I love the way she shut Matthews up.
Wayne Dupree: Check out Carly Fiorina’s full speech at RedState Gathering! "Many observers and online social tweeters agreed Fiorina dominated the earlier GOP debate among candidates who failed to make the prime-time edition because they fell outside the top 10 in a series of polls.
After the five o’clock debate, Fiorina trucked over to MSNBC (talking about going anywhere, anytime) to appear on Hardball with Chris Matthews, then proceeded to decimate Matthews, which even Mr. Thrill-Up-His-Leg acknowledged. Republicans, are you paying attention? You have gold here. Watch on the next page, if you missed the Hardball appearance….Roger Simon at PJ Media
Wayne Dupree: Check out Carly Fiorina’s full speech at RedState Gathering! "Many observers and online social tweeters agreed Fiorina dominated the earlier GOP debate among candidates who failed to make the prime-time edition because they fell outside the top 10 in a series of polls.
"Many supporters tried to get Fiorina into the top 10 with last minute drive, but it didn’t work out.
"The former Hewlett-Packard executive said she would continue to stress her business experience and the fact she is not a part of a “political class” that has failed the nation.
"The publicity from Thursday’s debate is likely to help her raise money, get endorsements and improve her name recognition among voters.
"The former Hewlett-Packard executive said she would continue to stress her business experience and the fact she is not a part of a “political class” that has failed the nation.
"The publicity from Thursday’s debate is likely to help her raise money, get endorsements and improve her name recognition among voters.
“What we’ve been doing is building momentum,” Fiorina said. “It gets a little easier when people know who you are.”
Politico: Is Carly Fiorina the real deal? . . . " Dannenfelser said Trump’s now infamous exchange with Kelly about his views on women would have been put into better context if Fiorina had been on stage during the prime-time debate. “I think it would’ve been very helpful to have a woman that was on that stage being a grown-up and discussing this in terms that would resonate with people,” she said."
Looks Like Carly Fiorina Won Both Debates…video clips
. . . "Carly Fiorina has been a relentless critic of Hillary Clinton. When asked about Hillary, Carly said, “Hillary Clinton lies about Benghazi, she lies about email, she is still defending Planned Parenthood and she is still her party’s frontrunner. 2016 is going to be a fight between conservatism and a Democrat party that is undermining the very character of this nation. We need a nominee who is going to throw every punch, not poll punches, and someone who cannot stumble before he even gets into the ring. I’m not a member of the political class. I’m a Conservative. I can win this job. I can do this job. I need your help. I need your support. I will, with your help and support, lead the resurgence of this great nation.”
"Maybe she could be our Margaret Thatcher."
S. Noble :"This Is Why I Love Carly Fiorina" "Andrea Mitchell asked Carly Florina what she would do about ISIS. Carly Fiorina blew that question out of the water.
I would do very specific things.
Let me give you very specific examples. The Kurds have been asking us to arm them for three years, we still have not. The Jordanians have been asking us to provide them with bombs and materiel. We know King Abdullah of Jordan, I’ve known him for many years. He took the appropriate leadership steps when a Jordanian pilot was burned alive. He was here in this country asking us for bombs and materiel, we haven’t provided him with any of them; he’s now looking to China for that. The Egyptian president, a very brave and pious Muslim, who has said there is a cancer in the heart of Islam, has asked us to share intelligence. We are not. The Turks have asked us to help them topple Bashar al-Assad, we are not.
There are a whole set of things that we’ve been asked to do by our allies who know this is their fight, and we’re not doing any of them. So I would hold a summit and talk with them about that.
"Take that Andrea! Take that Hillary!" . . .
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