Can this administration penalize us homeowners for having locks on our bathroom doors? Are locks bigoted? TD
"Vaudeville isn't dead - it just went to the bathroom."
"Vaudeville isn't dead - it just went to the bathroom."
. . . Helmberger said people like Springsteen should worry more about people in the restrooms to which the transgendered community wants admittance.
“It goes to something that is a fundamental, basic right and expectation, the right and expectation of privacy,” Helmberger said, “in intimate facilities like restrooms and locker rooms especially when you are talking about men invading the privacy of women and young girls.”. . .
. . . "Springsteen was referring to a bill backed by Republicans in the Michigan legislature that would prohibit schools from allowing children to share a bathroom or locker room with their classmates of the opposite sex.
“ 'Under the bill proposal, students who do not identify with their birth gender would be accommodated if the student has written consent from a parent or guardian,” Michigan State senator Tom Casperson wrote. “The proposed legislation would not permit these students to use restrooms or locker rooms of the opposite sex if those facilities are in use or could be in use. Instead, the student would be able to use a single-occupancy restroom, staff facility or some other reasonable accommodation.”
"The bill’s backers are responding to the Michigan state Department of Education’s, “Safe and Supportive Learning Environments for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Students,” guidelines which Casperson says would create “numerous problems, from the elimination of parental authority and notification to threatening student safety and beyond.” . . .
HERE ARE SOME UPCOMING STATES BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN WILL BOYCOTT "Talented apolitical musician Bruce Springsteen, who in no way peaked 40 years ago, made headlines by announcing that he would boycott North Carolina because it won't let men use the Ladies Room. But here is a special exciting sneak preview of upcoming dates and states that Springsteen will also be boycotting.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.
Does Mr. Greenfield's above article need explaining to anybody out there?