. . . "The Nation magazine went so far as to attack General Barr’s involvement with The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, scorning the group for its role in defending the family-owned company Hobby Lobby for its stance opposing health insurance for abortifacient drugs and devices. No accusation could better encapsulate the fundamental flaw in the activist assault on religious freedom. Supporters of the Becket Fund know well that it is not interested in defending the rights of only a narrow swath of religious Americans. They have defended and will defend the liberties of Sikhs and Muslims, Protestants and Catholics, Mormons and Native Americans, of people of every creed or none, on one and the same First Amendment foundation: that our Constitution permits neither an establishment of religion nor limits on its Free Exercise.
"In the modern era, Notre Dame has been the site of major addresses by Catholic leaders, from Mario Cuomo to Henry Hyde to Mary Ann Glendon and now to Attorney General William Barr. This latest address takes its place among the others as a must-read for every thoughtful American."
"Chuck Donovan is president of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, the research and education arm of Susan B. Anthony List. He was legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee more than three decades, worked as a writer for President Reagan, helped lead the Family Research Council for nearly two decades, and most recently was a senior research fellow in religion and civil society at The Heritage Foundation."