Friday, January 31, 2014

Watch these workers' faces as they realize what ObamaCare does to them  "To millions of Americans, however, ObamaCare has been just a word. Now, however, every single day thousands of Americans learn the details of ObamaCare's impact on their family, lives and wallets. It's not pretty."

... "Since not one single Republican member of Congress voted to pass ObamaCare, its ownership resides solely with Democrats. Which is why you do not hear many of them bragging about that position." ... 
Emphasis added, TD

"Obama is already a lame duck. But whether he talks about his plan or not, these voters will have the opportunity to express their opinion in just 277 days.
If they want to keep their congressional Democrats, they can. If not, they'll have other choices. Period."

The plight of the people above is not the concern of the liberals who voted for this Obama supporter:  

The fog is beginning to lift.

President ignores ObamaCare horror stories as human, financial costs pile up  ... "But despite the questionable claims of easier access and more people enrolling in the ObamaCare exchanges, the ugly truth is the horror stories are piling up and, sooner or later, ObamaCare’s cheerleaders will have to confront the overwhelming evidence indicting them for repeatedly lying to the American people." ...

Thanks, Mr. President, but I think we'll do better without you over here.

In Landrieu Races, Obama Helps and Hinders  "Sen. Landreau's "success will ultimately come down to her ability to retain enthusiasm among those blacks while attracting moderate white Democrats who increasingly vote Republican, many of whom are furious about the Affordable Care Act. “Senator Landrieu has supported President Obama’s agenda 97 percent of the time,” her likely opponent, Representative Bill Cassidy, wrote in an email.
"While Ms. Landrieu, 58, has largely kept her distance from the president, she is taking any help she can get from her colleagues."...

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Totalitarian Troubadour; We shouldn’t forget that Pete Seeger was Communism’s pied piper.

John Fund
... "Seeger was a talented singer, but he was also an unrepentant Stalinist until 1995, when he finally apologized for “following the [Communist] party line so slavishly.” You’d think Obama might have at least acknowledged (as even Seeger did) the error of his ways. Instead, Obama celebrated him only as a hero who tried to “move this country closer to the America he knew we could be.”
“ 'Over the years, Pete used his voice — and his hammer — to strike blows for worker’s rights and civil rights; world peace and environmental conservation,” said Obama. “We will always be grateful to Pete Seeger.” Not even a hint that the “world peace” Seeger was seeking was one that would have been dominated by the Soviet Union.
"I recall interviewing East German dissidents in 1989 who were still angry at Seeger and Kris Kristofferson for the concerts they did on behalf of the Communist regime that built the Berlin Wall. He was hailed in the pages of Neues Deutschland, the Communist-party newspaper in East Berlin, as “the Karl Marx of the teenagers.”
"By all means, let’s remember Pete Seeger for his talent while also remembering the monstrous causes he sometimes served."

Pete Seeger: Culture Warrior Extraordinaire    "How America’s most successful Communist claimed folk music for the Left."

Pete Seeger: A Mean-Spirited and Vengeful Recollection
... "I was not just a Pete Seeger fan, but a to-the-hammer-born, born-and-bred cradle fan of Pete Seeger. With those credentials, permit me to take note of his passing with the observation that he was a fraud, a phony, a poseur, an imposter. The notion of folk music he espoused was a put-on from beginning to end." ...


Budweiser Super Bowl commercial: about seven layers of cuteness

Hot Air     ... "I mean, it’s even called “Puppy Love.”

"Dark exit question: What happened to the guy who tried to adopt the puppy?"

MSNBC apologizes again

MSNBC Fires Employee Responsible for Cheerios Tweet "Priebus sent a letter Thursday morning to Griffin denouncing what he characterized as "demeaning attacks" that "have become a pattern" at MSNBC.
" 'With increasing frequency many of your hosts have personally denigrated and demeaned Americans -- especially conservative and Republican Americans -- without even attempting to further meaningful political dialogue," wrote the RNC chairman.
"It is the latest embarrassing gaffe for MSNBC, which has already parted ways with Martin Bashir and Alec Baldwin, while weekend host Melissa Harris-Perry issued a tearful apology for belittling Mitt Romney's adopted African-American grandson.
[Sean Spicer] "continued: "We don’t expect their liberal bias to change, but we will call them out when political commentary devolves into personal and belittling attacks.' "

NBC, MSNBC sink to bottom of who the public trusts   "In its fifth trust poll, 35 percent said they trusted Fox news more than any other outlet, followed by PBS at 14 percent, ABC at 11 percent, CNN at 10 percent, CBS at 9 percent, 6 percent for MSNBC and Comedy Central, and just 3 percent for NBC."

MSNBC's Chuck Todd fears "There is a dehumanization going on. There’s some opinion folks trying to dehumanize politicians and other reporters.”
MSNBC anchor Alec Baldwin was recently fired for screaming anti-gay slurs on the street. And let's not forget that MSNBC hired Baldwin just a few weeks after the actor hurled homophobic slurs and threats at a gay journalist.

MSNBC anchor Martin Bashir was recently shown the door for arguing that someone should defecate in the mouth of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

MSNBC anchor Melissa Harris-Perry recently had to apologize for hosting a segment that ridiculed Mitt Romney's adopted grandson over the fact that the infant is black.

MSNBC anchor Toure' recently attacked CNN's Don Lemon's racial bona fides with a taunt accusing the black anchor of being a "white leader."

And there just isn't enough room on the Internet to list the sins MSNBC and NBC News committed against George Zimmerman, or the outright fraud NBC News and MSNBC have engaged in to unjustly smear the Tea Party and Rick Perry and others as every "ist" known to man. 

Barack Hussein Obama’s half-brother, Malik, joins terror group Hamas in advocating the destruction of Israel

Bare Naked Islam
"Posted on Malik Obama’s WEBSITE, ‘The Barack H. Obama Foundation,’ is a photo of Malik wearing a Hamas scarf (keffiyeh) that bears a well-known Palestinian slogan – ‘Jerusalem is ours – WE ARE COMING!’ It also includes a map of Palestine that says, ‘From the River to the Sea!’ In other words, Malik is saying, ‘there is no Israel.’ "
Hamas leader Khalid Mash’al wearing the same kind of
Hamas leader Khalid Mash’al (Right) wearing the same kind of keffiyeh
President Obama's brother declares his intent to destroy Israel   "President Obama may not be his brother's keeper, but he certainly has honored his half-brother Malik. When he married Michelle Robinson, his best man was Malik. And the president of the Barack H. Obama Foundation? None other than Malik. And that very foundation was fast-tracked to nonprofit status approval at the same time that Tea Party affiliates were being grilled on the content of their prayers.
The keffiyeh (or scarf) doesn't just say, 'Al Aqsa is ours and is not their temple'. It also says 'Innana Qadimun', which translates to mean 'We are marching forward'. This famous battle command which is a reference to the prophecy that some day the Muslim world will march on Jerusalem and then the trees and stones will cry out, 'here is a Jew hiding behind me... come O Muslim, come and kill him'.

MSNBC being, well, MSNBC.

First, the cute commercial at the center of the kerfuffle:
"MSNBC brought upon itself a tsunami-sized response from conservatives Wednesday evening for a Tweet promoting an article at about the new Cheerios ad set to debut during this weekend’s Super Bowl broadcast." From The Gateway Pundit

Slimy MSNBC fails to apologize for deleted claim of ‘conservative’ backlash against biracial family  First, the Tweet from MSNBC:
BUSTED: MSNBC Race-Baiters Quietly Edit Cheerios Article Smearing Conservatives "In other words, Gabriela Resto-Montero and MSNBC made up the alleged ‘conservative’,’ right wing’ racist attack on the Cheerios ad.
After Michelle Malkin went after MSNBC on Twitter, Executive Editor Richard Wolffe posted a personal apology on Twitter. Wolffe did not apologize for the article that prompted the tweet nor did he mention the edit.
"The article was edited so that the word conservative was taken out. The article now reads “…sparked a backlash last year.. ”
This from the network that mocked the biracial Romney family a short time back.

 "In a now-deleted tweet, MSNBC predicted “the rightwing” would hate a cute Cheerios ad featuring a biracial family. MSNBC executive editor Richard Wolffe absurdly claimed that his race-baiting network’s race-baiting tweet was “not who we are at MSNBC.' ”
Who you gonna believe - MSNBC or your lying eyes?

From Newsbusters: MSNBC* Slimes 'Right Wing' as Racist Over Cheerios Ad Featuring Biracial Kid; Forced to Apologize
*Home of the race-o-phobic Chris Matthews
"Less than a month after Melissa Harris-Perry's tear-drenched apology for a panel discussion on her MSNBC program which mocked Mitt Romney's adopted black grandson, the cable network again had to apologize on Wednesday, this time for an online post (now deleted) that unjustly accused conservatives of being against interracial marriage and reproduction. An anonymous writer on MSNBC's official Twitter account wrote: "Maybe the rightwing will hate it, but everyone else will go awww: the adorable new #Cheerios ad w/ biracial family."

"Conservative commentator Michelle Malkin led the charge against the inflammatory Tweet, encouraging her followers to post photos of their multiracial families, using the hashtag #MyRightWingBiracialFamily. It didn't take long for the pictures to come in:"  Read more:

In conclusion, the author of this Newsbusters piece, Matthew Balan wrote:

This latest MSNBC controversy struck a particular chord with me, as I am biracial myself. It was my immigrant father, who came to the United States from the Philippines five years before I was born, who helped form my sense of patriotism and my conservatism. My Caucusian mother of Polish/German/mixed British heritage deserves much of the credit for my Catholic faith and for my pro-life activism. The left's overuse of the race card regularly infuriates me, as too many of them cannot fathom that any "diverse" person could be a conservative. I hope that MSNBC's apology was sincere, but I can't say I will be surprised if they get caught up in another racial gaffe in the future.

This lawless, intimidating administration that makes Republicans tremble and our enemies laugh

Tankity tank

"Now that we’ve heard Obama at the SOTU, it’s a perfect time to check in with PJ Media’s Trifecta.
"What do you think of Obama’s latest power grabs, gentlemen?"

Judicial Watch Continues Lawsuit Against Obamacare Lawlessness  "It’s very clear why President Obama has resorted to these extra-constitutional means to avoid the unpleasant consequences of Obamacare. He’s a politician, and he knows that his unpopular healthcare overhaul will lead to disastrous political results he’d rather delay as long as possible. The problem is the Obama administration is operating outside the law, and businesses are suffering."
Sheila Jackson Lee On SOTU: ‘Executive Orders Are Legal,’ Obama Acting ‘On Behalf Of The American People’

Jim DeMint’s Message to Obama: Stop Acting Like an Imperial President

Holder Confirms Obama Ready to Use Executive Order on Guns ‘in Absence of Meaningful Action’ by Congress   “ 'When you look at the quality – not just the quantity, but the quality – the nature of the executive orders that he has issued, he has usurped an extraordinary amount of authority within the executive branch,” ...
"[Sen. Mike Lee] Lee called for the Department of Justice to release documents that explain the executive action decision “so that the American people can be aware of what’s happening and on what basis [the President] is claiming that authority.”

This Is Starting to Look Like a Pattern of Political Moves and Prosecutions  The author of this post gives us twelve examples of Obama administration acts and asks if we see a pattern in them. After the list, he gives us this fact:
"Here is one more fact. In 2012, Obama’s campaign deliberately disabled safeguards on its website, allowing it to collect illegal foreign donations. It did accept illegal foreign donations; to what extent is unknown. Those donations, and the campaign staff who disabled the safeguards, were never investigated or prosecuted. The media never showed much interest in investigating, either."

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

GOP Crafts Plan to Wreck the Country, Lose Voters

Ann Coulter  ..." Immigrants -- all immigrants -- have always been the bulwark of the Democratic Party. For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in need of government assistance. Also, they're coming from societies that are far more left-wing than our own. History shows that, rather than fleeing those policies, they bring their cultures with them. (Look at what New Yorkers did to Vermont.)

"This is not a secret. For at least a century, there's never been a period when a majority of immigrants weren't Democrats.

"At the current accelerated rate of immigration -- 1.1 million new immigrants every year -- Republicans will be a fringe party in about a decade.

 ... " According to a Harris poll, 81 percent of native-born citizens think the schools should teach students to be proud of being American. Only 50 percent of naturalized U.S. citizens do."

After numerous disconcerting statistics about where illegal immigration is taking America, Ms. Coulter has to wonder
How are Republicans going to square that circle? It's not their position on amnesty that immigrants don't like; it's Republicans' support for small government, gun rights, patriotism, the Constitution and capitalism.

Reading these statistics, does anyone wonder why Democrats think vastly increasing immigration should be the nation's No. 1 priority? 

Christian Singer Walks Out on Grammys After ‘Satanic’ Performances

"Katy Perry conducts bizarre witchcraft ceremony during event

"Popular Christian gospel singer Natalie Grant walked out of the Grammys after witnessing a series of performances that even the mainstream entertainment media admitted were occult in nature.

Natalie Grant         @NatalieGrant

I've never been more honored to sing about Jesus and for Jesus. And I've never been more sure of the path I've chosen.
"Grant, who was nominated for two Grammys last night, tweeted her excitement upon arriving at the event but soon made it clear that she left early because what she witnessed conflicted with her Christian beliefs, stating, “We left the Grammy’s early. I’ve many thoughts, most of which are probably better left inside my head. But I’ll say this: I’ve never been more honored to sing about Jesus and for Jesus. And I’ve never been more sure of the path I’ve chosen.”
"Although she remained coy on the exact circumstances, Grant was probably referring to Katy Perry, who was surrounded by demons as she danced around an upside down broomstick before being encircled by fire during a performance of her song “Dark Horse”. Perry wore clothing bearing an illuminated Knights Templar cross.
"Even E! Online tweeted that Perry’s performance resembled “actual witchcraft”."

AJ McCarron: 'Really Demonic' Performances at Grammys Show 'There's a Lot of Evil in the World'  "Former Alabama quarterback A.J. McCarron, who is preparing for the NFL Draft, was watching the Grammys on Sunday and felt that the "really demonic" performances showed that "there is a lot of evil in the world.' "


KSFO San Francisco  "We’re not certain if it’s just an American problem, but some people in this country seem to care more about appearing on television than they do about actually knowing what they are talking about.
"Several hours before President Barack Obama addressed a joint session of Congress with his State of the Union address, ABC-TV’s late night star, Jimmy Kimmel sent his “Lie Witness News” cameras to the streets outside of his Hollywood Boulevard studios to ask people what they thought about the president’s speech. Again, Kimmel’s camera crew was on the streets before the SOTU even happened."

Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA.

Feminists Furious About Cathy McMorris-Rodgers’ SOTU Rebuttal

By Cassy Fiano at Victory Girls  "It was inevitable. It happens whenever a conservative female Republican dares to be vocal about their political beliefs. Last night, President Obama delivered his State of the Union speech. The rebuttal for the GOP was delivered by Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers. And she did well — even the liberal media is begrudgingly admitting that
"Shockingly, the woman chosen to deliver the GOP’s rebuttal spoke about conservative policies. This has just infuriated the self-proclaimed feminists, who are all outraged that the woman-hating Republicans let a woman talk, or something.
"First up is the ever-inclusive Amanda Marcotte:" ...
"The only thing that matters to feminazis is that a woman is a liberal feminist extremist. If you don’t fit the bill, like Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, then don’t dare make the mistake of expecting that today’s modern feminists will speak for you. They’ll rip you to shreds, and then claim they did it in the name of being pro-woman."
‘Where’s the Needlepoint?’: MSNBC’s Alex Wagner Mocks McMorris Rodgers’ GOP Response

 Alex Wagner         @alexwagner
"Living room. Lady on a settee. Where's the needlepoint?"
"Curious to know how Wagner would have reacted if someone had said something similar about this Hillary Clinton video, [h/t @redsteeze]:"