. . . "There are really two entirely distinct issues on the table (not that "the table" is anyplace you'd want to be inside a Planned Parenthood): what the videomakers and clinicians actually did, and how those actions arejudged by the law.
"The videomakers lied and forged fake identification to get their hidden cameras into Planned Parenthood, and this is against the law. And they surely knew it was against the law and took the risk anyway because sometimes that's what has to be done when authorities won't act. How many civil rights marchers, black and white, were legally arrested when trying to end segregation? Breaking the law doesn't necessarily make your cause wrong.
"The videos (both edited and unedited) clearly and repeatedly showed Planned Parenthood officials and clinicians playing semantic games and using creative bookkeeping to make their sales of fetal tissue (and gross violations of ethical medical practice) have the appearance of legality. But obeying the letter of the law while circumventing its meaning doesn't necessarily make your cause right." . . .