As Speaker, Nancy Pelosi Is Too Weak for Good Faith Negotiations "It’s going to be a very frustrating two years for Americans who were hoping the new Congress would get to work on healthcare. The “negotiations” over border security have failed, leading to the longest partial government shutdown in history.
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is too weak to negotiate in good faith, and favors securing talking points for her party in 2020 over sound policy to protect American citizens and vulnerable migrants.
"In constant fear of a far-left revolt, she is unwilling to compromise with President Donald Trump. The same is true of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., though his position is not nearly as tenuous as his counterpart.
"Democratic congressional leaders know it is easier to ensure their nominee has a broken promise to throw in the president’s face in 2020. They view The Wall as the political equivalent of “read my lips, no new taxes.”
"On Thursday, Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., released a statement calling on President Trump to use his emergency powers to secure funds to construct wall/border security funding.
"The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is widely known as a moderate compromiser, and yet he cited Speaker Pelosi’s untenable position as the reason he decided to support the president’s plan to declare a national emergency." . . .
Nancy's problem . . . "So Speaker Pelosi and her narrow House majority can do nothing at all, really, except fail to pass bills the president might sign into laws. But because statute-making has largely become superfluous, she will have the nominal authority as one of the leaders of the federal government, but she will have almost nothing at all to do.
"As new House Democrats see that they can deliver absolutely nothing to their constituents after Nancy has promised the nation that she will use the House majority to do great things, these new House members will be put in a difficult position." . . .
Nancy Pelosi: Trump ‘Manufacturing a Crisis’ over Wall Funding Fight

Angel Parents Deliver Message About The Border Crisis: ‘Ms. Pelosi, This Is Our Son’
. . . “ 'It really ticks me off, when I see Pelosi acting like a 3-year-old and saying that it’s fabricated,” Corcoran began. “Ms. Pelosi, this is our son, this is Pierce Corcoran. He is dead. His death is real. His death is real. It’s not fabricated. He died at the hands of an illegal immigrant. We’re upset about that. We feel that the government owes the American people better than what we’re getting right now. And it really just upsets us when we hear you saying that, basically, that it doesn’t matter. Well, it matters to us.”
Update: MSNBC’s Brian Williams mocks Pelosi, Schumer rebuttal: It launched ‘a thousand memes’ while they were still talking. . . "Williams asked former Democratic strategist James Carville why responses to Pelosi and Schumer’s remarks are “so bad' ' ”