American Thinker"Few
moves taken by the Obama administration have been more consequential
and less explored than his disastrous foreign policy. While ObamaCare,
immigration reform, and his now famous ‘rule-by-decree’ have long been
under media’s scrutiny, a patchwork of diplomatic missteps have failed
to rise to the top of the media cycle. However, historians looking back
at America’s first black president will surely point out that his most
fateful legacy has been shifting our country’s foreign policy center of
gravity away from some of our closest allies in favor of a motley group
of questionable leaders. "In the right corner: "For
the first time in half a century, the U.S is changing its system of
alliances, especially in the Middle East -- Obama has pivoted away from
Israel and Saudi Arabia, made a mess of Libya, Egypt, and Syria, cozied
up to Iran, and struck bargains with uncouth African dictators. "Take Israel. Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. up until 2013, caused a media firestorm in June with his provocative op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal that explained in an unexpectedly frank manner how Obama “abandoned Israel”." . . .Read more
"A conservative news anchor has been catapulted to internet celebrity status after a video of her blasting President Barack Obama's efforts in the fight against terrorism went viral.
"Tomi Lahren, host of One America News Network's On Point with Tomi Lahren, called out Obama's administration for their 'half-way, half-baked, tip-toe, be-friendly-to-Jihadis mentality' in a passionate speech that has been viewed more than 755,000 times on YouTube.
"The conservative 22-year-old's comments, said on Friday's episode on the fringe broadcast network, were in reference to the fatal shooting of four U.S. Marines and one active-duty Navy reservist, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on Thursday." . . .Read more
from the Oval Office just hours after the attack, President Obama did
not once use the word “terrorism” in relation to the assault by Mohammad
Youssef Abdulazeez on military sites in Chattanooga.
his statement with that of U.S. Attorney Bill Killian at his news
conference after the attack. The situation “is being treated as a terrorism investigation,” Killian said. “It is being led by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. And we will continue to investigate it as an act of terrorism until proof shows us otherwise” (emphasis added).
couldn’t Obama have said that? If the FBI is treating this as an act of
terror, why isn’t the president of the United States?" . . .
Case highlights determination to attack same-sex marriage resisters
"U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito warned in dissent that the
“same-sex marriage” ruling would be used to “stamp out” those who
disagree with the progressive agenda.
"It’s begun.
"According to an attorney with Liberty Counsel,
a federal judge is expected to release a ruling as early as Aug. 11 on
whether an official in Kentucky will be forced to violate her strongly
held religious beliefs and issue licenses to same-sex couples.
"The case is against Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who has declined to
issue the licenses because it would violate her First Amendment rights
to practice her faith.
"She testified in a court hearing Monday in a lawsuit brought by the
American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of a handful of plaintiffs,
including same-sex duos.
. . . "San Francisco, as is true daily in other sanctuary cities, rolled the dice with someone else’s safety, and, in this case, a life was lost.
"In a larger sense, we are asked to believe that breaking federal law is a one-time phenomenon for the illegal alien, not often the beginning of habitual legal noncompliance that quickly snowballs into a labyrinth of illegality — all predicated on the crime of entering the U.S. unlawfully. Suggesting that cities with large populations of illegal aliens witness no greater per capita crime rates (and do we know accurately the number of illegal aliens who reside in these supposedly safer cities?) than others is to ignore everyday things like creating false identities, filing fraudulent Social Security numbers, and driving without licenses, insurance and registration. Or are these written off as mere infractions rather than crimes?
"By needs, the world of millions of illegal aliens is not one where one reports or counts all criminal activity, or considers reportable the sort of crimes that citizens would pay dearly for (try getting caught with a fake ID, or filing a Social Security number). But if the host country did not have a problem with millions entering it illegally, it certainly has even less than a problem with what follows." . . .
"Fiscal Policy: Hillary Clinton, sounding a populist note, says that she wants to raise tax rates on capital gains. That would be a job-destroying disaster for both the middle class and the poor she pretends to care about.
"The details aren't all in, but it's clear Clinton wants higher taxes on capital gains as a kind of two-fer — a tax hike on the "rich" to give more money to Big Government, and more votes to her and other "inequality" warriors on the left.
"An unnamed "campaign official" told the Wall Street Journal that Clinton seeks at least three new rates on capital gains, which would change based on how long a person holds the investment.
"The upshot is it's a cap-gains tax hike: "The Clinton rate .. .would be higher than the 28% President Barack Obama proposed earlier this year for the highest earners," the article says, adding she may even raise the tax rate on capital gains to the same rate as regular income.
"This will be sold, no doubt, on "fairness." But raising the rates on cap-gains taxes won't make our economy fairer; it will make it far less so. And it will make investment decisions more costly and complex to boot.
. . . "Sean started by cross-cutting Barack Obama on Tuesday with Neville Chamberlain in 1938. But I thought that comparison was unfair to Chamberlain. He was an honorable man who loved his country and just happened to get the greatest issue of the day wrong. You can't say the same of Obama:
Steyn said he thinks what President Barack Obama did is "significantly worse" than what former British prime minister Neville Chamberlain did. He also stated that he doesn't think the president was negotiating on behalf of the United States.
"I think what happened at these talks is that he and the Iranians were in a sense negotiating together to anoint Iran as the regional power in the Middle East and to facilitate Iran's re-entry, the biggest planetary sponsor of terrorism, to facilitate its re-entry into the global community," Steyn said. "That's what Obama was there doing."
"I think the nuclear issue was a mere pretext, a Hitchcockian McGuffin. Iran will be a nuclear state, and very soon. The joke inspections regime - under which Teheran can block any inspections for the best part of a month - will facilitate the nuclearization of Iran and prevent anyone who objects to it - such as Israel - from doing anything about it. That's a given.' . . .
"But that's not what the talks were about. Obama's vision of the post-American Middle East sees Iran as the dominant power, and that's what the negotiations were there to finesse. As I said to Sean, Obama's belief that American power and influence has been bad for the world extends beyond America itself to America's allies. So on missile defense he takes the side of Russia over US allies like Poland and the Czech Republic; in the Falklands he takes the side of Argentina over the United Kingdom; and now in the Middle East he takes the side of Iran over the Sunni Arab monarchies and Israel.
"This agreement will have bloody and brutal consequences." . . .
. . . "Not one day – not twenty-four hours after the Chattanooga jihad mass murder – the symbol of American individualism, capitalism, and the capital of the world, the Empire State Building, one of the foremost symbols of American freedom, celebrated the Muslim “holiday” of Eid al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan. Ramadan is the most violent month of the year in the Islamic world, because Ramadan is the month in which Muslims renew their devotion to Allah, and violent jihad is a supreme act of devotion to Allah.
"All told, 2,988 people were shot, burned, blown up, beheaded, or hacked to death in the cause of Islam during this “holy” month, with 3,696 wounded, beating last year’s savage human toll of 2,429, with 2,028 wounded. This is not political correctness; this is sharia adherence. Wherever your sympathies may lie, the idea that the Empire State Building would turn green for Eid not a day after five U.S. soldiers were murdered in cold blood in the cause of Islam on American soil is surrender.
This Sunday marks three days since an Islamist gunman
opened fire Thursday on military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee,
killing five unarmed servicemen and wounding a policeman. President Barack Obama still has not ordered the lowering of the U.S.
flag to half-staff at the White House and federal properties as a sign
of respect and mourning for those killed, even though he (and former
President George W. Bush) did so for previous mass killings by lone
gunmen. In contrast it was only a matter of hours after the Supreme Court
legalized same-sex marriage last month before Obama bathed the White
House in the rainbow hues of the LGBTQ movement. Also, Obama issued same-day orders lowering the flag following the
the July 20, 2012 Aurora, Colorado mass shooting, December 14, 2012
Sandy Hook, Connecticut mass shooting and the September 16, 2013
Washington Navy Yard mass shooting. Obama ordered the flag flown at half-staff the day after the November 5, 2009 Fort Hood, Texas massacre.Keep reading…
. . . "Not one day – not twenty-four hours after the Chattanooga jihad mass murder – the symbol of American individualism, capitalism, and the capital of the world, the Empire State Building, one of the foremost symbols of American freedom, celebrated the Muslim “holiday” of Eid al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan. Ramadan is the most violent month of the year in the Islamic world, because Ramadan is the month in which Muslims renew their devotion to Allah, and violent jihad is a supreme act of devotion to Allah.
"All told, 2,988 people were shot, burned, blown up, beheaded, or hacked to death in the cause of Islam during this “holy” month, with 3,696 wounded, beating last year’s savage human toll of 2,429, with 2,028 wounded. This is not political correctness; this is sharia adherence. Wherever your sympathies may lie, the idea that the Empire State Building would turn green for Eid not a day after five U.S. soldiers were murdered in cold blood in the cause of Islam on American soil is surrender.
. . . "We also know who bears the responsibility for this fiasco––Barack
Obama. Historically ignorant and terminally narcissistic, Obama has all
the superstitions and delusions of the progressive elite. And one of the
most persistent and hoary of those beliefs is the fetish of diplomacy
as a means to resolve disputes without force.
"We must remember that Obama pointedly ran on the promise to
“reinvigorate” American diplomacy. This trope was in fact a way to run
against George Bush, whom the Dems and the media had caricatured as a
“cowboy” with an itchy trigger finger, a gunslinger scornful of
diplomacy and multilateralism. That charge was a lie––Bush wasted
several months on diplomacy in an unsuccessful attempt to get the U.N.’s
sanction for the war, even though the U.S. Congress had approved it,
Hussein was in gross violation of the first Gulf War cease-fire
agreement, and the U.N. already has passed 17 Security Council
resolutions, all of which Hussein had violated.
"Yet the narrative that Bush had “failed so miserably at diplomacy
that we are now forced to war,” as then Senate Minority Leader Tom
Daschle put it, lived on." . . .
Legal Insurrection . . . "With the Iran deal, Obama appears to be taking that monopoly one step
further. I am no expert on the historical use of the executive
agreement instead of the treaty power, but has there ever before been a
president so determined to defy the will of the majority of Congress,
including not just the opposition party but significant numbers in his own party, in order to conclude a precedent-setting and conciliatory arms agreement with an enemy of 35-years duration?"
Obama Praises Move To Recognize Eid As An Official Holiday…
"Keep in mind, he said this just after a Muslim killed four U.S. Marines and a sailor on American soil.
WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama on Thursday wished Muslims in America and around the world “Eid Mubarak!” or a blessed Eid, praising efforts to recognize the end of Ramadan as a holiday. “The holiday is a reminder to every American of the importance of respecting those of all faiths and beliefs,” he said in a statement that also hailed New York City’s decision to add Eid to the official school calendar. That, he said, was “an acknowledgement of the great diversity and inclusiveness that adds to the richness of our nation.” Mayor Bill de Blasio in March made New York the first major city in America to mark the end of Ramadan and the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca as a school holiday.
(Prank) VIDEO: Liberals Sign Petition to Support “White Privilege Tax” "A 1% income tax on all white people to be redistributed to help "minority communities' "
"Mark Dice’s latest ‘man on the street’ stunt is perhaps his most outrageous yet, proving that leftists will advocate unbridled insanity so long as they are told it’s in the name of fighting racism." Video
MEANWHILE IMPORTANT THINGS ARE GOING DOWN … Non-Stories Distracting the American People . . . " Another non-story is anything concerning that pipsqueak, Ariana Grande. Just tell her that if she dislikes this country so much, get the hell
out and find another that suits her. As a matter of fact, nothing
about celebrities is of interest when compared to national defense."