Legal Insurrection
"When Obama drew his red line on the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons against Syrian civilians, few of us believed it. As it turned out Assad didn’t believe it, either, and dealt a serious blow to the Obama administration and to Obama’s legacy.
"Ultimately, Obama decided to punt by seeking Congressional approval he didn’t need to respond to Syria flouting his red line. It was a bad move. Bad.
Since President Trump took office, Assad has reportedly used chemical weapons against his own people twice. In both instances, Trump responded with missile attacks against Syrian interests, prompting the progressive outlet Vox to note that “Obama’s ‘red line’ fiasco led to Trump bombing Syria.”
"Trump agreed.
If President Obama had crossed his stated Red Line In The Sand, the Syrian disaster would have ended long ago! Animal Assad would have been history!
"Power then blamed those who were frequent critics and opponents of Obama for his lack of action in Syria."
The man was no more than a socialist organizer and a celebrity groupie adored by women's magazines and TV talk show hosts. The Tunnel Dweller