Saturday, May 24, 2014

Obama, Benghazi, and that 3 AM phone call

During The Benghazi Attack, The White House Called… YouTube     ... "The memo suggests that even as the attack was still underway — and before the CIA began the process of compiling talking points on its analysis of what happened — the White House believed it was in retaliation for a controversial video." ... Was this that three AM phone call we discussed in 2008?

US Hero Waited 20 Hrs. on Benghazi Rooftop While Obama Called YouTube & Went Campaigning "Diplomatic security agent David Ubben, like former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, ran into the Special Mission Compound (SMC) to help save US officials under siege in Benghazi. Ubben was struck by a mortar round that killed Woods and Doherty. His leg was shredded. Ubben was forced to wait twenty hours before a plane was sent to pick him up.

"While Ubben was waiting for help with a shredded leg the Obama White House called YouTube and the president flew off to campaign in Las Vegas."
obama las vegas

More e-mails…another thorn in Obama’s side   "And so the clouds of Benghazi gather yet again over the White House as e-mails have surfaced showing that Barack HUSSEIN Obama…this most traitorous of men…contacted YouTube about the infamous ‘Innocence of Muslims’ video while the attacks at Benghazi were ongoing. This is serious stuff folks as it shows that while Obama did NOT send troops to help our people under attack at the mission…saying there was NOT enough time to save them (and how did he know the time frame while the attack was ongoing unless he helped plan it)…but he did have time to call YouTube and lay the foundation for the LIE that the attack was caused by said video. "

"And these e-mails unequivocally prove that the video accusations did NOT come from the CIA as Obama and his minions claimed…as they came BEFORE the CIA even began comprising their own talking points on what they believed happened that night"....

Dangerous Times: Benghazi Means Betrayal   "Obama has known about  ‘Eid butchery since he attended Muslim school in Jakarta from age six to ten. Al Qaida simply applies animal butchery to human children and other innocents, if they refuse to convert to Islam."

Honoring, or Mocking, Those Whom Died for Our Freedoms and Democratic Ideals?

Voice of Lillpop
... "Some questions to ponder:

"1. Our government is run by an administration that ignores Constitutionally-protected freedom of religion by demanding that services which violate the religious beliefs of certain groups be provided by those groups, contrary to Amendment 1 of the US Constitution.

"The same Obama administration consistently ignores and circumvents existing immigration law so as to curry favor with illegal aliens whom are being targeted as future Democrats.  This extraordinary violation of the rule of law ignores the will and needs of millions of American citizens, including Veterans, in order to pander to those whom have invaded America.

"How many American lives were sacrificed so that our renegade government could ignore basic religious freedoms to 65 million Americans, and ignore our borders and immigration laws for political gain?

"Given the cynical, anti-American policies of the Obama Administration, those Americans whom have sacrificed their all for America are, regrettably, being mocked this Memorial Day.

"The good news is that our Constitution, battered and abused as it is, is still viable.


"We the people must remember the American war dead on November 4 and vote to remove those whom refuse to honor the sacrifices made on our behalf.

"Do it in memory of the brave men and women who died for our freedoms and liberty!"


Commencement Fail Week at College Insurrection

College Insurrection
CI Commencement
"If nothing else, the Class of 2014 will be remembered for commencement season.
"Where did these students get the idea to act in such a way?
"They’re listening to you, Nancy…
Keep reading. There's more...

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

The Blame Bush Meme*

The Right Planet
"Blame Bush … because we are Democrats! And we are as pure as the wind-driven snow. That’s why we are never wrong. We, the liberal Democrats, can’t be wrong, because we are liberal Democrats. Of course, it’s Bush’s fault. Who else’s fault would it be? Not George Bush?


"Only those who are not liberals can be fascists or racists … like George Bush … or you, if you’re not a progressive liberal. If you are reading this, and you don’t agree, you are racist or fascist, possibly both, and maybe worse. This has been confirmed by British researchers. Everybody knows that. "      More here. Unless George Bush has hacked your computer, of course.
*Meme:   "A meme (/ˈmm/ meem) is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture." A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. " ...

Friday, May 23, 2014

Message from Hell — An Interview with a Former Black Panther

Noisy Room   "This is a riveting and revealing discussion with former Black Panther Anthony Bryant, who is interviewed by G. Edward Griffin on his experience as a prisoner in Castro’s prisons in the video above.

"The late Mr. Bryant hijacked a National Airlines jetliner en route from New York to Miami and directed it to Cuba back in 1969. He was arrested in Cuba and spent 10 years in prison after being accused of being a CIA agent by Cuban authorities. Tony Bryant authored the book Hijacked and detailed his experiences as a prisoner in Castro’s Cuba."
" ...Informers working for the CDR watched everyone twenty-four hours a day, and marked down anyone who came into the block. If someone visited someone’s home and stayed longer than a few hours, the police would pay them a visit to see what they were doing. You cannot visit neighbors and stay as long as you like, even if you’re invited. If you do, you will be arrested, according to Bryant."

It was at this time that Bryant began to question his own belief and devotion to socialist-style revolution. Bryant asked, “Was this what they had been fighting for?” Bryant attributes his turn away from Communism to God.
One of the YouTube commenters claims he has this video interview with G. Edward Griffin and Anthony Bryant on VHS tape, and expressed displeasure with the individual who posted the video, alleging a portion of the video had been cut off at the very end … the portion where Bryant allegedly says, “Communism is humanity’s vomit; and we need to clean it up.”

Sen. Pat Roberts on free political speech and Harry Reid’s unhinged Koch addition

Bookworm Room  "It will take a little less than 15 minutes of your time and is well worth it. Roberts does a lovely job of eviscerating the opposition to the Citizens United decision as well as Harry Reid’s obsessive, disturbing, and increasingly unhinged opposition to Charles and David Koch:"

Poland's Walesa says the US no longer world leader

Yahoo News   "Poland's former president and Nobel Peace laureate, Lech Walesa, said Friday he plans to urge President Barack Obama to take a more active world leadership role when he visits Poland in June.
"Speaking to The Associated Press, Walesa said "the world is disorganized and the superpower is not taking the lead. I am displeased."
"The former Solidarity leader said that when he meets Obama in Warsaw, he wants to tell him that the U.S. should inspire and encourage the world into positive action." ...

Andrew Klavan: Why Democrats Call You Racist

These Photos Show WWII History Just Beneath The Surface Of Our Cities

WWII in Street View: London's Balham station civilian air raid shelter partially destroyed
On 14 October 1940, during the London blitz, a bomb partially destroyed the Balham station civilian air raid shelter     From The Guardian

More here from The Guardian

HuffPo   "Behind every wall, under every paving stone, there are layers of hidden stories that ordinarily remain confined to history books.

"Thanks to artist Halley Docherty, however, some of these hidden histories have once again been made visible. Docherty used Google Street View to map archive photos from World War II onto today's streets, reviving life during the war years. The series was published in The Guardian.

"Docherty's fascinating images bridge the distance between the gruesome war years and today's events by contrasting familiar, modern street scenes with the same locations at a darker time -- when Nazi Germany occupied France, London was under siege during the Blitz, and Japan was devastated by atomic bombs. "
guardian cities
German soldiers parade down the Champs-Elysées in Paris, June 1940. (Halley Docherty/The Guardian)

The Veterans Scandal: Socialized Medicine on Trial

Roger L. Simon
Many have wondered about Barack Obama’s prolonged silence concerning the disastrous situation at the Veterans Administration hospitals and then his odd detached demeanor (well, maybe not that odd for him) when he finally did discuss it at a press conference.

"The answer is simple.  His lifetime dream of a free public (single payer) healthcare system for all just disintegrated in front of him. Forget the wildly ambitious and pervasive “Affordable Care Act,” the government couldn’t even handle the health of our wounded servicemen, acknowledged for years to be by far the group most deserving of medical attention in our country.  With veterans dying while waiting lists are falsified, it’s hard to see government healthcare as anything but incompetent, disgraceful and quite possibly criminal.

"Government has failed utterly [1].  Does anyone have any doubt that Halliburton or even the dreaded Koch brothers could have better handled the health of our wounded warriors? Probably almost any business would have.  " ...
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel


Krauthammer: Who made the pivot to Asia? Putin.

Charles Krauthammer  ...."This is huge. By indelibly linking producer and consumer — the pipeline alone is a $70 billion infrastructure project — it deflates the post-Ukraine Western threat (mostly empty, but still very loud) to cut European imports of Russian gas. Putin has just defiantly demonstrated that he has other places to go.

"The Russia-China deal also makes a mockery of U.S. boasts to have isolated Russia because of Ukraine. Not even Germany wants to risk a serious rupture with Russia (hence the absence of significant sanctions). And now Putin has just ostentatiously unveiled a signal 30-year energy partnership with the world’s second-largest economy. Some isolation."

 "The contrast with President Obama’s own vaunted pivot to Asia is embarrassing (to say nothing of the Keystone pipeline with Canada). He went to Japan last month also seeking a major trade agreement that would symbolize and cement a pivotal strategic alliance. He came home empty-handed. " ...  (Emphasis added. TD)
"Decline is not a condition. Decline is a choice. In this case, Obama’s choice. And it’s the one area where he can be said to be succeeding splendidly."

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Alan Caruba: The Slow, Sure Death of "Climate Change" Lies

Warning Signs
... "The irony of the latest NIPCC report, of course, is that it responds to the claims of global warming and carbon dioxide’s role at a time when the Earth is cooling. It makes one wish that all the talk about “greenhouse gases” is true enough to help us escape from the present cooling.
"One thing we do know for sure is that the Greens talk of climate change has lost its grip on the public imagination and attention. As the cooling cycle continues, people around the world will be far more focused on increased evidence of massive ice sheets at both poles, on frozen lakes and rivers, on shortened growing seasons, and on the desperate need for more fossil fuels to warm our homes and workplaces."