Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez breaks with Democratic Party orthodoxy and decries the privatization of the Veterans Administration.. . . "The Phoenix scandal did reveal serious capacity issues and administrative wrongdoing, but it was not indicative of endemic issues. Numerous non-partisan studies have ranked VA health care as generally superior to the private sector’s, and the vast majority of veterans trust the VA to treat their ailments. In January, the Journal of the American Medical Association found that VA patients generally face shorter wait times for care than civilians in the private sector.
"Unfortunately, few on the left have crafted a coherent argument in defense of the agency, thereby allowing and, in some cases, abetting a slew of privatizing measures. In response to Phoenix, a bipartisan crew in Congress passed a hastily drafted law called the Choice Act, which outsourced millions of veterans appointments to the private sector and, ironically, resulted in longer wait times for veterans." . . .
Written by Jasper Craven, who also opined: The VA Is Socialism in Action. We Must Defend It From Privatization.
Sorry, Democrats, but Your Stars Are Socialists . . . "The fact is that the most compelling stars of the party are self-declared socialists with a knack for generating controversy and media attention, and with committed mass followings. Pelosi might wish it weren’t true, but poll numbers, fundraising, and follower counts don’t lie.
"Sanders is reliably second — sometimes first — in national and state presidential polling. He’s outraised everyone else in the field and, with his massive small-donor base, probably can continue to do so for the duration. More than anyone else, he has defined the Democratic party’s current agenda.
"It’ll be much harder to maintain that the Democratic party isn’t socialist if it nominates one as its presidential candidate, which everyone paying attention realizes is a real possibility. " . . .