Friday, January 11, 2013

Lawyer: Banning Assault Weapons A Feel-Good Gesture 'Unless You’re Prepared to Confiscate'

CNS News  "“Unless you’re prepared to confiscate all of the assault weapons and prevent their sales in the future then it’s a gesture to ban assault weapons,” he said. “It probably will make people feel good but I don’t think it will solve that much in the way of elimination of wrongful violence.”
" “We would surely eliminate some kinds of mass deaths. Whether the shooters who go into schools and attack unarmed children ... would not do it because they don’t have an assault weapon but they happen to have two or three loaded handguns with them -- I rather doubt,” he continued.
" “But unless we're prepared to confiscate the existing assault weapons, it may make people feel good, and make it symbolic, to ban assault weapons. And I might vote for it but I really wouldn’t think it's going to make much difference in terms of saving lives -- which is what I’m really concerned about.” " Via Lucianne
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Four Months After Benghazi Attack, Where Are the Killers?

The Daily Beast  "Ever since an armed mob torched a U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, President Obama has vowed to bring the killers of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans to justice. Yet four months after the assault, U.S. counterterrorism and intelligence officials tell The Daily Beast that the hunt for those responsible remains stymied by poor cooperation by North African governments."
"One source of frustration for U.S. intelligence community: the president’s decision to make the Benghazi probe a criminal investigation. While the CIA has an ever-changing list of suspects it dubs the “Benghazi attack network,” the drones and Special Operations teams that are used to hunt al Qaeda operatives in Pakistan and Yemen are not being used to track down Stevens’s(sp) killers. Instead the investigation is being led by the FBI, which relies on cooperation from local and national police in Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt." Via Lucianne
Obama treats his fellow countrymen and our allies with more disrespect than he does our enemies.

MSNBC's Race Issues

MSNBC obsesses over perceived racism by Republicans, but look how they treat black conservatives
"MSNBC is arguably the most race obsessed cable news network on television and they beat a single drum constantly. In their narrow view, all white conservatives are racists, the Tea Party is a terrorist organization and the Republican Party is as white as the snows of January.
"This leads me to wonder why MSNBC also does everything it can to demonize black conservatives."

MSNBC Contributor Taylor Again Attacks Black Conservatives As 'Dangerous' to Minorities   "Appearing on the January 10 Martin Bashir program to discuss concerns being expressed by many in Washington -- predominantly on the Left -- that President Obama's second-term Cabinet will be less diverse in terms of race and gender than his first term, MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor took the opportunity to attack minority and women appointees of the George W. Bush Cabinet as self-hating minorities."

I'm sure that MSNBC will trash these people if they have not done so already
NBRA Chairman Frances Rice   
First Blacks in Congress – All Republicans (Complete List)   
Historical Black Republican leaders - Photos    
Black Republican Leaders Today - Photos  
NBRA History Test   
"Obama's Plan to Enslave Blacks - A cartoon created for the [National Black Republican Association] by Brett Noel provides a chilling look at the future of black Americans under a Barack Obama Administration as "Socialist Slaves" dependent on government handouts on the Democratic Party's economic plantation.  As a corrupt Chicago "Community Organizer" for 20 years, Obama produced unlivable slums and wants to repeat his failure for the rest of America."

Did you hear about the Maher-Trump kerfuffle?

Bill Maher Offers Donald Trump $5 Million If He Can Prove He's Not An Orangutan  "You might remember a "New Rules" segment Maher did on "Real Time" last year where he insisted that Trump is the spawn of his mother and an orangutan. Well, now Maher is offering $5 million to the charity of his choice if he can prove otherwise, an obvious jab at Trump's similarly ludicrous offer to President Obama."

So Trump did release his birth certificate:
Naturally, an artsy-craftsy lib source cries, "forgery".

Fox News' Megyn Kelly gives us the story and a debate on the issue: 
Donald Trump: I Will Sue Bill Maher If He Does Not Pay Up $5M   "Donald Trump plans to sue Bill Maher if the HBO host does not pay the $5 million he wagered when asking the real estate mogul to release his birth certificate.
"Earlier this week, while appearing on The Tonight Show, Maher made the offer of $5 million to charity of Trump releases his birth certificate and proves that he was not the “spawn” of his mother having sex with an orangutan.
"A day later, Trump released his birth certificate and demanded Maher honor the wager and pay up soon.
"Extra’s A.J. Calloway caught up with Trump, who said, “[Maher] made the offer, I accepted his offer, and he owes me $5 million, which I am going to give to charity. If doesn’t pay the money we will probably sue him.” (video)

JD Underground  First point of a discussion thread:
"What are everyone’s thoughts on The Donald supposedly accepting Bill Maher's offer to prove he is "not the spawn of his Mother having sex with an orangutan?" It appears Trump had his lawyer write Maher a letter with his birth certificate, and the list of charities he would like the $5,000,000 donated.
Could Trumps possibly win a breach of contract suit? At first glance, I said no because of the statute of frauds issue, but then I got to thinking that the Leno clip could be used to satisfy the writing requirement. Anyone familiar with New York contract law?
 This is the type of lawsuit that ends up in Contracts case books

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tucson School District To Reintroduce Racist “Raza Studies”…

Weasel Zippers
"The Tucson Unified School District Governing Board is reversing itself by voting to drop an objection to providing so-called “culturally relevant” courses for core credit beginning next school year.
"The courses would focus on experiences, culture and history of Mexican-Americans and African-Americans.
"The governing board had objected to offering the courses as part of anti-desegregation plan.
"However, the board reversed its position in a 3-2 vote Tuesday as two newly elected board members supported the change.
"The district previously eliminated Mexican-American Studies courses after state officials ruled that the courses’ content violated a law against curriculum that engendered racial or ethnic disharmony."

More here from the TUSD site

Governing Board members

Hagel and Brennan; the choice of Obama

The American Action Forum; Obama’s Controversial Defense Choice  "Under different circumstances, Hagel might have sailed to confirmation.  A decorated Vietnam veteran with decades of foreign policy experience, Hagel carries an impressive résumé.  Politically, he should have been able to count on support not just from Team Obama, but also from his fellow Republicans.  And being a former Senator should have made him a shoe-in, since the Senate tends to support its alumni regardless of party.  Hillary Clinton was confirmed on a 94-2 vote, and John Kerry appears likely to face little opposition to replace her.
"Instead, President Obama’s choice of Hagel sets up perhaps the most contested cabinet fight of Obama’s second term."

Jonah Goldberg; Hagel: A Petty Pick  "The coming nomination fight will undoubtedly focus on the strength of the case against Hagel. But the real indictment of Obama’s pick is the weakness of the case for Hagel — and the pettiness of the pick in the first place."

How about this?...."
Legal Insurrection; The problem is not Chuck Hagel in isolation, it’s what the nomination of Hagel says about where Obama wants our defense and foreign policy to go.
"But what I’m finding out is deeply troubling — including David Brooks’ excellent post highlighted in my post Hagel the perfect foil to manage military’s decline over Republican objections.
"Hagel seems like the perfect smash-mouth Obama nominee, someone who, like his possibly future boss, is more interested in smashing Republicans and dividing the opposition than strengthening our international standing."  (Emphasis mine, TD)

CIA Nominee Brennan Dismisses Radical Islam, Calls [Jerusalem] Al-Quds, Whitewashes Hizballah "... John Brennan, who is currently President Obama’s chief security adviser for counter-terrorism, has been a leading figure in the failure of the Obama Administration to name the enemy – radical Islam – waging war on the U.S.; has called Jerusalem by its Arabic name, Al-Quds, has whitewashed the Lebanese terrorist group, Hizballah; and been implicated in serious intelligence failures:" Read more...

Is there a White House pattern here? Egyptian Report: Muslim Brotherhood Members In White House Administration

Counter-Terrorism Chief John Brennan calls Jerusalem “Al-Quds”  "During a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, John Brennan described violent extremists as victims of “political, economic and social forces,” but said that those plotting attacks on the United States should not be described in “religious terms.” "

CIA Nominee John Brennan Has Touted Hezbollah’s ‘Moderate Elements’ " After a visit to Lebanon the following April, Brennan raised eyebrows when he was quoted as speaking about Hezbollah having “moderate elements” which the U.S. should try to “build up.” "
...."then-deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage suggested that Hezbollah could be regarded as a more dangerous threat than Osama bin Laden’s network, telling a U.S. Institute of Peace function, “Hezbollah may be the A-team of terrorists and maybe al-Qaeda is actually the B-team.” "

Obama voters already arriving for inauguration

Obama mulls issuing executive orders on gun control

Rick Moran at American Thinker  Quoting from The Hill:
It should be noted that there is a near zero chance that the president will issue an executive order grabbing any guns. It is more likely that Obama will tighten reporting requirements for state agencies who report mentally ill people to the government, or perhaps hit gun shows with new requirements that will make it more difficult for sellers to do business. But there's no sense going overboard with hysterical warnings about Obama taking guns. Not going to happen and it only makes the president's critics look crazy.
  "Of far more importance than any executive order Obama might issue is the obvious administration strategy of turning this into an emotional debate so that people won't think logically of the consequences. To do this, they will invoke Newtown every chance they get. They know they will lose a debate on the merits and facts. But they have a chance if they exploit the Newtown dead and scare people into pressuring congress to adopt bad legislation." "Never let a crisis go to waste" - even if you have to create one by standing on the dead bodies of little children."

Pravda Op-Ed To US: Never Give Up Your Guns. Wait...what? Pravda?
"In fact, under the Soviet Union crime was rampant. But the Communist governments lied about it, and suppressed the statistics. A practice some claim is still continuing under Putin."
While President Putin pushes through reforms, the local authorities, especially in our vast hinterland, do not feel they need to act like they work for the people. They do as they please, a tyrannical class who knows they have absolutely nothing to fear from a relatively unarmed population. This in turn breeds not respect but absolute contempt and often enough, criminal abuse.
Emphasis in the original.

Coulter: Doing the research the New York Times won’t do

Ann Coulter;  "There is an academic, peer-reviewed, long-term study of the effect of various public policies on public, multiple shootings in all 50 states over a 20-year period performed by renowned economists at the University of Chicago and Yale, William Landes and John Lott. It concluded that the only policy to reduce the incidence of, and casualties from, mass shootings are concealed-carry laws. The Times will never mention this study."
...."Here’s a tip: High-crime areas are often bristling with bulletproof glass, heavy-duty locks, gated windows and armed guards. The bulletproof glass doesn’t cause the crime; it’s a response to crime. On Rosenthal’s logic, hospitals kill people because more people die in hospitals than outside of them."
"(In any event, the Lott-Landes study didn’t recommend armed guards, but armed citizens.)
Coulter finishes with this:
...Bad Journalism kills.
Chew on this, libs: Man Shoots Robbery Suspect, Protects 2-Month-Old Son

Chew on this, gun owners: Five Gun Grabbing Democratic Party Bills

By the way, did you hear this? Obamacare Amendment Forbids Gun and Ammo Registration
"It seems that in their haste to cram socialized medicine down the throats of the American people, then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Barack Obama overlooked Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716, part c.
"According to reports, that amendment says the government cannot use doctors to collect "any information relating to the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition."
CNN is calling it "a gift to the nation's powerful gun lobby.""

By the way, do you notice that, in leftspeak, "gun owners" is not used? For the liberals the term "gun lobby" is more effective for their purposes. Just as they find the term "millionaires and billionaires" is better than "small business owners". TD

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What planet is this guy from?

Well, this cartoon is about what you get in the LA Times. My theory is that this cartoonist goes to social gatherings where there are celebrities and introduces himself as the artist who drew this cartoon. Just think of the attaboys and schmoozing he would get; Tom Hanks telling him that this cartoon is over his desk at the office would bring him to orgasm, wouldn't you say?
There is no courage needed to be an outspoken liberal in Hollywood.
"I believe that Obama would like to see an end to racism, sexism and homophobia. While many people find fault at the slow pace that Obama is addressing these issues, socialists would agree with these aims. But so would Greens, most Democrats and some libertarians (did I forget anyone?). So, being an open-minded individual who supports civil rights does not necessarily label one a socialist. In fact, most socialists would argue that our economic system, capitalism, requires inequality to survive, and so we cannot finally end these blights within the current framework – not that we shouldn’t still try."
The Communist Party's publication loves Obama's reelection  
Obama Wins!
                 Labor wins!
Americans reject policies of greed and union busting!

By Scott Marshall

President-elect Barack Obama.

Those words ring with meaning. For organized labor they ring with pride, hope, and energy for the struggles ahead. No one feels like labors candidate won, so now we can go home and rest. Rather, as congratulation messages pour in from all parts of the labor movement, the critical subtext is, we are ready and eager to march with you for change. At the top of labors change agenda is boots-on-the-ground support for the Obama agenda of a new New Deal for economic recovery and passage of the Employee Free Choice Act.
The labor movement took independent political action to spectacular new levels. Unions broke all previous records in mobilizing its rank and file for labor walks, phone banks, plant gate distributions, and member to member contact in the workplace. Labor continued to build and develop its own political apparatus and voice. Hundreds, if not thousands, of union halls became campaign central for the Obama campaign as well as for targeted Congressional contests.

Obama says we ain't got no stinkin' spending problem

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Wall Street Journal; The Education of John Boehner  "Mr. Boehner confirms that at one critical juncture he asked Mr. Obama, after conceding on $800 billion in new taxes, "What am I getting?" and the president replied: "You don't get anything for it. I'm taking that anyway.""
...."Mr. Boehner says that the only way to build long-term economic growth is to reduce the nation's debt through entitlement and tax reform. But can such a deal be achieved with a president who doesn't even think that Washington has a spending problem? "He believes in the power of government," Mr. Boehner answers. "I believe in the power of the American people. It is really that simple." And really that difficult."
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Nile Gardiner; 128 million Americans are now on government programmes. Can America survive as the world’s superpower?   "Ironically, Britain, through the tremendous determination of Iain Duncan Smith and his team at the Department of Work and Pensions, is starting to roll back the welfare state, precisely at the same time the current US administration is expanding it.
The United States isn’t just gliding towards a continental European-style future of vast welfare systems, economic decline, and massive debts – it is accelerating towards it at full speed."

Heritage agrees: U.S. Government Increases National Debt—and Keeps 128 Million People on Government Programs

Wow!… Barack Obama Tells John Boehner “We Don’t Have a Spending Problem”
"For years we’ve been trying to decide, “Is Obama stupid or is he purposely trying to destroy the US economy?”
"Now we know the answer. He’s stupid as a can of Spam.
"Thank you, America, for reelecting this destructive bonehead.
"Barack Obama told John Boehner, “We don’t have a spending problem.” "

Krauthammer: 'Not a Scintilla of Evidence' Obama Will Reform Entitlements (Video)

How liberals control the debate: "prog-talk"

Propaganda Critic
Conservatives talk about "getting our message out" and having communicators who are able to do it. But I'm just plain pessimistic about it because how would we stand a chance no matter what sound logical argument is used? The left controls academia, movies, even school curricula. And all these sources use the "prog-talk" mentioned here:  

Neal Boortz: A New Term In Prog-Talk!  "It’s been a while since we have updated our list of prog-talk terms.  What is “prog-talk”?  That is the language that progressives and liberals like to use in order to say bad things but in a way that doesn’t sound as bad to the dumbmasses … actually that should be dumb masses … or the ignoramuses.  Let’s review our list real fast before we get to our latest entry, shall we?"
  • “Undocumented workers” became the politically acceptable term so as to not offend “illegal immigrants” or “illegal aliens”
  • “Revenues” are a fancy way of saying “taxes” in prog-talk
  • “Revenue positive” is how liberals like to say “tax increases” without using the forbidden “t-word” (taxes)
  • “Letting the Bush tax cuts expire” was, for a long while, the way to say “increase taxes on the rich!”
  • “Investing” is the word that proggies use to describe “government spending”
  • “Earmarks” and “pork-barrel spending” were replaced by the politically correct “congressionally directed spending”
  • “Stimulus” became a dirty word after the $800 billion flop of 2009, so proggies managed to use the word “job creation” instead .. still puzzled as to how the two are related.
"The latest proggie term has been coined by proggie princess herself Nancy Pelosi, the hallow-eye hippie from Haight-Ashbury.  In the discussion over gun control, apparently Princess Pelosi would prefer to do away with the term “gun control” and replace it with “gun violence prevention.”
"This is how the proggies will get what they want out of this fight .. they will change the language so as to make anyone challenging them out to be for gun violence and against preventing gun violence.  Isn’t that clever?"