"I think the answer lies on a fatal mistake that they made in the frenzied atmosphere of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Once they embraced the bullying tactics of the hard-left progs when applied to Trump, the GOP, and conservatives, they opened Pandora's box. The radical wing of the Democrats shouts the loudest and has been paid enough deference by the politicians of its party that the progs feel perfectly comfortable attacking any Democrats who do not hew to their extreme policy preferences. Having used bullies to attack their enemies, the Dems' political class are now being bullied themselves into expressing support for policies that will drive away the centrist voters to whom they must appeal in order to win the presidency.
"Not a single Democrat last night had the courage to stand up to this insane plan. Voters will notice."
. . . "It is hilarious to hear 20 persons boasting "I am the best" when their tirades and self-aggrandizement lacks substance and evidence. While laughing uproariously, we can reject them all.
I fear the silliness of so many people who vote. TD
Julian Castro Pounds the Table, Demanding Abortion for Men, Too . . . "It was not immediately clear whether Castro simply misspoke and made an unwoke gaffe by supporting abortion for a “trans female” — that is, a biological man who identifies as a woman — or had reached some transcendent level of wokeness by supporting tax-funded abortions in biologically impossible circumstances." . . .