Washington Post Calls for CNN's Carol Costello to Apologize to Palin Family On-Air
Supposed Feminist Carol Costello Loves the Sound of Bristol Palin Attacked by Drunken Men
Quoting excerpts from Rush Limbaugh, who knows a thing or two about Carol Costello:
"What happened was Bristol Palin, the daughter of Sarah Palin, got beat up. She basically got beat up and ended up calling the cops, and Carol Costello at CNN just thought it was the greatest news that she'd ever heard. Oh, yeah, Carol talked about this as being something that we hadn't enjoyed in a long, long time." ...
...“ 'I never wanted to become the poster child for anything, let alone domestic violence. But my blood is boiling, so when I say shut up, I’m venting at all those people out there who insist on blaming the victim,” Costello wrote with righteous fury directed at the National Football League (and the morning show Fox & Friends) over what she considered an insufficient level of concern for an incident involving Ray Rice striking his fiancĂ©."
Here is how ABC covered the story
If the Palin family is fair game, why does Joe Biden get a pass for the conduct of his son?
Mr. Cooke does not hold Sarah Palin in high regard, but has this to say about the press treatment of her:
"All in all, I can think of few people in public life who have been as disgracefully hounded as has Palin; and nor, for that matter, can I recall a single figure in the past decade who has been subjected to self-serving double standards by the press and by elite culture writ large." ...
Facebook responses to the Palin incidentSupposed Feminist Carol Costello Loves the Sound of Bristol Palin Attacked by Drunken Men
"What happened was Bristol Palin, the daughter of Sarah Palin, got beat up. She basically got beat up and ended up calling the cops, and Carol Costello at CNN just thought it was the greatest news that she'd ever heard. Oh, yeah, Carol talked about this as being something that we hadn't enjoyed in a long, long time." ...
COSTELLO: Okay, I'm just gonna come right out and say it. This is quite possibly the best minute-and-a-half of audio we've ever come cross -- well, come across in a long time, anyway. (laughing)... "Now, here's Carol Costello, a supposed feminist, a supposed opponent of violence against women. I mean, would just be angry as hell if any other woman had been treated this way. Had they been attacked and it was on audiotape and she was playing it, she would be righteously indignant and probably blaming the Republican War on Women. But here she's eating it up. Here she just loves it, a supposed feminist, a supposed opponent of violence against women, presented an audiotape of a young woman describing being attacked and beaten by a bunch of drunken men as the most delicious thing she had ever heard in her life. " ... Other links:
- NewsBusters: CNN's Costello Gleeful As She Hypes Palin Family Brawl Audio
- NewsBusters: CNN's Carol Costello Apologizes for Laughing at Assault of Bristol Palin
...“ 'I never wanted to become the poster child for anything, let alone domestic violence. But my blood is boiling, so when I say shut up, I’m venting at all those people out there who insist on blaming the victim,” Costello wrote with righteous fury directed at the National Football League (and the morning show Fox & Friends) over what she considered an insufficient level of concern for an incident involving Ray Rice striking his fiancĂ©."
Here is how ABC covered the story
If the Palin family is fair game, why does Joe Biden get a pass for the conduct of his son?
Mr. Cooke does not hold Sarah Palin in high regard, but has this to say about the press treatment of her:
"All in all, I can think of few people in public life who have been as disgracefully hounded as has Palin; and nor, for that matter, can I recall a single figure in the past decade who has been subjected to self-serving double standards by the press and by elite culture writ large." ...