Sunday, July 5, 2015

Catholic Bishop: ‘Our Nation Has Suffered a Loss of Virtue and Honor that Threatens Our Freedom’

"Bishop Thomas John Paprocki, head of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Ill., delivered a homily on Sunday in which he said that the United States “has suffered a loss of virtue and honor that threatens our freedom with the decision of the Supreme Court” to declare same-sex marriage a “right.”

"Bishop Paprocki went on to assert that “the state has no moral authority to change what God has created.”

"Near the conclusion of his homily, the bishop rhetorically asked: “Why has God allowed these attacks on our faith and our Church to happen?

“ 'Why did He not answer our prayers for the protection of the true meaning of marriage in our country?” said the bishop. “The answer, I believe, is that we are being called to put God above all else, even above our nation and our country’s laws.”

"Here is the full text of the bishop’s homily:" . . .

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Bill Whittle: Pin the Tale on the Donkey. Some political history on Republicans vs. Democrats

The Obama Fourth of July tweet

Many comments and tweets on this post.  One such:

July 4 crowds ignore call to boycott Georgia park over Confederate flag

 Confederate Memorial Carving

Yahoo News via Drudge   "STONE MOUNTAIN, Ga. (Reuters) - Fourth of July holidaymakers ignored a call to boycott Georgia's Stone Mountain Park, known as the "Confederate Rushmore," over its display of the contentious Confederate flag.

"Hundreds of people had staked out spots at the 3,200-acre (1,295-hectare) privately run park by noon on Saturday for nighttime laser and fireworks shows. They shrugged off heavy rain on the park's busiest day of the year as well as the boycott call.

"Democratic state Representative LaDawn Blackett Jones this week urged people to stay away from the park 10 miles (16 km) east of Atlanta because it flies three flags of the pro-slavery Confederacy alongside the U.S. and Georgia state flags.

"Bobbie Smith of Fitzgerald, Georgia, who was camping at Stone Mountain with her family, called the boycott call "just stupid."

“ 'This whole park is a Confederate memorial. If you don’t have the flag here, where on Earth would you put it?” she said.

"The Confederate flag from the 1861-65 U.S. Civil War has become a lightning rod for outrage after the shooting of nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, last month. The white suspect, Dylann Roof, had posed for photos with the Confederate battle flag." . . .

DEMOCRATS: ENEMIES OF AMERICA– and the Conservatives Who Stupidly Help Them

Screen Shot 2015-07-04 at 10.16.36 AMClash Daily  "Condi Rice was right to say we were not on a war footing just before 9/11. (We are still not on a war footing.)  Rice was Secretary of State in the Bush administration.  However, along with the President, she was wrong to call Islam a religion of peace.  That errant thinking is what prevents us from being on a war footing.  Authoritative Islam has waged war on the West for centuries.  One wonders when Westerners will wake up and get on a war footing: hopefully before it is too late.

"In a similar way, some American conservatives are not on a war footing in our fight against the Far Left, aka, the Democrat Party.  The Democrat Party is so radicalized it would repel FDR, Truman and JFK.   The Democrat Party is not the party of peace.  It has become the party of war, the party responsible for launching the culture war and all the escalations seen in the last sixty years, a war waged to destroy traditional Americanism." . . .  Read the full article

By Allan Erickson,  After college, Allan Erickson enjoyed an 11-year career in journalism. He then turned to sales and marketing for a decade. Fourteen years ago he started his own recruitment company. Allan & wife Jodi have four children and live in Oregon. He is the author of "The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence," Tate Publishing, 2012.

Oregon Couple Who Refused To Bake Cake For Gay Wedding Now Slapped With Gag Order – They Can’t Say They Will “Continue To Stand Strong”

"Back in April, Aaron and Melissa Klein, the owners of “Sweet Cakes” in Oregon were fined $135,000 for refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

"This was a violation of Oregon State law, which bans same-sex discrimination. The fine bankrupted the couple and they have since closed their doors.

"But because they believed their First Amendment rights were in jeopardy – specifically the right to assert their religious beliefs by not participating in a gay wedding – they wanted to continue to fight in court.

"During a media interview about their continued legal struggle, Aaron Klein said: “The fight is not over. We will continue to stand strong.”

"Apparently, by uttering that statement, Aaron Klein has again broken Oregon law and a bureaucrat has slapped a “cease and desist” order against him for making similar statements.

"The state law bans people from even saying or suggesting that they intend to discriminate against anyone.

"TruthRevolt is reporting that Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian ordered the couple to stop speaking about their objections to the case." . . .

Is it fair to say this nation fought a revolution over less than this?

Declaration of Independence

More Silliness

Politically Correct Dukes of Hazzard

Former University of Memphis professor says "whiteness" is "terrorism."Former University of Memphis professor declares: 'Whiteness' is 'terrorism'   . . . " According to a post at Truth Revolt, Robinson "filled her Twitter feed with racist rants" against white people. In a post at her blog, the "New South Negress," she uses a great deal of space to discuss the "centuries-long battle against whiteness" and expresses her desire to "stop whiteness once and for all.' "

Polygamist now demands legality: That escalated quickly…   " Nathan Collier said he was inspired by the recent Supreme Court decision that made marriage equal. He said he was particularly struck by the words of dissenting Chief Justice John Roberts who claimed giving gay couples the right to marry, might inspire polygamy." Welcome to Corinth of the first century.

BLACKFACE SLAM NOT COOL SAYS DEM: ‘If George Takei were Ted Nugent, and Clarence Thomas were Obama…’
"George Takei made some pretty ridiculous and racist comments about Justice Clarence Thomas having ‘blackface’, and even Marc Lamont Hill is saying it wasn’t cool. The original comments can be seen in the video. . . . Here were some of the reactions via Twitter:

 Instead of using funds for road repairs openly gay Seattle Mayor uses $100,000 for rainbow crosswalks Via Guardian Eagles

Friday, July 3, 2015

Former Kansas Singer Produces Star-Spangled Banner to Emphasize America’s Christian Heritage

Freedom Outpost   "Back in February, I posted a video of a US soldier rocking the Star-Spangled Banner above the Muslim Call to Prayer and it was widely applauded. In 2013, Madison Rising broke on the scene with their version of the national anthem that went viral. However, what seems to be missing in most every rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner is the reference to America's spiritual heritage and to the One who established the land of the free and the home of the brave. Enter former Kansas singer, turned Christian singer/producer John Elefante.
. . . 
"According to Elefante, he wanted to emphasize the part Christianity has played in the history of our country. "

. . . "However, while many Americans are aware of the first verse of the national anthem, sadly, many are not aware of the remaining verses, which clearly point to our Christian heritage. "
. . .
Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

The Vision of the Founding Fathers; What kind of nation did the Founders aim to create?

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

 . . . "The “security of a free Constitution,” he said, depends on “teaching the people themselves to know and to value their own rights; to discern and provide against invasions of them; to distinguish between oppression and the necessary exercise of lawful authority; . . . to discriminate the spirit of liberty from that of licentiousness,” and to unite “a speedy, but temperate vigilance against encroachments, with an inviolable respect for the laws.”
National Review Online   "Men, not vast, impersonal forces — economic, technological, class struggle, what have you — make history, and they make it out of the ideals that they cherish in their hearts and the ideas they have in their minds. So what were the ideas and ideals that drove the Founding Fathers to take up arms and fashion a new kind of government, one formed by reflection and choice, as Alexander Hamilton said, rather than by accident and force?
. . .
 . . . "Washington was even more explicit about this, the third of the great Founding ideas: A democratic republic requires a special kind of culture, one that nurtures self-reliance and a love of liberty. Constitutions are all very well, the Founders often observed, but they are only “parchment barriers,” easily breached if demagogues subvert the “spirit and letter” of the document. They can do this dramatically, in one revolutionary putsch, or they can inflict a death by a thousand cuts, gradually persuading citizens that the Constitution doesn’t mean what it says but should be interpreted to mean something different, or even something opposite.". . .

California Is A Microcosm Of American Mediocrity

Victor Davis Hanson   "California keeps reminding us what has gone astray with America in recent years.

"The state is in the midst of a crippling four-year-old drought. Yet it has built almost no major northern or central mountain reservoirs since the New Melones Dam of 1979. That added nearly 3 million acre-feet to the state's storage reserves — a critical project that was almost canceled by endless environmental lawsuits and protests.

"Although California has almost doubled in population since the dam's construction, its politicians apparently decided that completing more northern and Sierra Nevada water projects was passe. So the parched state now prays for rain and snow rather than building reservoirs to ensure that the next drought won't shut down the state.

"Curiously, once infrastructure projects such as the New Melones Dam are finished, few seem to complain about the life-saving water they provide the public in times of existential drought." . . .

Raid on Entebbe, July 4 1976-When Israel Displayed 'The Spirit of 76'

This gives special meaning to the Fourth of July for Israel.

The Lid

. . . "Thirty-nine years ago it was a different world.  Much of the intervening time since the raid, was filled with Western appeasement of terrorism.  We negotiate, we give in to their demands, we refuse to call them terrorists, we celebrate terrorists like Arafat and Abbas, we even blame terrorist acts on the victims.

"In 1976 Israel stood up to terrorists and their daring raid was celebrated across the world. Today it is the terrorists who are celebrated, Israel is condemned for protecting herself from terror, and this American administration refuses to wipe out the terror that threatens it, and negotiates with the rogue regimes who sponsor the terror. 

"Entebbe may have been one of the final acts of of Western defiance, sure the United States sends our brave heroes to fight the terrorists, but at the same time we refuse to give them the tools, or the rules of engagement which would allow them to finish the job. Instead with every act of appeasement, with each acquiescence to terrorist demands, terrorism is suckling at the teat of Western lack of resolve. In the end, the West is feeding the monster that most assuredly  will cause its destruction." . . .

Benjamin Netanyahu's brother, Yoni was the only Israeli raider killed. By a Ugandan sniper.

Operation Thunderbolt: Hostage Rescue at Entebbe Airport