How To Guarantee Four More Years of Obama "This is convention week, and the GOP should be building enthusiasm and consolidating behind Romney. Even better, the Libertarians should be mending fences with the GOP, and Ron Paul should be calling for his followers to support Romney as well." Anybody else out there as tired of Ron Paul as I am? I still carry a grudge against Ross Perot for the Clintons.
Heritage; We Can Change America’s Course "The debate in Tampa this week raised a number of issues, including preserving the American dream of working hard to achieve success. The Heritage Foundation has extensive research and policy prescriptions on each of these issues:"....
"To put America on a path toward preserving and growing freedom, Spalding says, “The first step is to reduce the size and scope of government and unleash the engines of economic productivity and the institutions of cultural renewal.”"
Sweetness and Light; Obama: I Didn’t Sell Stimulus Enough " President Barack Obama says his re-election might help end the political stalemate in Washington, much like “popping a blister.”
"In an interview with Time magazine, Obama says he expects Republicans in Congress to work more cooperatively in a second term, since his re-election would no longer be a factor."
Oh, well then, I feel so much better about voting for Mr. Obama now.
American Thinker; The Problem with Barack "Yet this man seriously seems to believe he is a king, free to pick and choose the laws and statutes he will obey or enforce, duly empowered to impel or forbid action by executive decree, without legislative approval."....
"Yet he is still nothing more than a small man -- so afraid people will see -- a man loath to allow those who would dare the freedom to do what they have always been free to do -- pre-Barack, of course."
The Salesman "Make no mistake … Obama has the salesman thing down cold. He doesn’t need to work on his sales pitch; that managed to con millions of Americans into putting him in the White House! The fact that his policies aren’t working is bad enough, but it’s frightening to think that this man truly believes his biggest weakness is his sales pitch." Neal Boortz.