Legal Insurrection
"Ithaca Teachers union tells members not to turn over records on personal electronic devices and email."
. . . "In brief, and incredibly, the teachers union in the Ithaca school district appears to have instructed its members not to produce records responsive to my FOIL Request contained on personal electronic devices and email accounts.
"So I went to court and obtained a Temporary Restraining Order preserving records pending a court determination on the merits.
. . .
"You will recall that my report on the event exposed the anti-Israel nature of the presentation, as the ICSD "Superintendent later acknowledged after his investigation.
The details are laid out in my post, Superintendent: Third Grade event “politically skewed, inflammatory” against Israel.
"Tamimi is the Palestinian activist best known for using children, including his own. to confront Israeli soldiers in the hope the soldiers will react and create a viral video and photographic moment."
On November 3, 2015, ICSD finally produce records pursuant to my FOIL Request, some of the documents were heavily redacted, and others withheld. I addressed this production in my post, New docs reveal Third Grade Anti-Israel event much worse than thought.