Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hillary Clinton's Legacy of Scandal; If you read nothing else, be sure to read THIS

American Thinker  "For as long as Hillary Clinton has been on the national  scene, she has left a path of destruction and wreckage in her wake that is both impressive and terrible to behold.  She is a testament to the extent of damage that can be done by one person determined to conquer everything before her in the quest for unlimited power and self-gratification.  The only prize left to her in American politics is the presidency, which she has always felt is hers by right.  Indeed, she would have attained it were it not for the upstart community organizer, a fellow admirer of Saul Alinsky, who spoke in volumes but said nothing. 

"While such determination comes at a staggering cost, we should remind ourselves that the bill is never paid by Mrs. Clinton or her equally arrogant husband."   Read more:
We should be grateful as a nation for the gift of foresight.  May it finally enlighten those who so far have proved poor excuses for sensible American citizens. Via Lucianne

Just sayin'

Four Words to Watch in the Immigration Debate

The Senate Judiciary Committee works on the immigration bill.

Heritage  "The Senate will begin debate on the Gang of Eight’s immigration proposal next week. Here are four words to watch out for as the Senators make their case—and warnings about what they might mean."
"Beware the word “comprehensive.” As Meese notes above, the amnesty of 1986 was also called a “comprehensive” approach to immigration reform. It doesn’t work, and it’s not what we need. We need a separate, step-by-step approach to immigration reform. An approach that works—that the American people can trust—would start with reforming the legal immigration system and enforcing the security measures that are supposed to be in place."

Don't get the impression that we are discontented, but...

Hat tip to Larry Criteser, Eugene, Oregon

The US as illustrated by Jerusalem Post cartoonist

Klueless Kerry
Obama's Israel visit;
 "Okay, so the crowds weren't quite as thin as depicted here--but I couldn't help making a joke about the terrible timing. (Seriously, dropping by for a state visit and snarling all the road traffic outside and within the capital at the height of holiday shopping time? Not cool.)"
Syria And The American Orchestra
So much for the world respecting us since 2008

Evolution of the American Left

Pelosi On Obamacare: “I Don’t Remember Saying That Everybody Would Have A Lower Premium” – Pelosi In 2012: “Everybody Will Have Lower Rates”…

Weasel Zippers  If you can't defend a position, just talk it to death.

From the Weekly Standard:  "At a Thursday afternoon press conference, Nancy Pelosi responded to news that, contrary to earlier claims by Barack Obama and Pelosi herself, Obamacare will cause health insurance premiums to rise sharply for many people who purchase their own insurance in the individual market.

""I don't remember saying that everybody in the country would have a lower premium," Pelosi said in response to a question from THE WEEKLY STANDARD. But during last year's presidential campaign, Pelosi said that because of Obamacare "everybody will have lower rates." Pelosi, the House minority leader, made the comment during a July 1, 2012 appearance on Meet the Press:"....

Under Obamacare, only people under the age of 30 can participate in the slightly cheaper catastrophic plan. So if you’re 40, your cheapest option is the bronze plan. In California, the median price of a bronze plan for a 40-year-old male non-smoker will be $261.
But on eHealthInsurance, the median cost of the five cheapest plans was $121. That is, Obamacare will increase individual-market premiums by an average of 116 percent.

Pelosi did not remember saying this?

Source for this post was Nincompoopery, at Always On Watch

An Administration of Liars or Incompetents, Perhaps Both

Conservative Daily News  "It’s pretty pathetic how many in government service these days provide living proof of the validity of the Peter Principle, which asserts, “Everyone rises to the level of their incompetence.” Either that, or they’re liars."
Either the entire administration is clueless, incompetent, and refuses to accept responsibility for anything, or they’re all liars. Either way, we clearly have an out-of-control government, too large and unwieldy to manage, and a gaggle of politicians and bureaucrats too incompetent or dishonest to run it.

The Politics of Feeling

The Other McCain
“You can’t do that.”
   But it makes me feel good.
“It’s against the law.”
   Then we should change the law.
   Because it makes me feel good.
“Who cares about your feelings?”
...."You are a “hater” if you dispute the benefits of affirmative action — not because facts and logic contradict your argument, but because some people have convinced themselves that this policy is a reflection of their value as human beings. Thus, no matter how wrong-headed the policy or how harmful its results, your opposition is indicted as unfair because you’re making people feel bad — you hater!
"Beyond that, however, is the point that Thomas Sowell hammers home in The Vision of the Anointed, namely that liberalism is about making liberals feel good about themselves or, as the book’s subtitle explains, Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy."
"One might even imagine, to listen to the arguments of the Open Borders Lobby, that laws against racial discrimination actually mandate that every American must love Mexicans, or else be guilty of thought-crimes.

"After listening to these pious lectures a while, you can be forgiven if you feel the urge to scream at your television: “BUT THEY’RE FOREIGNERS WHO ARE BREAKING OUR LAWS!” "
Hat tip to Jackie Wellfonder at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Friday, June 14, 2013

Why I heckled Bill Maher

Ron Futrell  "I have a special-needs son named Troy. He’s 27. Every day, I drop him off at Las Vegas’s Opportunity Village, a workplace for adults with special needs. Helping people with special needs is something I’m passionate about.
"As you may recall, Sarah Palin has a special-needs son, too. During his performance, Maher chose to make a joke about Palin’s five-year-old son, Trig, who he described as a “retard.” The audience of supposedly compassionate liberals roared with laughter. The crowd’s reaction was even more disturbing than the joke itself."
The compassionate left.

The incident was covered in the Las Vegas paper: Ex-sports anchor chides Bill Maher  "“I went there to be enlightened,” he said. “I like hearing from both sides.”
"He added, “I have found out one thing. The left doesn’t like to be confronted.”
"The Review-Journal sought comment from Maher but didn’t receive a response by deadline."
Mediaite has more on this  "Ron Futrell, a former sportscaster and contributor for Breitbart, says Maher referred to Palin’s youngest child Trig as “retarded.” Futrell has a special needs child himself, and has interviewed Palin in the past about their shared challenges. He was appalled, not only at Maher’s word choice, but the audience’s uproarious reaction."

Sarah Palin pounds Bill Maher for attacking special-needs son Trig as 'retarded'  
"Futrell has no regrets heckling Maher, and said he would "always be glad" to stand up for those who have no voice.
"It's not the first time liberals have attacked Palin's youngest son, who was diagnosed with Down's Syndrome.
"In April 2011, we reported that the liberal site Wonkette posted a vile attack against Trig on his third birthday."

 Another example of this man's outlook:

Need to challenge dangerous cluelessness about Iran

Iran votes for new president, Khamenei slams U.S. doubts  "The 50 million eligible voters had a choice between six candidates to replace incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Having been vetted by Iran's electoral authorities, none is seen a challenge to the Islamic Republic's 34-year-old system of clerical rule."
Jennifer Rubin  "To their credit, a trio of Republicans spoke out about the fraudulent election in Iran. On the Senate floor, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) declared, “On Friday, the people of Iran head to the polls to make a false choice. They will be forced to select not the candidate of their choice, but from those chosen for them by the Supreme Ali Khamenei, who are guaranteed to continue the Supreme Leader’s policies of political and religious oppression and pursuit of nuclear capability at all costs.” The speech is worth listening to in full."

Rick Moran; Iranians in sham presidential election   "Better to have a close aide who will do as he's told in order for the Supreme Leader to maintain his iron grip on the government and country."

Lets laugh WITH the administration, not AT it.