Patriot Retort |
All commentary from American Thinker today:
Accused rapist affirms Hillary Clinton is 'honest and trustworthy' . . . "Mr. Clinton, who Kathleen Willey said fondled her breasts and placed her hands on his genitals, is thought to be a good character reference for Mrs. Clinton, given his popularity with women and Mrs. Clinton's "wimmen wimmen wimmen" campaign focus."
Accused rapist affirms Hillary Clinton is 'honest and trustworthy' . . . "Mr. Clinton, who Kathleen Willey said fondled her breasts and placed her hands on his genitals, is thought to be a good character reference for Mrs. Clinton, given his popularity with women and Mrs. Clinton's "wimmen wimmen wimmen" campaign focus."
Hillary covered up a terror attack, Nixon a burglary . . . "The bottom line is as follows. 1) Hillary left her top envoy vulnerable to attack because she was more interested in Libya opinions from her privately paid hack than from her envoy on the ground. 2) Hillary tried covering up a terror attack as it took place – an attack that killed an ambassador. 3) Hillary then tried deleting evidence of the cover-up." . . .
Do Hillary's Lies Matter? . . . "My campaign video would be short -- it would be Hillary before the caskets of the four Americans slaughtered in Benghazi blaming an obscure video and its maker for the incident; Hillary telling the father of one of the deceased, Ty Woods, that the video maker would be arrested (“we are going to have the film maker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son"), and her testimony before the committee that she never blamed it on the video. The ad would take just a couple of minutes. . Message at end -- are you ready for a president who lies over the bodies of dead American patriots?" . . .
"The Clinton strategy -- in case you slept during her husband’s administration -- has always been to delay and obfuscate and when the truth finally comes out to blame those who expose it as partisans dredging up old news. " . . . Read the rest of this excellent Clarice Feldman article here.