Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Anthony Weiner links, for those who may care

The Obama election campaigner, 23, who 'received illicit messages and had phone sex with Anthony Weiner' a year after humiliated wife forgave him
"The Obama election campaigner, 23, who ‘received illicit messages and had phone sex with Anthony Weiner’ a year after humiliated wife forgave him — Sydney Leathers, a liberal activist from Illinois, is allegedly the woman who revealed explicit images she received from Weiner."
 Via Memeorandum

Legal Insurrection; NY Times Editorial Board Urges Weiner to Drop Out of Mayoral Race  "That Weiner would continue to, as the NY Times puts it, “drag the city into” his “tawdry saga,” speaks volumes of his character. As Philip Klein tweeted, it’s also a level of narcissism few of us can understand."
But has he ever been accused of rape?

Left-wing cartoonist Ted Rall defends Weiner

WSJ; The Anthony Weiner Show What he and Eliot Spitzer have in common.  "The two men claim to have been chastened and redeemed by their falls from power, though it's clear in both cases they only regret having been caught."
Much more out there, but this should do it.

Did Kate Middleton Use the NHS? Of Course Not

National Review Online "How odd, though, that the Royal Family wouldn’t elect to use a system that was featured so prominently in Britain’s “national story” during the opening ceremony of last year’s Olympics. It’s almost as if it’s not up to scratch."

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Thomas Sowell asks: Is This Still America?

Thomas Sowell  "More important than the fate of George Zimmerman, however, is the fate of the American justice system and of the public's faith in that system and their country. People who have increasingly asked, during the lawlessness of the Obama administration, "Is this still America?" may feel some measure of relief.

"But the very fact that this case was brought in the first place, in an absence of serious evidence -- which became painfully more obvious as the prosecution strained to try to come up with anything worthy of a murder trial -- will be of limited encouragement as to how long this will remain America."

A White Person’s Reaction to Obama’s Trayvon Martin Speech

"I could’ve been the one presumed guilty of racism and facing a media hell-bent on demonizing me. "
NRO  "It could have been me who, after being acquitted by a jury of my peers in a state trial that never would have happened but for the color of my skin — not even the color of my skin, but what my name suggested the color of my skin might be — soon became the target of an investigation by the federal government.
"It could have been me facing a media so hell-bent on turning me into a monster that they said and did almost anything, including doctoring a 9-1-1 call, in order to turn me into something I wasn’t.
"It could have been me who will live with the fact that my actions led to the taking of a young life.
"It could have been me. I could have been George Zimmerman."
"Here is one last thing I wanted to hear in President Obama’s speech: African Americans survived racism. It is liberalism that black people may not survive." Emphasis added. TD

Liberalism's failures turn Detroit into the butt of jokes. Obama's liberal philosophies are doing the same to this nation.

The Failure Of Detroit’s Progressive Agenda  "Today, the city of Detroit is an illustration of the complete failure of Liberalism and the Democrat politicians that embrace the progressive agenda.
"The following links are just a few examples of the complete failure of the liberal (progressive) Democrat agenda." Research material for your next economics class here.

Heritage; Detroit and the Bankruptcy of Liberalism   "Democrats have dominated the city council, and there’s been a Democratic mayor since 1962. One-party government quickly became bad government, featuring a stream of liberal, blue-state policies such as sweet deals for government unions. Now, though, the bill has come due for these liberal policies."
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
Detroit a Poster Child for Failed Liberalism

Here is a big bunch more it you care to read them.

Taiwan Video Pointedly Mocks Detroit’s Bankruptcy Filing  "DETROIT (CBS Detroit) The city’s bankruptcy filing has put Detroit in the crosshairs of every comedian from Chicago to Chattanooga. And now Taiwan is laughing."

Former Obama Car Czar: Bail Out Detroit  "In a Friday op-ed for the New York Times, Rattner writes, “neither the state nor the federal government has evinced any inclination to provide meaningful financial assistance. That’s a mistake. No one likes bailouts or the prospect of rewarding Detroit’s historic fiscal mismanagement. But apart from voting in elections, the 700,000 remaining residents of the Motor City are no more responsible for Detroit’s problems than were the victims of Hurricane Sandy for theirs, and eventually Congress decided to help them.” "
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Detroit: Organized for failure  "Read these descriptions of the structure of city government in Detroit.   I find it a bit reminiscent of the bloated  organization charts that were in place in the American auto industry during the era when it foisted cars such as the Pinto, its big brother the Mustang II, the Gremlin and the Vega -- to name just a few -- upon consumers."
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Announcing the birth of the Royal baby. Or is it just "royal baby"?

Thank you, Jay.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist

Gateway Pundit   "A photo from the Houston pro-Zimmerman counter-rally of the NBPP anti-Zimmerman rally picked up by the AP shows a woman holding a sign that read, “Racist & Proud.”"
Check the photo caption at the bottom.
racist proud plant
"That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side.
The Houston Chronicle identified her as Renee Vaughan:
One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”
Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.
"The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.
Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment."
I'm sure MSNBC will still get plenty of use from this scam.

U.S. Ambassador to Egypt: "Muslim Brotherhood's Lackey"

From Middle East Forum: Raymond Ibrahim  "Why do millions of Egyptians, including politicians and activists, consider Anne Patterson, the U.S. ambassador to Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood's "stooge"—as she is so commonly referred to by many in Egypt, from the media down to the street?"
....Last week, for example, El Fagr reported that, during their most recent phone conversation, Patterson demanded that Egypt's recently appointed Supreme Commander of the Egyptian Armed Forces, General Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, release all Muslim Brotherhood members currently being held for questioning: "And when Sisi rejected this order, the American ambassador began threatening him that Egypt will turn into another Syria and live through a civil war, to which Sisi responded violently: 'Neither you nor your country can overcome Egypt and its people.'"
Something tells me the next Republican president will need to make an apology tour of the Near and Middle East with a lot of bowing over the Obama foreign policies. Once again, Obama alienates our friends and serves those who hate us.

Helen Thomas remembered for who she was

Debbie Schlussel  "Predictably, moron Whoopi Goldberg defended Thomas’ Jew-hatred on ABC’s hag-fest “The View.” And, now, in death, she is lauded by the mainstream media as a “pioneer.” I’m not sure just what it is she pioneered. She was not the first to pioneer the art of Jew-hatred in high places in America, not the first to attack America in the White House to Presidents galore, not the first for anything . . . unless pioneering the science of hideousness is a first. And even that has come before and will come again."
"The best Helen Thomas moment is the one in which the one person who had the guts to stand up to her in public–the late Tony Snow, then Bush’s White House Spokesman–told Hebollah Helen tHAMAS where to go..... Watch the video:"

My opinion is that Tony Snow was head and shoulders above any other press secretary. Most especially Jay Carney who should hang his head in shame at being Obama's conduit to useful idiots.
Made you look, didn't I?
"After consulting with her producer Tyra returned to the set where Helen Thomas had fallen asleep. What follows is a transcript of the remainder of the interview."....
Should I label this as satire or just let it show up as a viral urban legend? TD

Tiny shih-tzu becomes adoptive mom to cute KITTEN after finding it abandoned in a ravine and yelping until help came

UK Daily Mail  "People locked in a bitter feud are often compared to cats and dogs, but whoever came up with that old cliché clearly has never met Goldie and Kate.

"Goldie, a small, well-groomed shih-tzu, was discovered in a ditch in South Carolina by an animal control officer, who at first thought that the pooch was in trouble.

"As it turned out, the pup was actually caring for and nursing a tiny kitten, which somehow ended up in the thicket."  Read more
 Family resemblance: With their black, white and grey fur, Goldie and Kate look very much alike

Oprah, Funny or Die and the Grammys want to promote Obamacare

You get an insurance plan, and you get an insurance plan,
 and you get an insurance plan!
By Sarah Kliff, WaPo  "Senior advisor Valerie Jarrett hosted a meeting Monday with a star-studded group of actors, musicians, writers and producers who have “expressed a personal interest in educating young people about the Affordable Care Act,” according to a White House official.
"Young people are crucial to the Affordable Care Act’s success, and the White House estimates it needs 2.7 million of them to sign up for health coverage in 2014. With typically low health costs, it’s this demographic that Obama administration is relying on to keep premiums low on the new marketplaces."
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Obamacare: Because Mom said so  "Moms Rising, which taps into social media and blogging with its health and wellness and health reform advocacy, is creating “Wellness Wonder Teams.” Women who sign up pledge to tell at least 10 other people about the law — and get a refrigerator magnet that says “Changing More Than Diapers.” "