"Bishop Thomas John Paprocki, head of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Ill., delivered a homily on Sunday in which he said that the United States “has suffered a loss of virtue and honor that threatens our freedom with the decision of the Supreme Court” to declare same-sex marriage a “right.”
"Bishop Paprocki went on to assert that “the state has no moral authority to change what God has created.”
"Near the conclusion of his homily, the bishop rhetorically asked: “Why has God allowed these attacks on our faith and our Church to happen?
“ 'Why did He not answer our prayers for the protection of the true meaning of marriage in our country?” said the bishop. “The answer, I believe, is that we are being called to put God above all else, even above our nation and our country’s laws.”
"Here is the full text of the bishop’s homily:" . . .