Debbie Schlussel ... "Only a narcissist like anti-American, anti-Israel bigot Maya Angelou would think anyone wants to hear her read from an e-mail from anti-American, anti-Israel bigot Rachel Corrie, who was part of the Palestinian terrorist group International Solidarity Movement (which aided Al-Qaeda terrorists and gave HAMAS terrorists a place to sleep the night before they blew up Mike’s Bar in Tel Aviv, Israel." ...
Below: Rachel Corrie Burning a Facsimile of the American Flag for Smiling Palestinian Muslim Kids in Gaza . . .
Below: Rachel Corrie Burning a Facsimile of the American Flag for Smiling Palestinian Muslim Kids in Gaza . . .
"In case you aren’t familiar with Rachel Corrie, she was an America-hating flag burner who was in love with Islam and her Palestinian Islamic terrorist friends for whom she was working. She died when she was accidentally run over by a bulldozer while she was attempting to stop Israelis from knocking down homes shielding tunnels through which her terrorist friends transported weapons and bombs to kill innocent civilians." (some excerpts I felt were unfortunate were deleted from Ms. Schlussel's comments)
Maya Angelou’s Students: “Worst Professor EVER! Insults Students, Conceited Creep!”; Gave Her Horrible Ratings "I’ve already told you what a racist, bigoted, anti-American, anti-Semitic,
anti-Israel Marxist the late Maya Angelou was. But, predictably,
she sucked as a professor, too. The pretentious Angelou, who never went to college (and may not have even graduated
from high school), “taught” (if
you can call it that) English at Wake
Forest University. Check out what her students had to say about her (one of them
noted that she often began class by speaking in Arabic–strange . . . for an
ENGLISH class)."...