Neal Boortz; Obama and His Executive Privilege "Just remember that when it comes to the fundamental transformation of the United States, Caesar Obammus is not tremendously hung up on the law or our Constitution. After all, the founding document of this nation is our Constitution and Obama told us he wants to change the foundation of our country: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” In this gun control debate, we see him, once again, willing to act more as a ruler rather than a leader."
Here are three posts from Lucianne:
President Congeniality talks tough. Even the WaPo didn't like his 'tude. "Given the tendency by conservative media “to demonize me*,” Obama said, socializing with the president might lead to “a challenge from somebody in a primary.” The only way to change lawmakers’ behavior, he said, is for voters to “reject” the partisans who don’t compromise. “And that’ll be true whether I’m the life of the party or a stick in the mud,” he said.
"From the affable president, this must pass for friendly advice."
* I'm sure Mr. Obama was thinking of the Tunnel Wall when he said that.
Slate; Why Nobody Believes Obama on the Debt Ceiling "Watching the president talk about the debt ceiling and his unwillingness to give up any ransom in exchange for it, I find it impossible not to confront the point that as of now nobody seems to believe him."
Obama Once Called Raising Debt Ceiling 'a Sad State of Affairs'
Power Line Blog; Our Mean-Spirited President Gives a Press Conference and Talks About Guns "I think we have had worse presidents than Barack Obama; James Buchanan comes to mind. But I don’t think we have ever had a president as shamelessly dishonest as Barack Obama."
Here are three posts from Lucianne:
President Congeniality talks tough. Even the WaPo didn't like his 'tude. "Given the tendency by conservative media “to demonize me*,” Obama said, socializing with the president might lead to “a challenge from somebody in a primary.” The only way to change lawmakers’ behavior, he said, is for voters to “reject” the partisans who don’t compromise. “And that’ll be true whether I’m the life of the party or a stick in the mud,” he said.
"From the affable president, this must pass for friendly advice."
* I'm sure Mr. Obama was thinking of the Tunnel Wall when he said that.
Slate; Why Nobody Believes Obama on the Debt Ceiling "Watching the president talk about the debt ceiling and his unwillingness to give up any ransom in exchange for it, I find it impossible not to confront the point that as of now nobody seems to believe him."
Obama Once Called Raising Debt Ceiling 'a Sad State of Affairs'
Power Line Blog; Our Mean-Spirited President Gives a Press Conference and Talks About Guns "I think we have had worse presidents than Barack Obama; James Buchanan comes to mind. But I don’t think we have ever had a president as shamelessly dishonest as Barack Obama."