"The left is killing America and it is purposeful. Trump is trying to save the nation and doing a damn good job of it, a shockingly good job. So the left hates him even more for exposing the lies of their contrary agenda."
Patricia McCarthy "The left's smear campaign against Judge Brett Kavanaugh has descended into the worst kind of buffoonery. It was clearly planned many months in advance and orchestrated by a bevy of Democrats from Dianne Feintstein to Ford's lawyer, Debra Katz, and Rickie Seidmon, a vicious veteran strategist of the Bork Senate Judiciary hearings.
Blasey-Ford has surrounded herself with Alinskyite leftists for whom no dirty trick is too low in service of taking out an opponent. That so many members of Congress are willing to participate in this wholesale destruction of a good and qualified man over a 36-year-old fact-free accusation is appalling.
This is the saddest commentary on the state of American politics today -- along with the outpouring of evidence that higher-ups in the Obama administration, in conjunction with the DOJ, NSA, and FBI, actually did conspire to destroy Trump, both before and after his election, simply because they do not like him and cannot accept his victory over the most corrupt candidate for the office of the presidency ever is beyond sad; it is lethal for the United States. The left is killing America and it is purposeful. Trump is trying to save the nation and doing a damn good job of it, a shockingly good job. So the left hates him even more for exposing the lies of their contrary agenda.
. . .
"We are indeed engaged in a cultural and political civil war. The left has achieved victories repeatedly even when Republicans have been in the majority. Democrats fight dirty. Republicans capitulate, over and over again. They cower and fear the negative press that is the rule in the odious mainstream media. But who on this planet with an intact mind automatically believes anything the NYT or the WaPo publishes? Current events junkies know to ignore them; they are merely arms of the DNC, calculated promoters of leftist propaganda.
"If the specious claims of Blasey Ford succeed in derailing Kavanaugh, we are done as a democratic republic. The Left will have won. They have already won on university campuses. If this amazing nominee to the Court is destroyed, it means the entire country is at the mercy of the totalitarian pols and blinkered, mind-numbed academics. Republicans in Congress: DO NOT LET HIS HAPPEN. They will use this victory over you to forever alter the character of this nation."