Thursday, November 28, 2013

The American Idol Electorate; Holding popularity contests is not the wisest way to select the leader of the free world.

I have a leftist (so he says, though I suspect he just likes to argue and taunt) relative who, when I asked him to name all the reasons Obama should be in the White House, said, "there are fifty million reasons why". That pretty well lines up with the fact that an incompetent electorate will elect an incompetent president.

Charles Cook  ...  "Meanwhile, 56 percent of the public say that he does not inspire confidence, the very same percentage has noticed that the president does not agree with them on issues that are important to them, and only 44 percent profess to “admire” him. His approval ratings, meanwhile, are hovering around the 40 percent mark — and moving in the wrong direction to boot.

"But here’s the kicker: Americans are still fond of him anyway."

The Front Man / President Obama is the nominal leader for permanent bureaucracy.

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
NRO   ..."Barack Obama did not invent managerial liberalism, nor has he contributed any new ideas to it. He is, in fact, a strangely incurious man. Unlike Ronald Reagan, to whom he likes to be compared, President Obama shows no signs of having expended any effort on big thinkers or big ideas. President Reagan’s guiding lights were theorists such as F. A. Hayek and Thomas Paine; Obama’s most important influences have been tacticians such as Abner Mikva, bush-league propagandists like the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and his beloved community organizers. Far from being the intellectual hostage of far-left ideologues, President Obama does not appear to have the intellectual energy even to digest their ideas, much less to implement them. "

Thank Barack; he smiled down on us from above

 Obamacare Event Hands Out Condoms as Prizes  "The Obamacare event took place at the University of Central Arkansas last weekend. It was hosted by a group called the Living Affected Corporation, which apparently has received a grant from the federal government to educate the public about Obamacare."
Well, they have indeed done that.
 Hail to the Panderer-in-Chief  ... “Taken in sum, Obama’s list was a revealing document,” write the authors. “He believed that over the past three years his progressive impulses had too often been trumped by the demands of pragmatism. That he had trimmed his sails in just the way his critics on the left had charged.” ...
The President Who No Longer Feels Your Pain   ... "The problem for Democrats is that they head into a six-year-itch election with full ownership of Obamacare, following a president who is entrenched in a defensive political posture — a president who many voters believe no longer feels their pain."

Labor Relations Board OKs unions paying people to protest Walmart

Washington Examiner   "National Labor Relations Board lawyers okayed a major union's practice of paying people to protest against Walmart in a legal memorandum earlier this month. The federal labor law enforcement agency said the practice of paying workers $50 apiece to join protests “did not constitute unlawful … coercion of employees.”
"In a Nov. 15 memorandum from the NLRB's general counsel office regarding the so-called “Black Friday” protests staged by United Food and Commercial Workers against the nonunion retailer last year, the NLRB lawyers determined that the UFCW's offer of $50 gift cards to anyone who showed up to protest “was a non-excessive strike benefit.' ”

Is it Too Soon to Say "I Told You So?"

Ann Coulter
"Back in September, The New York Times promoted Bill de Blasio's mayoral candidacy with an editorial titled, "Don't Fear the Squeegee Man." The editorial informed readers that crime wouldn't get worse under de Blasio because "policing is far better than it used to be, thanks to innovations by Mayor David Dinkins." (Emphasis added -- the Times was not being sarcastic.)

"Under the policing "innovations" of Mayor Dinkins, the annual murder rate in New York City rose to an all-time high of 2,245 in Dinkins' first year in office. After four years of hard work, the murder rate had dropped by about 10 percent, to a merely astronomical 1,995 per year."....

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Obama,US pull back from being the stabilizing force we once were

American Held Hostage For 444 Days In Iran Calls Nuke Deal ‘Foolishness’  “ 'It just hurts. We negotiated for 444 days and not one time did they agree to anything … and here they beg for us to negotiate and we do,” he said. “It’s hard to swallow. We negotiate with our enemies and stab our allies in the back. That doesn’t seem good.' ”

Via Drudge
Obama Signals a Shift From Military Might to Diplomacy  "For Mr. Obama, the shift to diplomacy fulfills a campaign pledge from 2008 that he would stretch out a hand to America’s enemies and speak to any foreign leader without preconditions. But it will also subject him to considerable political risks, as the protests about the Iran deal from Capitol Hill and allies in the Middle East attest."
Iranian students climb over the wall of the U.S. embassy in Tehran during the Iranian Revolution, on Nov. 4 1979. (credit: AFP/Getty Images)
Former Hostages React to Iran's Nuclear Deal   " 'It's kind of like Jimmy Carter all over again," said Clair Cortland Barnes, now retired and living in Leland, N.C., after a career at the CIA and elsewhere. He sees the negotiations now as no more effective than they were in 1979 and 1980, when he and others languished, facing mock executions and other torments."

Well, this didn't take long, did it? McAuliffe appoints scandal-tainted cabinet member

Thomas Lifson   "The signs are that corruption will be the byword of the administration of incoming Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe. Right Wisconsin reports:
The name Levar Stoney may not ring a bell to many in Wisconsin, but the new Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia and former Deputy Campaign Manager for Governor-elect Terry McAuliffe has some scandalous history in Wisconsin.
His First Bath, 1904
Charles Francis Murphy, Croker’s successor,
 brought reform and Progressivism to Tammany,
 bathing the tiger of corruption. How has progressivism
become so corrupted? 

VICTORY: Major retailer ditches political correctness, is saying “Merry Christmas” this year

Young Conservatives   "The American Family Association has made it its mission for nearly eight years to coordinate a major grassroots email campaign targeting retailers that replaced “Merry Christmas” messages with the politically correct “Happy Holidays.” But this year, the group is claiming a major victory.

"Bill Chandler, Gap Inc.’s vice-president for global corporate affairs, sent a personal letter to the association announcing its policy has changed this year for Gap and Old Navy stores:
As we near the holiday season I want to update you on how Gap, Inc.’s family of brands will celebrate the Christmas season. As a global retailer, we embrace the diversity of our customers and respect a variety of traditions and faith during the holidays, including Christmas.
Starting today, every Gap Outlet window will have signs that say “Merry Christmas” along with Christmas trees and wreaths throughout their stores. 

Disrespect cuts both ways in American politics, but civility not at all

Lauren Victoria Burka is the Managing Editor of Politic365 and publishes the blog Crewof42 on Black members of Congress. She can be heard every Tuesday on the radio on The Earl Ingram Show at 1290 WMCS at 4 p.m. EST. Ms. Burke has enjoyed employment with and ABC News and holds a B.A. in History from The American University.

Larry Elder; Why the 'Disrespect' for President Obama?             

OFA urges Obamabots to talk about Obamacare at Thanksgiving

Rick Moran  "In one way, it is entirely appropriate to talk about Obamacare at the Thanksgiving dinner table. (Fill in your own turkey joke here). But I imagine the topic will not be a very popular one.
Recognizing that, Organizing for America - the Obama grass roots organization - has some helpful hints for those who want to ruin everyone's Thanksgiving with political talk.
"USA Today:"   ....
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
...."Rabid political partisans are the most boring people in the world. The can't shut up about their "causes" and they don't listen. This makes them akin to lecturers rather than conversationalists.
"Nightmare scenario: Stuck in a broken elevator for hours with an OFA member, praying they come for you before you commit hari kari."

Monday, November 25, 2013

Source: Netanyahu Scolded Obama in Phone Call on Iran Deal

Big Peace   "The prime minister made it clear to the most powerful man on earth that if he intends to stay the most powerful man on earth, it's important to make a change in American policy because the practical result of his current policy is liable to lead him to the same failure that the Americans absorbed in North Korea and Pakistan, and Iran could be next in line."....
 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Dumb Versus Dumber in Common Core Debate

Dumb and Dumber
Ramesh Ponnuru "Last week, Arne Duncan, the secretary of education, picked just the right words to make an increasingly hot controversy even hotter.
"Like many education officials in both parties, Duncan is a defender of the Common Core initiative to create uniform academic standards for K-12 education in all states. Resistance to it, he asserted, comes mainly from “white suburban moms” who don’t take kindly to hearing that their children aren’t meeting newly raised standards.
"Last week, Arne Duncan, the secretary of education, picked just the right words to make an increasingly hot controversy even hotter.
Like many education officials in both parties, Duncan is a defender of the Common Core initiative to create uniform academic standards for K-12 education in all states. Resistance to it, he asserted, comes mainly from “white suburban moms” who don’t take kindly to hearing that their children aren’t meeting newly raised standards."