Kiss-In "It is just a nice nonviolent demonstration of LGBT love," said Rome Frost, who is organizing a kiss-in outside of New York City's only Chick-fil-A location, at New York University." ....
"Frost said he expects between 150 and 200 people – both gay and straight – to show up for the New York City kiss-in, which starts at 8 P.M. ET."
Breakpoint; Can a Christian Judge AND Love? "What’s more, contrary to popular proof-texts, Jesus never said that one sinner can’t or shouldn’t judge the actions of another. Instead, in the context of Matthew chapter 7, Jesus teaches that we should be attentive to our own “specks,” so that we can “see clearly” (that is, discern readily and rightly) the specks of others and help with the removal process."