You get an insurance plan, and you get an insurance plan,
and you get an insurance plan!
By Sarah Kliff, WaPo "Senior advisor Valerie Jarrett hosted a meeting Monday with a star-studded group of actors, musicians, writers and producers who have “expressed a personal interest in educating young people about the Affordable Care Act,” according to a White House official."Young people are crucial to the Affordable Care Act’s success, and the White House estimates it needs 2.7 million of them to sign up for health coverage in 2014. With typically low health costs, it’s this demographic that Obama administration is relying on to keep premiums low on the new marketplaces."
Obamacare: Because Mom said so "Moms Rising, which taps into social media and blogging with its health and wellness and health reform advocacy, is creating “Wellness Wonder Teams.” Women who sign up pledge to tell at least 10 other people about the law — and get a refrigerator magnet that says “Changing More Than Diapers.” "