Thursday, July 17, 2014

Detroit police chief gives credit to armed citizens for drop in crime

Detroit News


"Fed up with crime, some armed Detroiters have developed itchy trigger-fingers — and Police Chief James Craig said lawbreakers are getting the message.

"In the latest incident, police say an 88-year-old who was beaten and robbed inside his east side home last week probably thought he was defending himself against attackers when he opened fire Monday on a television news crew.
"On Thursday, a woman appeared on his front porch asking for help, and when he opened his door, two men rushed in, assaulted him and tied him up with a phone cord before robbing him of several items.  

From The Detroit News:

Why do states treat ordinary citizens as gun criminals?
"Earlier this year, a 27-year-old medical professional named Shaneen Allen drove peacefully out of her home state of Pennsylvania and into neighboring New Jersey. Today, she faces the prospect of three years in prison." ....

Armed Gun Store Robber Never Saw This Coming   

The lawsuit against this store owner will begin in

Jonathan Turley to Congress: You face self-destruction if you don’t rein in Obama

Hot Air   "Via the Daily Caller, an elegant opening statement from today’s House Rules Committee hearing on Boehner’s separation-of-powers lawsuit. You’ve heard him make this argument before but he’s getting more apocalyptic with each appearance before Congress — and who can blame him?"
"Today Turley calls O’s rhetoric about unilateral action “extreme” and warns the committee that Congress will effectively self-destruct if the executive is allowed to do what he wants whenever there’s gridlock. ...

"That’s the end of Congress, and the end of checks and balances."
Sorry for the commercial before the video.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Illiberal Immigration ‘Reform’; People who call for “comprehensive immigration reform” seldom mean it.

Victor Davis Hanson

President Obama delivers a statement on immigration reform, June 30, 2014 Photo by Mark Wilson via Getty Images
"The last thing a liberal proponent of immigration reform wants is liberal immigration reform. Remember that paradox, and the insanity at the border makes some sense.

"Each day a worried politician or pundit, with creased brow and pained expression, lectures us about the need for “comprehensive immigration reform” to avoid the sort of chaos we are witnessing on the border.

"Then a funny thing happens. The speaker never defines the term. If on rare occasions advocates are asked, they fumble around, annoyed that anyone would press them to explain what they mean." ...   More...


From Watchdog News on Facebook

EXCLUSIVE: Obama Pulls Immigration Judges From Cases, Gives Illegal Aliens Many More Years to Stay

Children at the Border

Debbie Schlussel      " has exclusively learned that Barack Obama is using the Southern border crisis as a way to stop immigration courts around the country from functioning and allow many illegal aliens already in our interior to stay. In a clever and tricky move, he’s pulling immigration judges off cases they were set to hear, allowing illegal aliens to start all over again at the back of the line and stay here for many more years, if not forever, as a document exclusively obtained, shows. This is his “comprehensive immigration reform” by personal fiat.

Whether or not Barack Obama gets the billions of dollars he’s seeking allegedly to deport the “child” illegal aliens at the Southern border (and most of the money won’t go for that), has exclusively learned that the President is already pulling immigration judges off of scheduled cases in states like Colorado and allowing the illegal aliens they were set to try and deport to stay here for many more years, if not for life. Immigration lawyers have sent out e-mails like the one below, notifying their colleagues that the Obama Justice Department (which operates immigration courts) has suspended immigration hearings for illegal aliens because the judges have been sent by Obama to the Southern border to hear cases there.

Click on the image to read it in its entirety . . .


The condescension of this president toward all of us. (Updated)

Bloviating Zeppelin is much more blunt:

Obama Lies
"And the Washington Post calls Mr Obama out on it.

"Obama’s claim that the GOP has ‘blocked every serious idea’ "

by Glenn Kessler
“So far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked every serious idea to strengthen the middle class.”
"–President Obama, weekly address, July 12, 2014

This has become a standard line in the president’s oratory, as part of making his case that he’s “acted this year to help working Americans on my own– when Congress won’t act.”

"The Pinocchio Test

"We make no judgement on which side has the surplus of “serious ideas,” but the president is engaging in rhetorical overkill. Certainly this congressional session has resulted in few major laws. Perhaps he could make a case that Republicans have blocked many bills that he has sought—or even that his most prized initiatives have been stymied.
But to claim that “every serious idea” has been blocked is going too far–given that the president lauded at least three bills as aiding the middle class. (Update: In a speech the morning this column appeared, the president adjusted his language appropriately: “Republicans in Congress keep blocking or voting down some of the ideas that would have the biggest impact on middle-class and working families.”)

"Therefore, the Washington Post gives Mr Obama: Three Pinocchios


Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Yet, still he manages to find a chorus of adoring, happy faces to stand behind him at every speech.
"Speaking of “you lie,” let’s revisit an event during an Obama speech in the House regarding the ACA, on September 9th of 2009, wherein Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted “you lie” in the midst of the address: "

"It turns out that Rep Wilson was prescient: it has been made abundantly clear that illegal aliens will have their healthcare covered, despite the fact that they have done absolutely nothing to earn it."

But WAIT! There's more!
A Quick Stroll Down Memory Lane with Obama. Seven Lies in Two Minutes.
" this video from the archives.
  • I will make our government open and transparent…..that our business is the people’s business.
  • I will make it impossible for lobbyists or Congressmen to slip pork barrel projects into law when no one is looking.
  • Law making will not be done in secret but open to public viewing.
  • No more secrecy.
  • Meetings between lobbyists and government agencies will be placed on line for viewing.
  • The public will have the opportunity to read, on line for five days, bills prior to Presidential signing.
  • Names of corporations and how much money they would get from tax legislation would be made public.  Corporate tax breaks and pork barrel projects will be placed on line with the names of those who asked for them.   Also here.

Ex-Taliban POW Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Has Hired a Lawyer

ABC News  

"Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the former Taliban POW who was just returned to active duty, has lawyered up, asking prominent military affairs attorney Eugene Fidell to take his case.
"Fidell, who teach military justice at Yale Law School, told ABC News today that he has been representing Bergdahl for about a week and is working pro bono.
“ 'I think it’s important that people, particularly people who have been vilified, have proper representation, and every lawyer has a responsibility to represent even unpopular clients and that’s why I’m involved in this,” Fidell told ABC News. Bergdahl also has an Army lawyer who will be representing him, but he approached Fidell for additional help, Fidell said.
"The Army said when it put Bergdahl back on regular duty this week that it would continue to investigate the details of his capture by the Taliban in 2009. He was freed in a controversial swap of Taliban prisoners being held in Guantanamo earlier this year.

Obama's Legacy Threatens America's Future

Alan Caruba   "Americans are feeling the same fear for the future that preceded the Civil War when the incompetent James Buchanan left the mess that Abraham Lincoln had to address. I don’t think we have ever had a President with less knowledge of history than Barack Obama and less ability to solve domestic economic problems and address threatening foreign ones.
  “ 'Rarely has a U.S. President been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many,” said former Vice President Dick Cheney, along with his daughter Liz...

Obama’s Legacy: A Divided Country & Dysfunctional Government   ... "Why did voters elect this racist ideologue?  They wanted to show  that they harbor no prejudice against a black man, that they are morally  superior, and not bigoted.

"They were willing to make president a man who was a one-term senator whose  only accomplishment in the senate was to work on his campaign and vote “present”, whose background was community organizing, whose birthplace was  shrouded in mystery (an original birth certificate has never been produced),  whose associates were known radicals and racists, and whose college years have  been sealed off from inquiry.  Can you imagine any white candidate with  these credentials being elected?" ... (Emphasis in the original)
Read more:
This guy likes Obama. Well, he did in 2008 and so did Letterman writer Bill Scheft.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Prager University – Do You Pass the Israel Test?

Prager University
"In a new video from Prager University, George Gilder explains how you pass or fail."

Course Description
Would you believe us if we said that the best litmus test of any society’s success is its attitude towards Israel? Well, it’s true. As George Gilder explains, whether a society envies and resents Israel’s success or celebrates and tries to replicate it is indicative of that society’s progress. Countries that “pass” the “Israel Test” tend to rise. Those who don’t tend to sink. So, does your society pass the “Israel Test”? In five minutes, find out.

Every Obama Speech in Just Over a Minute

American Glob
"If you’re anything like me, I know you’re just dying to hear another Obama speech. Luckily for us, the fine folks at the Washington Free Beacon have summarized all of Obama’s speeches in one short video."

That brings to mind this video by Troels Jørgensen:

Six Californias Measure Seems Headed For 2016 Ballot

Weasel Zippers
DRAPER map 022514
"The conservative parts of California will need a border fence.

"Via San Jose Mercury News
Once easily mistaken for political satire, venture capitalist Tim Draper’s “Six Californias” ballot measure to tear the Golden State asunder seems bound for the November 2016 ballot.
Draper, who has shelled out $4.9 million on his oft-mocked and maligned campaign, announced he’ll submit petition signatures for the measure Tuesday and hold a news conference in Sacramento.
“California needs a reboot,” said a news release issued Monday by his committee. “Six Californias is our opportunity to solve the many problems we face today. … Six states that are more representative and accountable. Six states that embrace innovation and strive to improve the lives of residents.”
.."Silicon Valley would become the nation's richest state while Central California would become its poorest, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office found.. "

 Keep reading...

Did Archie also invent a cure for global warming before taking a bullet?

Legal Insurrection
"TPM reports, ‘Archie’ Will Die Saving Gay Friend In Comic Book:
Archie Andrews will die taking a bullet for his gay best friend.
The famous freckle-faced comic book icon is meeting his demise in Wednesday’s installment of “Life with Archie” when he intervenes in an assassination attempt on Kevin Keller, Archie Comics’ first openly gay character. Andrews’ death, which was first announced in April, will mark the conclusion of the series that focuses on grown-up renditions of Andrews and his Riverdale pals.
“The way in which Archie dies is everything that you would expect of Archie,” said Jon Goldwater, Archie Comics publisher and co-CEO. “He dies heroically. He dies selflessly. He dies in the manner that epitomizes not only the best of Riverdale but the best of all of us. It’s what Archie has come to represent over the past almost 75 years.”
"Mediaite notes how loaded the ending storyline is with political correctness:
All of the hot topics of today are involved in the storyline: the death takes place in a future where Archie, Betty, Veronica, and everyone else are all adults, and Kevin Keller, the first openly gay character in the comics, is now a US Senator fighting for gun control.
"There’s so much that could have been done with this.
Why didn’t Archie, on his last day on this earth, invent a cure for global warming?
Or maybe he did.  We’ll have to wait and see when it’s published.
I think I’ll miss it.  Just like I missed every other Archie story."
[Featured Image: Final Archie Cover]