Tuesday, August 28, 2012

‘Kill Mitt Romney’ Facebook Page Was Online for 17 Days

Washington Free Beacon   "A Facebook page entitled “Kill Mitt Romney” garnered close to 30 likes and remained online for 17 days before Facebook removed the page Monday.
"The Secret Service was aware of the the page and is taking “appropriate investigative steps,” according to FoxNews.com."

Watch Out New Orleans….. Isaac Bearing Down. How do the Democrats feel about it all?


But Isaac has slowed down and that is bad!

Actor Samuel L. Jackson says it's 'unfair' that Isaac missed the GOP convention  "Twitter has been the site of some seriously deranged Hollywood lefties musings on Isaac and their wish that it would have killed Republicans, or disrupted the convention." Including Ellen Barkin.

Boortz on Isaac Versus RNC   "Now I’m no political strategist, so I have no clue how you handle this.  Canceling the convention seems extreme, but even if the GOP did that (which it won’t), it won’t stop the ObamaMedia from coming up with a narrative which ultimately paints the GOP as the bad guys." Also here.

Obama campaigns during Isaac   "The storm comes at an opportune time and it may give Mr. Obama a powerful backdrop to show his leadership while Republicans are gathered in Tampa to formally nominate Mitt Romney as their presidential nominee.
"Mr. Obama said at “my direction” the Federal Emergency..."yada, yada, yada

Letterman feature: Ann and Mitt Romney Lies

Who is the bigger tool, Letterman or he who sits in his audience and applauds this man*?
"Monday night on “The Late Show with David Letterman,” host David Letterman did a segment called “Ann and Mitt Romney Lies."

The People's Cube; Top 10 Reasons Michelle Obama Appeared on the Letterman Show:

* preferring to maintain a higher level of discourse, I will not use the word "dweeb" in this spot. TD

Brokaw, Scarborough Enable Chris Matthews' Racialist Attack on RNC Chair

Big Journalism   "What is noteworthy, however, is that as Matthews launches his rabid and irresponsible racialist smear against RNC Chair Reince Priebus, both Tom Brokaw and Joe Scarborough just sit there like cowards as Matthews does the impossible: allows his lunacy of lies to give the Peacock Network yet another black eye."  

"Brokaw is supposed to be the Lion of NBC, its Anchor Emeritus and wizened conscience. If you watch the video, though, Brokaw acts like a bystander even though he's seated right next to Matthews during this disgraceful attack. Well, Brokaw doesn't do nothing the entire time. Near the end of the clip, he piles on the racialist "guilt by association" attack with his own list of ad hominems.   
"Impossibly, Scarborough's even worse. This go-along-to-get-an-MSNBC-show Republican patronizes Matthews during the first half of the exchange. When Matthews really lets the spittle fly during the second half,  Scarborough proves he doesn’t even have the sand to exert control over…his own show."
MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews — not Mitt Romney — is the one playing the race card, according to Newt Gingrich.   "“You sit here and chuckle about it as if it’s not a game you’re playing,” Matthews said. “You’ve got that diabolic smile of yours, and you know you think you’re winning here, but everybody out there who’s black or white know exactly the game that’s being played here.”
“No, here’s the game. You have the worst president,” Gingrich said.

Monday, August 27, 2012

From Imprimus," An Empire of Wealth: The Epic History of American Economic Power"

John Steele Gordon "Today we live in a world far beyond the imagination of those who were alive in 1607. The poorest family in America today enjoys a standard of living that would have been considered opulent 400 years ago. And for most of this time it was the United States that was leading the world into the future, politically and economically.
"This astonishing economic transformation provides rich lessons in examples of what to do and not do. Let me suggest five."
1. Governments Are Terrible Investors .... 2. Politicians Have Self-Interest Too ....3. Immigration is a Good Thing...4. Good Ideas Spread, Bad Ones Don’t....5. Markets Hate Uncertainty....

"Undoubtedly a big reason for that is the enormous uncertainty that has plagued the country since 2008. Will health care—one-sixth of the American economy—be taken over by the folks who run the post office? Will the Bush tax cuts be ended or continued? Will the corporate income tax go up or down? Will manufacturing get a special tax deal? Will so-called millionaires—who, when you listen carefully to what liberal politicians are saying, can earn as little as $200,000 a year—be forced suddenly to pay “their fair share”?
"Who knows? So firms and banks are postponing investment decisions until the future is clearer. Perhaps the clearing will happen on November 6."   pdf of this article
Mr. Gordon's articles have appeared in numerous publications, including Forbes, Worth, National Review, Commentary, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. He is a contributing editor at American Heritage, where he wrote the “Business of America” column for many years, and currently writes “The Long View” column for Barron’s. He is the author of several books, including Hamilton’s Blessing: The Extraordinary Life and Times of Our National Debt, The Great Game: The Emergence of Wall Street as a World Power, and An Empire of Wealth: The Epic History of American Economic Power.

A silver lining in Tampa

A Silver Lining  "The media is so obsessed with the impact of the still mundane Tropical Storm Isaac on the political scene they may be missing the bigger picture.  Here is Isaac's predicted path versus the current drought monitor.  Nothing spells drought relief more than the aftermath of a hurricane and while it is too late for this years grain crops Isaac should help the livestock situation a bit."  
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert


Neal Boortz on RNC Coverage  "Originally, the ObamaMedia was not planning on airing the GOP speakers slated for Monday night.  One of those speakers was supposed to be Ann Romney, a very popular figure.  The ObamaMedia knows this. 
"As luck would have it, Isaac managed to spoil their efforts.  We are here broadcasting today from the convention but the speakers for tonight have been canceled and many moved to nights later this week.  Looks like the ObamaMedia may be forced to carry Ann Romney’s speech after all. 
"Just remember, often times media bias is in the stories you choose NOT to cover more than the way you handle the stories you DO cover."

Mark Steyn: War on women? The real war is on children

Mark Steyn;   "We can’t do anything about exploding rates of childhood obesity, diabetes and heart disease, but, if you define “health care” as forcing a Catholic institution to buy $8 contraception for the scions of wealth and privilege, we’re right on top of it."

"If you think Barbara Boxer's right about Gen. Romney's war on woman, feel free to waste your vote. But what else is likely to happen between now and the next time you cast a presidential ballot? We've rehearsed the fiscal stuff in this space before: China becoming the world's biggest economy, another American downgrade, total U.S. liabilities equivalent to about three times the entire planet's GDP."....
"Meanwhile, the Democrats are so thrilled at the opportunity to pull their discredited "War on Women" meme back out of the mothballs, they're actually restructuring the upcoming Democratic Presidential Convention to feature Fluke and other activist speakers and be a wall-to-wall celebration of abortion. Because in their minds, next to Obama's record on the economy, even killing babies looks good."

Atheist group removes billboards targeting presidential candidates' religious faith

CNN Via WND    "The billboard targeting Mormonism lambasted  and, Mormons would say, distorted specific Mormon doctrines: "God is a Space Alien, Baptizes Dead People, Big Money, Big Bigotry.”  
"The Mormon billboard featured a man in white underwear, a reference to special Mormon garments."
...."American Atheists said the billboards provoked a “large volume of threats” by phone and e-mail and that the group reported the threats to police."

Well done, Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong Attacks Obama Space Plan  "The first man to walk on the moon blasted President Barack Obama’s decision to cancel NASA’s back-to-the-moon program on Tuesday, saying that the move is “devastating” to America’s space effort.
"Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong’s open letter was also signed by Apollo 17 commander Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon; and Apollo 13 commander Jim Lovell, who is marking the 40th anniversary of his famous lunar non-landing this week. 
....It appears that we will have wasted our current $10-plus billion investment in Constellation and, equally importantly, we will have lost the many years required to recreate the equivalent of what we will have discarded. ....

"This is the actual tribute to Neil Armstrong as it appears on President Obama’s Tumblr page that is operated by Organizing for America.
"The touching remembrance of the first human being ever to set foot on the moon of course features a photo of… Obama:"
"Considering the level of humility that Armstrong demonstrated in his life, this speaks hilarious volumes.
"Obama does have a way of inserting himself into history though."

Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs writes:    "One tiny narcissistic step for Obama, another giant step backward for American exceptionalism."

Hopenchange  "Just last year, Neil Armstrong looked at what Barack Obama has done to our space program and declared it to be "embarrassing and unacceptable." But he also said "I am hopeful that, in the near future, we will be doing the right thing." 
"He did not live to see that future. But this November, your one small step into the voting booth can be a giant leap in the right direction."

Ron Paul blowing up his bridges

Rick Moran writes in American Thinker:    "But this is just beyond the pale and shows why Ron Paul -- and anyone who agrees with him -- should be kept at arms length by the GOP and frozen out of any positions of responsibility.
At a speech today in the Sun Dome at the University of South Florida ahead of the Republican convention, the Libertarian former Republican presidential candidate said if he had been in charge 9/11 wouldn't have occurred. "Somebody - rather nationally -- said the other day on the Internet 'if those Paul people had been in charge Osama Bin Laden would still be alive.' But you know what I think the answer is? So would the 3000 people killed on 9/11 still be alive!"
...."now like two year olds, they are throwing a tantrum because no one agrees with their far out, loony leader.
"Paul's "liberty" agenda may have its good points, but the man is toxic waste and deserves to be escorted to the wings and given the boot out the door."
Not for nothing is Ron Paul referred to as "the crazy uncle who lives in the attic" and I suspect with him out of the race, many of his supporters will vote for Obama.

What about his son, Rand? Rand Paul Is Already Getting Ready To Run In 2016
"Lane's interest in Rand's Israel positions also underscores the opportunity that the younger Paul has to rewrite parts of the narrative about the Ron Paul movement, specifically regarding national security and foreign policy issues. Although the two Pauls positions are mostly similar, Rand Paul appears to have the political instincts and finesse that his father so endearingly lacks."

Updated: Bob is a RACIST!

Via American Thinker

Update: GOP's Coded Messages  "In case you were not aware, any mention of Obama’s move to remove work requirements from welfare is raaaacist.  Got it?  No, seriously.  That assertion was made by not one but two people over the last few days."  Neal Boortz.

This post comes from WAKE UP BLACK AMERICA

"The pitiful and pathetic overreach by the left for constantly labeling Republicans and conservatives as being racists without having any evidence of it being so has gotten way past old. It has become a long lasting running joke at this point." 

Now Is The Time To Push Back

Rabbi Aryeh Spero, via CNS News;
   “We can no longer rely on our soldiers overseas to defend us, for, this time, the war is stateside, within, and we must be the civic soldiers in our own battle to preserve what has been our history and way of life.”

...." [Obama], like so many in the left who see themselves as a permanent ruling class, does not like historic Americanism or even vast swaths of the American people themselves. They don’t like who we are and what we stand for. For them, it’s personal."
....it is “unacceptable that a man from outside come to your centuries-old home and tell you what furniture you can keep and what part of your property you must give to him.”
Cartoon by A.F.Branco - Obama Super-PAC
This Tony Branco  cartoon sums it up far better than any words I may come up with. When Pelosi and other Democrats call the GOP "extreme", this is their point of reference. TD