The Foreign Policy Initiative "Why is this happening? Because the United States is in retreat. What is the Obama administration’s response to these events? Further retreat.
"Having withdrawn from Iraq, and seeing it now fall apart, the administration is nonetheless determined to get out of Afghanistan. Its Russia “reset” is a joke, and its “pivot to Asia” an empty slogan. Secretary of State John Kerry huffed and puffed when Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons last year, and asserted it was a Munich moment. How right he was! Kerry came back brandishing a piece of paper, and Assad remains in power."
The bottom line of this article is:
"Having failed to hold Assad accountable for the use of weapons of mass destruction, Kerry now says that global climate change may be the weapon of mass destruction we should most fear. Sure. Meanwhile, in the real world of real weapons, our military is being decimated in size as it is being enervated by political correctness. And on the matter of sheer competence in the execution of foreign policy, to say that we have a B-team in charge is an insult to B-teams everywhere."