Thursday, January 1, 2015

There is no love in a beheading; is Islam capable of a Reformation?

 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
American Thinker "I do not understand what liberals mean when they say that not all Muslims are killers.  I understand that not all killers are Muslims. 

"But whether all Muslims are or are not  killers is irrelevant.  Studies vary, but one Pew report says that thirty-one percent of Muslims in America have murder or suicide bombing in their hearts.

"Consider that there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world.  That means that if you reproduce the Pew results globally, approximately 480 million Muslims are potential killers.  That’s more than the total American population.
Consider that there are only 22 million Jews in the world.  And Jews don’t have the impulsion of the Koran leading them to murder for adultery, honor, or apostasy.  Thus, of the 22 million Jews, probably an infinitesimal number have killing in their hearts.

"If every Jew transformed into a murderer the Jews would have only about 20 percent of the potential Muslim killers.  So when a liberal says that the Muslims are not that bad and that we shouldn’t profile them, turn your head to the liberal’s profile and say, “You facilitate evil. ”

"It’s time the good Muslims cleaned house.  It’s time they swept the jihadists and terrorists into the well.

"It’s time the liberals stopped speaking up for them.  It’s time the misogynistic, self-punishing feminists quit supporting Muslim barbarity.

"It’s time we stopped applauding the revolt against traditional values and recognized that our supposedly outdated forefathers were actually right.

"It’s time Muslims reformed their religion.  Call it the Muslim Reformation.  The mosque has become corrupt like the Catholic Church before the Reformation.  

"A religion that promulgates violence has forfeited its right to be a religion.  There is no love in a beheading.  There is no spiritual beauty in an amputation."

Chipotle restaurant and police conflict

GOP; The Daily Dose    "Chipotle restaurants across the country were recently in the news for the horrific messages they printed on their take-out bags, but with this most recent stunt, they’ve gone entirely too far.

"When employees at a Chipotle restaurant in Brooklyn did this to two NYPD police officers, they not only disrespected the officers, but also our country.

"When the two police officers walked into the restaurant hoping to enjoy their lunch, they found the employees doing something unbelievably disrespectful." ....More at the link.
How one employee’s ‘hands up don’t shoot’ gesture locked Chipotle in a spiral of Internet outrage
..."The company also apologized: 
“[W]e work hard to be sure that all of our customers feel welcome in our restaurants and apologize if the actions of any of our employees suggested otherwise. When this happened roughly two weeks ago, we investigated and have taken appropriate measures to be sure this doesn’t happen again.
USA Today:... " While the post is no longer public, several patrons have expressed their outrage in the "reviews" section of Facebook, which received an influx of one-star reviews after the incident became public:" ...

Apparently the story has gotten worse in the retelling.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year; 1944-45

  31 Dec 1944;
  • Cruiser Köln was damaged by Allied aerial attacks. [Main Article | CPC]
  • The British Home Guard was officially disbanded. [CPC]
  • One B-17 Flying Fortress bomber of USAAF 8th Air Force attacked Helgoland, Germany. [Main Article | CPC]
  • German troops launched Operation Sylvester/Operation Nordwind, attacking south near Strasbourg, France. [TH]
  • Otto Skorzeny arrived at Wolfsschanze in East Prussia, Germany. He received care for his wounded left eye from Hitler's personal doctor Stumpfecker. Later in the day, he reported to Hitler regarding his commando mission during the Ardennes Offensive. As he departed, Wilhelm Keitel invited him to remain to join the rest of the German leaders for the New Year's celebration, but Skorzeny declined, opting to re-join his men in Cologne, Germany instead. [Main Article | CPC]


    US troops re-captured Rochefort, Belgium, while the US Third Army began an offensive from Bastogne. [Main Article | TH]


    The Hungarian Provisional Government switched sides and declared war on Germany. [Main Article | CPC]

    United Kingdom
    German V-2 rocket hit near the intersection of Stroud Green Road and Stapledon Hall Road in Crouch Hill, London, England, United Kingdom at 2340 hours, killing 15 and seriously injuring 34. 15 homes were destroyed by this attack. This rocket was the 382nd, and the last, rocket to hit England in 1944. [CPC]

    Children of Envoys Greet U.S. (1944)


     Political Cartoons by Dana Summers
    Ann Coulter  ... "Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson's shooting of Michael Brown is today being used as grounds to demand all sorts of new rules for cops. Most people had a pretty good sense of the case after seeing surveillance camera shots of Brown assaulting the manager of a liquor store he was robbing about 10 minutes before his encounter with Officer Wilson. By the time the grand jury documents were released, there was no serious doubt that the shooting was justified.

    "But again, as a result of a hoax racial incident, Democrats are demanding race quotas for arrests. To hell with due process. If we can stop just one thing that never happened from ever happening again, it will have been worth it.

    "The only new rule we really need is one to stop these infernal liberal hoaxes."

     No grand jury would indict the poor, falsely accused KBR employee who foolishly had sex with Jones, so she filed a civil suit against that one man. The jury ruled for him, and the court ordered Jones to pay $145,000 in legal costs. Jamie Leigh Jones' place in the Crystal Magnum, Tawana Brawley Hall of Fame was thus secured.

    A small "conversation" about race that Eric Holder encouraged

    A National Conversation about the American Ghetto   ... "Media sensationalism this year about two black deaths at the hands of white policemen inflamed the argument, while the president of the United States, the attorney general of the United States, the mayor of New York, and race-hustling entrepreneurs from Al Sharpton on down to any brother in the street with a bullhorn jumped on the black-while-walking bandwagon.  

    "Here, however, is one standup law-enforcement professional, Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr., who begs to disagree." ...Read more:

     The outgrowth of pandering to race activists is this:  NY Police Tell Mayor De Blasio NOT to Attend Their Funerals After He Throws Them Under the Bus 

    Will Families of Slain NYPD Officers be Obama's Guests at the SOTU Address?   ... "After all, if the belief on the left is that “anti-government, pro-gun, xenophobic populism” contributed to the Tucson, Aurora, and Newtown tragedies, isn’t it then the president’s responsibility to acknowledge how expressions of sympathy for the Trayvon Martins and Michael Browns of the world might become an inspiration for Ismaayil Brinsley types to attack and kill cops?" ...

    Then, just as the president stressed the significance of saving one child’s life through gun control in a prior State of the Union, this year, Obama can announce new measures to protect the lives of the police officers currently threatened by the disgruntled black youths he and his cohort of race-baiters have so blatantly incited.
    Liberals' Use of Black People  ... "Whenever there has been a serious push for school choice, educational vouchers, tuition tax credits or even charter schools, the NEA has fought against it. One of the more callous examples of that disregard for black education was New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's cutback on funding for charter schools where black youngsters were succeeding in getting a better education. That was de Blasio's way of paying back New York's teachers union for the political support it gave him in his quest for the mayor's office." ...
    ... "When black Americans finally realize how much liberals have used them, I'm betting they will be the nation's most conservative people. Who else has been harmed as much by liberalism's vision and agenda?"

    Revisiting Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton ... "After Al Sharpton and several lawyers started to take charge of the publicity on the case, that’s when her charges got a great deal more specific and became a national scandal:
    Sharpton, Maddox, and Mason generated a national media sensation. The three claimed officials all the way up to the state government were trying to cover up defendants in the case because they were white. Specifically, they named Steven Pagones, an Assistant District Attorney in Dutchess County, as one of the rapists, and called him a racist, among other accusations.
    ... "Pagones has said he’d forgive the debt if Brawley admits she lied. But she sticks to her story, as does Maddox (Mason, now a minister, has been quiet). Sharpton? Well, we know about Sharpton, who has gone on to greater fame and White House visits, as well as provoking a number of murders."
     Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

    Tuesday, December 30, 2014

    If this President said it, it must be true. Period

    Public Trust in Media at an All-Time Low

    Candy Crowley would be the poster girl if there were not so many other incidents to choose from:

    Peter Wehner    "According to the most recent Gallup survey:
    Americans’ confidence in the media’s ability to report “the news fully, accurately, and fairly” has returned to its previous all-time low of 40%. Americans’ trust in mass media has generally been edging downward from higher levels in the late 1990s and the early 2000s.
    "A few data points worth noting:
    • In the last 15 years, the percentage of Americans expressing a great deal or a fair amount of trust in the media was 55 percent. The drop in trust in the media has been trending downward since then — and is now 15 points below what it was in 1999.
    • Trust among Democrats, who have traditionally expressed much higher levels of confidence in the media than Republicans have, dropped to a 14-year low of 54 percent in 2014.
    • Republicans’ trust in the media is at 27 percent, one percentage point above their all-time low, while independents held steady at 38 percent — up one point from 37 percent in 2013.
    • Democrats — with a majority of 52 percent — are most likely to think the media are just about right, while a mere 18 percent of Republicans feel this way about the news. More than seven in 10 Republicans say the media are too liberal.
    • Americans are most likely to feel the news media are “too liberal” (44 percent) rather than “too conservative,” though this perceived liberal bias is now on the lower side of the trend. One in three (34 percent) say the media are “just about right” in terms of their coverage — down slightly from 37 percent last year.
    • Nearly one in five Americans (19 percent) say the media are too conservative, which is still relatively low, but the highest such percentage since 2006. This is up six points from 2013 — the sharpest increase in the percentage of Americans who feel the news skews too far right since Gallup began asking the question in 2001.
    You mean like this Dan Lothian CNN question? CNN to Obama: Are GOP candidates “uninformed, out of touch, or irresponsible” 

     120087 600 Obama Down cartoons

    Egypt, Morocco, and United Arab Emirates ban “Exodus” movie

    "The Egypt story broke late last week, but a more detailed statement was apparently released a couple of days ago, and the UAE story is new.

    "1. AP reports that Egyptian censors (1) “objected to ‘intentional gross historical fallacies that offend Egypt and its pharaonic ancient history in yet another attempt to Judaize Egyptian civilization, which confirms the international Zionist fingerprints all over the film,’” (2) faulted the movie for “inaccurately depict[ing] ancient Egyptians as ‘savages’ who kill and hang Jews, arguing that hanging did not exist in ancient Egypt,” and (3) said the movie “presents a ‘racist’ depiction of Jews as a people who mounted an armed rebellion,” and (4) “objected to the depiction of God as a child.”

    "2. Agence France-Press reports that Moroccan censors objected on what seems to be one of the grounds the Egyptian censors used: that the movie “contained a scene that represents God in the form of a ‘child who gives a revelation to the prophet Moses.’”....

    Monday, December 29, 2014

    Video: DeBlasio Met With Boos And Cat Calls At Police Academy Graduation

    The Lid   "Mayor Bill de Blasio was met with some boos and when he addressed NYPD officers graduating from the Police academy during a ceremony at Madison Square Garden Monday morning. The boos and calls were constantly in the background, never interrupting him and at most points you can hear the screams in the background, but couldn't really understand what he was saying.

    "Although at one point de Blasio said "you didn't create problems," and someone in the crowd shouted audibly "No, you did!" and the crowd went crazy.

      "As they should have the rookies didn't join in and remained stoic through out. But the problems between the NYPD and the Mayor continue...check out the video below:"

    #MallBrawl Part II: Teen mobs terrorize malls across America

    Broadside News  "previously reported that malls across America were forced to close down after teen mobs – consisting vastly of male and female teenage and young adult black Americans – appeared almost simultaneously and engaged in inexplicable brawls. In many cases, retailers closed their gates in an effort to protect themselves and shoppers from the chaos.

    "All of these occurred over the weekend.

    "In many of these cases, the disturbance began with a few agitators in the food court and oftentimes spilled over into the respective mall parking lot. Oftentimes witnesses described hearing shots fired, and in all of those cases, police dismissed those claims.

    "So far, these attacks (mostly at malls) have been documented at the following locations (click here for details on some of these incidents):" ...

    Arab terrorists have released a "How to kill a Jew" video, and its going viral.

    The Jewish Press   "The “resisters of occupation in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem” are spreading on Arab social media a frightening video demonstrating tactics on how to stab a Jew to death quickly and efficiently.

    "The 1-minute and 13-second video, as seen below, shows the “teacher” calmly walking up to a “victim,” stabbing him, and walking away.

    "One of the tactics appears to imitate the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) method of beheading." ...

    Awaiting condemnation from the Western Left. 

    CNN’s Don Lemon Makes ‘Worst of Journalism’ List for 2014

    "I don’t watch CNN anymore, but I’m very familiar with Don Lemon from all the times he’s appeared on conservative news sites seeking to correct something he said.

    "According to The Hollywood Reporter, lots of people have noticed Lemon’s work:
    CNN’s Don Lemon Named to ‘Worst Journalism of 2014′ List
    Don Lemon has picked up a dubious honor: ranking in a Columbia Journalism Review fellow’s list of the “worst journalism” of 2014.
    The anchor has made headlines throughout the year for controversial moments during his tenure as a CNN newsroom anchor.
    In a post written by David Uberti, the CJR fellow makes a case for why Lemon deserves to be ranked along with other missteps in journalism over the past year.
     As one of the most recognizable anchors on CNN, Don Lemon has helped lead the cable network’s coverage of the biggest stories of the year. Live television is exceedingly difficult to produce, of course, but Lemon’s gaffes this year offer a case study in how to choose words wisely — or not,” Uberti wrote.

    "The fine folks at Twitchy think they may have uncovered the reason for Lemon’s new distinction:" ...